Reverse Aging

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Re: Reverse Aging

Post by Merlin »

KriyaYogi wrote:Very cool. You are probably right, the NAP I'm using for this manifestation is a generic one, not personally imprinted with my emotions, it was one I got from youtube so a personally imprinted one like you guys would make probably would work quicker.

I've worked with sonics for five years myself. NAPs(passive sonics) and Mantras(active sonics). Have you guys considered using power languages (Sanskrit, Hebrew or Latin)? I have one mantra I have done about 3000-5000 hours, mostly while at work over 3 years and it can do some pretty amazing things like blow out electronics when I project it towards them, or charge up water to be stimulating like coffee. After a long time a singular sonic vibration builds up some sort of 'field' (resonance) around your body (EM field? Scalar field?) that can be consciously projected and imprinted with intent. The field continues to grow at an accelerating rate in my experience the longer you chant or listen to the sonic imprint (what I think you are calling the pounding effect Merlin).

To me though the 'holy grail of sonics' is physical healing because it gives you more time to do other sonics or whatever else you want, so that's why I started an entirely new mantra (NAP) for experimenting with it.
I don't think it's the technique that matters, whether it's NAPs or sonics or mantras, etc... what matters is if you managed to remove those LBs from your SM because if you don't no matter the technique you use, you may attract your goal but you will lose it back later.

Personally, I prefer NAPs to talk to my SM because I do this at night when my Conscious Mind (CM) is sleeping and the NAPs talk to my SM directly.
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Re: Reverse Aging

Post by KriyaYogi »

Yes thats true. I wasn't doing the mantra to remove limiting beliefs but, my primary mantra, after 2 years started changing my thought process. I started having thoughts like 'I cannot loose' and 'I always win'. 6 months later I started having visions of what I wanted to manifest while chanting it, and over the last summer the visions became intense, I would call them more aptly, hallucinations, at the level of intensity they are, like another reality layered over this one. I do agree there is a coupling between removing of limiting thoughts and supernatural ability/manifestation. I think this could happen with any NAP, when taken far enough. Still doing this mantra but focusing more on the rejuvenation NAP for now.
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