True story or hoax? The man from Taured

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Re: True story or hoax? The man from Taured

Post by wireman »

OK these syncs are displays of fracticality and when one begins to look for this in everyday life you will find it very pervasive-this understanding allows you to become aware of your intention,thoughts and naturally action..

At the end of the day, it is what you do that matters and what feeds the fractal base of a
greater organic dynamic..

wireman Cheerz Boyz and Girlz.. :SupNap:
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Re: True story or hoax? The man from Taured

Post by karatekid »

Merlin wrote:
MonsterLord wrote:
One guy asked him about this sasquatch or big foot thing and he said that they are not a joke, it's real, those sasquatches something shift their vibration and are coming in to our reality and then *POOF* they go back there.

Interesting Merlin, I've read a book which talks about the monks in Himalaya, and they said that big foot is in fact real, and he lives on ice mountains.

Hey wireman, I like you 8-)
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Re: True story or hoax? The man from Taured

Post by Merlin »

karatekid wrote:I've read a book which talks about the monks in Himalaya, and they said that big foot is in fact real, and he lives on ice mountains.
I don't think that they "live permanently in our reality" otherwise we would have trapped one of them.

What I believe though is that they are shifting temporarily a few seconds into our reality, wondering where the fuck they are and them *POOF* they go back to their original parallel reality.

As weird as it may sound, this may be the only "logical" explanation for these crazy apparitions that are unexplained. I mean give me a freaking break here, I know our planet is big but if there was a T-rex running on this earth, we would have found the fucker. :lol:

For example, I claimed very early (what can I say I'm a nerd :lol: ) that the Lockness Monster was not real because we would have seen his dinosaurs kind breeding in this lake, and even if he popped up for real in our reality, he doesn't stand a chance here because there are no female dinosaurs of his kind in our seas besides whales maybe :? so the myth is doomed to die anyway you look at it.

However, if his consciousness made him jump to our parallel reality or make him jump from time to time, then yeah, that would make sense. He lives in a real with lots of his kind then shifts over here to spook us then go back to his dinosaur reality.

I myself have been physical shifted in time and space so who I am to say that's impossible. :?

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Re: True story or hoax? The man from Taured

Post by MonsterLord »

Merlin I have been thinking something about ghosts.

As ghosts a lot of time seem "here but not here" kinda, could it be that rather than dead people, ghosts are simply beings from parallel universe that half-assedly slip into this reality for brief moments but do not slip completely and this is why they seem like ethereal or "real but not real"?

My niece when she was small had an experience where she lived in the appartment in a house, she said when she was like 3 - 5 year olds could see men going in and out of the walls or some shit and that they were construction workers and could see them climing stairs and all that.

Could it be that what she was percieving was a parallel reality where there really were construction workers making a real works in a real building but rather than paranormal stuff?
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Re: True story or hoax? The man from Taured

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:Could it be that what she was percieving was a parallel reality where there really were construction workers making a real works in a real building but rather than paranormal stuff?
I have no idea my friend. :lol:

Hmm how did I become a spiritual dude with all the answers. :?

Merlin :lol:
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Re: True story or hoax? The man from Taured

Post by DejaVu »

This conversation is extremely interesting to me. I often wonder about collective consciousness itself. For example, the more we know about the world and the physical boundaries of reality vs. supernatural, the more we are able to corroborate our universes with our companions. That means we share the same mindset when it comes to physical laws (i.e. you cannot fly, spontaneously combust, etc.). However, when consciousness was more disparate in millennia past, it seems reasonable that certain demographics were able to manifest an instanced or phased reality where, for them (zealot believers at the time trying to explain natural phenomena perhaps), a certain supernatural event occurred and was recorded.

However, as we progressively become more connected, it seems likely that supernatural instances occur less and less because the common knowledge that these events are impossible is more pervasive.

In the case of winged beasts, sasquatches, bigfoot, ghosts, etc. I have heard personal anecdotes from people but never witnessed any of them myself. However, I wonder if the immediate psychological response of fear and rejection on the part of the perceiver pushes these beings back into their realm. If beliefs were once more disparate and subject to different "laws" it would be easier for extra dimensional beings to exist or be brought about by the consciousness of groups that might agree with that existence. However, I think these events are rarer and rarer today because we generally agree as the human race that these events are impossible. Thus the emitted consciousness of our disparate groups has become more homogenous and physically bound.

I think fear and the intrinsic desire for safety plays a huge role in how society functions as a whole. For example, have you ever wondered when driving on the highway, "Why aren't there more accidents?" How is it possible for hundreds of millions of people to travel by car every day without getting into an accident. Is it possible the shared desire of different drivers corroborates with one another and this reinforces a reality in which both parties are safe. I read somewhere that immediately after the twin towers attack, several random number generators around the world became significantly less random. On the whole, people want to be safe and happy, and instead of our society turning into a dystopian 1984, we are approaching more utopian aims. Look at monolithic companies like Google and Apple. Imagine those companies in any science fiction novel of the past. Those companies which control so much technology are predicted by writers to use it poorly and selfishly. However, I think humanity itself is bending the trajectory of these and upcoming companies to shape a better destiny for humanity.

Obviously, I am generalizing for a specific portion of the developed world, because there are still fractious groups throughout our own nation and internationally that harbor very strong desires that manifest realities which conflict with our own.

I realize these are not completely substantiated, but I just find it interesting that while entropy is constantly increasing in the universal system, molecules became increasingly more ordered until they formed amino acids, then RNA, then DNA, then cells, then multicellular organisms, etc. It's almost as if matter itself has a consciousness toward building more complex and organized structures.

Food for thought.
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Re: True story or hoax? The man from Taured

Post by MonsterLord »

You have to understand there is no "conflict" in manifestation.
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Re: True story or hoax? The man from Taured

Post by Charmed »

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Re: True story or hoax? The man from Taured

Post by Raiko »

Could it be possible that a ghost is created from someone's Subconscious?If the dead person's loved ones believed in ghosts and when they died,they just started seeing little things that had no meaning (like ironically hearing sounds),they would think "its Henry's ghost"! Then it would be like a snowball effect with them just creating more and more things until they finally create and see Henry's ghost.As for people in " haunted houses",I'd like to believe that they heard that the house was haunted and got excited from it.And of course,they would believe it because it was probably told from someone of authority (past owner,neighbor,basically someone who we know wouldn't lie).They get excited fearfully or in an excited way.The emotion plus the Belief creates the ghost.But this is just me talking.
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Re: True story or hoax? The man from Taured

Post by Merlin »

Raiko wrote:Could it be possible that a ghost is created from someone's Subconscious?
Not just a ghost but EVERYTHING in your reality is created by your consciousness including people.[/youtube]

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