THe perfect right brainer video

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Re: THe perfect right brainer video

Post by Merlin »

James Sawyer wrote:Lots of right brainers are always railing against 'material' things and money :?
Right and I met many in 2008 at The Matrix Energetics energy seminar. It was costnig me $5000 to bring 2 people with me but I don't regret it I have a great time there.

One Man had a long beard and long blue dress with a big rainbow on it and told me that he was able to teleport. I laughed at him at the time but today I must say he was maybe telling the truth. :?

NEVER underestimate hippies, they have been tapping into this super power called Consciousness for all their lives so they are light years ahead of us. It was back then that I started to like...well ok like is big word but let's just say I started to be interested in those crazy right brainers and they blew my mind.

They look stupid but their not. It's kinda funny in fact because they are probably laughing at us left brainers. :lol:

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