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Re: For Merlin!

Post by TheAstonMartian »

I understand, but it comes little by little. With the 2-point, I think its more believable than attracting $10,000 in ten days since we are all supposed to know it. Its like the research which found out that all children can swim, but when parents get scared after putting the child in the pool, the child reacts to the fear. I understand that you have to believe, but even if you have a little bit of faith, you can go from there as long as you are consistent.

By the way, just brought The Divine Matrix from the library, so more education for me!
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Re: For Merlin!

Post by Merlin »

TheAstonMartian wrote:I understand that you have to believe, but even if you have a little bit of faith, you can go from there as long as you are consistent.
Of course, with a little bit of faith and practice you can build ANY skill but the reason I did research on the LOA and find a method to bypass The Doorman is that he slows down every belief you want to have or build.

Sure you can do a 2pt and get rid of tumors, the video from Braden showed what you can do when your belief is strong enough but I don't want to waste months or years building it.

So I don't do Matrix for now, I prefer starting with NAPs and try to build faster my belief that my 2pt will get rid of tumors before the end of this summer for example.

You follow me?

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Re: For Merlin!

Post by TheAstonMartian »

Yeah, I was just adding new Naps.
You get job offers in Instrumentation on a daily basis and are highly valued. Employers do their best to please you by offering you any kind of work that is best suited for you with high pay, benefits, and lots of perks.

You are always happy, and have high vibration. You do not judge the hologram and are loved by everybody. You are love. Life is beautiful and everything and everybody resonates in high vibration and frequency. You attract people who you want to attract, and are always satisfied.
On a side note, I just got a copy of the Divine Matrix from the library by Gregg Braden. He does talk about using emotions to reflect back on you so that's tricky considering that I am not as good with emotions. Maybe smoking weed would keep my frequency aligned.

Thanks for the pep talk a while ago. Its really inspirational. :)
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Re: For Merlin!

Post by Merlin »

TheAstonMartian wrote:He does talk about using emotions to reflect back on you so that's tricky considering that I am not as good with emotions.
Yep, I know, most men have this problem. However, this is THE step/pillar we must master unless it's good bye to all the things you want. :?

Kinda sad when you think of it. :(

The good news though, is that we seem to have arrived at the final destination and there are no more research left do be done, it's practice and practice again from now on until we find the right words in our metastory that will trigger the emotions while we record our NAP.

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Re: For Merlin!

Post by TheAstonMartian »

Merlin wrote:
TheAstonMartian wrote:He does talk about using emotions to reflect back on you so that's tricky considering that I am not as good with emotions.
Yep, I know, most men have this problem. However, this is THE step/pillar we must master unless it's good bye to all the things you want. :?

Kinda sad when you think of it. :(

The good news though, is that we seem to have arrived at the final destination and there are no more research left do be done, it's practice and practice again from now on until we find the right words in our metastory that will trigger the emotions while we record our NAP.

It depends man. The subconscious does not always have to rely on emotion, does it? It can just take words, and convert that into reality, right? I don't use emotions, but words to describe situations and that is why I would have made a good writer. I presume you are on the same boat as me. Since your first success story did not contain emotions, I think it will work depending on the people. That or you could try to watch porn before recording the NAPS to release some endorphins. Jokes aside, yeah it is really nice to be here.

As for the education, the theory is done but we get more and more inspired with the education. That is why I am still reading more books instead of applying for jobs. However, we must meditate to really get into ourselves and practice. This is one way to contact the higher conciousness and open some doors. Here is what a hypno-therapist told me.
To quieten the mind takes practice through meditation. There is a line in scripture that says, Be Still And Know That I Am God. The trick is not to try and force it. And to stop you falling asleep do not lay down, sit on a cushion in the lotus position, keep your back straight. Then concentrate on your breath. This will stop thoughts initially, then when the thoughts come, do not judge them or respond to them, just let them come and go. Eventually the mind will settle in the same way say any particles in water eventually settle down and become sediment and the water is then clear and transparent.
That's a start. From there on, who knows, maybe we will get all the tools and techniques to really make the universe our bitch. :twisted:
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Re: For Merlin!

Post by Merlin »

TheAstonMartian wrote:It depends man. The subconscious does not always have to rely on emotion, does it? It can just take words, and convert that into reality, right?
Yes and no. YES the SM records everything and not just emotions like the color of the door knob of your friend's house for example and NO, because you don't just project words, you project frequencies like a radio antenna and the telegram that tells your antenna which frequency to broadcast is called a belief, it is created in the conscious mind by a mix of the left and right brain and then it's sent to the heart for broadcasting.

You don't manifest door knobs because you don't send the frequency of that "goal" out to the universe. The minute you do it, you start attracting what you broacast. What you put out is what you get back. So to attract something you want, you need to create a belief and to do that, you must add emotions.

You can continue to read new stuff or meditate, been there done that and that's not my style.

Good luck,

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Re: For Merlin!

Post by TheAstonMartian »

Thanks. Right now I make my words audible and pleasing to the ears, but as far as emotions are concerned, I think as long as I am not in a raging mood, I should be good. But you give me a good idea. I think if we can somehow communicate with the subconcious, then we can do it. For instance, we associate some memories with emotions. If we can trigger that, then it might be easier. Check out Derren Brown below.[/youtube]
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Re: For Merlin!

Post by euphoria »

I've read a good share about OBE/NDEs, and as far as I understand it, they share some similarities, NDEs just seem to have more phases to it. The initial phase is the same, as they both start in 4th density.

This is just my own guess, but since we are not really the personification (ego) on the other side, but rediscover our true selves, we are controlling the soul as "first person view". Since the "higher self" is always on "the other side", it will always have a version there, independent of time and space.

As I've come to understand it the first part of the NDE/death transition is to let go of the beliefs that will stop you from proceeding into "the light". You still have parts of the ego/belief system which is still with you, and your point is to get rid of them. Your beliefs that stop you from "going into the light" will constantly get reflected onto you until you can let them go.
Such beliefs can be that you still have unresolved issues in this life and therefore don't want to leave it, you are trapped in fear of being judged by "God" and so on. Many people won't let go since they are afraid of a God is going to judge them.

If you watch people talk about their NDEs, you'll hear them speak of all kinds of different stuff they see (depending on beliefs). Notice how the circumstances change for them when they realize/let go of their death beliefs. The circumstances around them change and they can proceed working through beliefs.
I believe the point is to let go of "earth junk", so one can transition back to your "core" (either that or raise your vibration to rejoin the "light").

There's a Norwegian comedian (Norway's most known) who died twice (he became an alcoholic and went into coma), which is quite fascinating hearing about. He's not religious and have never really thought of there being a god.

The first phase started as an OBE where he constantly watched different scenarios of him dying in different ways. He says it doesn't hurt to die, it's just mildly annoying. Getting hit by a train, respawning somewhere else, getting run down by a car, etc. He then dodges a murderer with a knife and though "haha, tricked you!" only to get shot in the head from another angle right after. After some time he thought "well.. if I'm supposed to die, then I'll just have to die then". And the very moment he thinks/realizes that, there's a instant "scenery change" and far away he sees "the light" and is gradually moving towards it, until he is in it. The closer he gets, the warmer/the better it feels (I presume you move gradually so it won't be too overwhelming or something).

He can then see through his body (which you also can in OBEs, I guess you can in anything but 3rd density) and realizes "what I am bathing in now.. that is what I am made of!" and described it as extreme, pure love. "This is what I lack when I say I'm tired, exhausted", etc. "I'm the battery in the charger". Then he looks around and can see his deceased family and then he also see his brother which is still alive on earth.

The next thing was, the very worst thing you feel like you have done in your life they pull out and show you "this is what we love you the most for". "This is what I thought was the worst I had done, and they hurry up and show you - this what we love you the most for". After some of this, he understands that it's only him insisting that this is bad. Or wrong. He then gets that there is no good or bad, everything just is. There is no judgement. And then he can see through his life experiences and what he has experienced.

Then he gets the choice "do you want to go further or do you want to go back?"

And he wanted to go back since he wanted to expand his "film reel" of experiences.

The second time he dies (two days later) he skips the belief phase and goes straight to the light, meet his relatives again, and once again get the option "do you want to see more or go back?".

When he woke up from the coma the brother standing next to him said "THAT was a pretty close call, cause you died two times" and his immediate reaction was "Oh, HEY! So THAT was what it was! Was it 'dead' this stuff was? How incredibly awesome!"

I don't think those who decide to come back can see "all of it", only a glimpse, I've read some get to see different non-physical realities. I guess it depends on how much time you have ;)
TheAstonMartian wrote:
To quieten the mind takes practice through meditation. There is a line in scripture that says, Be Still And Know That I Am God. The trick is not to try and force it. And to stop you falling asleep do not lay down, sit on a cushion in the lotus position, keep your back straight. Then concentrate on your breath. This will stop thoughts initially, then when the thoughts come, do not judge them or respond to them, just let them come and go. Eventually the mind will settle in the same way say any particles in water eventually settle down and become sediment and the water is then clear and transparent.
That's a start. From there on, who knows, maybe we will get all the tools and techniques to really make the universe our bitch.
You are already that bitch ;) Meditation is TEH shit if it is done right. I have some back problems, so it's kind of hard for me to meditate sitting. That's why I usually meditate when I'm high, since I can relax easier and also drop faster into a meditate state (you're already in alpha if you can relax while high). I also find it easier to open chakras for this reason.

For one meditation feels incredibly good, makes you VERY energized and present. Second, it quiets your mind, which is win if you having racing thoughts. Because of this, it's easier to instantly retune to a relaxed "state of being" and being present in daily life which stops thought races and help you not get annoyed by stuff (feeding negative shit with energy). So it's good for not amplifying limiting beliefs.

Because of this you will even be more relaxed in dreams and therefore be able to get a lucid glimpse and ask yourself "am I dreaming?" and become lucid. Which you even can use to induce an OBE.

I can't really recommend meditation enough.. it just takes some days until you get it right. When you can't feel your body anymore, then you are doing it right. Depending on what meditation you are doing, you are "drawing in light" with your breath. This is pure energy which feels like pure, intense pulsating love. When the light is flowing, you can stop focusing on your breath and just "give in" to the experience and let the light take over.

I've had a couple of experiences with meditating on my crown chakra while high that has been above every thing I've experienced. I opened my crown, and every chakra gets gradually filled with light until it reached my root chakra. The light from the crown is flowing down like liquid. I then feel the energy continue down my feet, and I feel like my feet have roots. Then it gets very strong, I feel like I'm expanding internally and my heart is overwhelmingly spreading love. Every chakra is spinning strongly. I'm very firm and like a vessel between the energy from the universe and the ground/earth, and it completely fills and expand me. I also get erection (the root is filled with energy), very pleasant tingling in my head spreading downwards (this feels more like it's on the outside/skin). After it has full effect I have to snap out of it after 2-3 minutes because it's so overwhelming. I feel energized for days afterwards.

It's like emptying a cup and fill it up with pure awesomeness. Like being an ice cream and melt in a sun of love.

If you're new, I reccomend doing chakra meditation as it's usually very fast, just find a crown, heart or root meditation on Youtube (or the other chakras) and listen to it with a headset while you drop out and tune in to it.

You can also use brain entrainment while meditating such as lifeflow or holysync. These are supposed to help your left and right brain hemispheres synchronize and thus achieving 'whole brain synchronization'. In addition, old crap and memories are supposed to get pulled to the surface and being worked through, I've read people writing about having upheaval and suddenly remembering old memories from childhood. I haven't tried this myself though, but I sure intend to do so.
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Re: For Merlin!

Post by Merlin »

Here's another video about vibration related to parallel reality we are seeing now in front of us.[/youtube]

It also confirms that to change our reality we must have a mix of definitions or beliefs (pillar #3), emotions (pillar #2), thoughts (pillar #1) and actions (pillar #4).

Our emotions are important here because they send the SM the vibration we want to be in and the SM by sending it to the heart for broacasting, will make us vibrate 24/7 at this vibration and attract it.

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Re: For Merlin!

Post by TheAstonMartian »

For mah man, Merlin! It's interesting to read, but still gives us hope. We are in charge. :SupNap: ... ch-therapy" onclick=";return false;
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