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Re: For Merlin!

Post by TheAstonMartian »

I think the video below reveals some information. RIght now, I am in the middle of scripting, and it feels great to write it that way. I feel great joy. ... re=related[/youtube]

Question about naps. Does you belief changes slowly consciously, or is it only a change in the subconscious? HAHAHA, ANgelina is still hot. Alba is nice, but Jolie just seems more unique.[/youtube]

I can't help but appreciate her more as she eases up on the newbie interviewer. I think she is wise too. Check out 4:00 minutes into the clip.
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Re: For Merlin!

Post by Merlin »

There was a time where I would have told you to not think of suicide because as a left brainer, you think that there is no God, that you have one life and when you die everything stops but today I know that it's not true, you will just jump to another world in a much higher frequency than here on 3D word where what you want manifests instantly but where's the fun in that?

Ok fine, when you are broke and alone then it's nice to snap your fingers and have what you want and *POOF* it's there but wouldn't you get tired of that after hummm 2 days??? :? I know I would. SO you can say yeah but I will just reincarnate in 3D but here everything sucks and takes time. You need years to grow up and from 0 to 10 not much happens, it's school with bullies just to learn how to count and read/write and if you are unlucky, you have years that suck as a teenager and then a lot more years of highe school and college and even if like me you get out of college with your diploma, you can stumble into a recession like me in 1991-92 and end up staying at home alone with no money and be right back where you are right now.

I'm not saying this to make you happy but right now, you are a VERY LUCKY DUDE and so am I and everyone visiting or readin my ebook because we have find a way to be alone and not surrounding ourselves with tons of friends and party 24/7 but instead arriving to a place where we can learn from great teachers how life works and even getting to know the theory on how to attract what we want.

Bashar calls these years leading to 2012 as "the age of the end of the cycle of limitations" and those limitations are our own beliefs which are the cause behind a low or high vibration we are sending out to the atoms around us so by learning how to get rid of them or how to create new positive beliefs, we are about to have the time of our lives and finally remove or overwrite all those bad beliefs with new positive ones and live instead of just survive.

Everyone will tell you that it's not the destination that's the most fun, it's the journey. It's when your first NAP to make $5,000 works that your head is spinning and you bite in life like very few other human beings. It may be just $500, still starting the money journey is one heck of a nice ride, I know, I've been there. :lol: and it's worth waiting to get there.

The goal is to be patient and keep walking in that path, I believe that within the end of this year, we will have pretty much everything we want.

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Re: For Merlin!

Post by Merlin »

Yeah I like this video on frequency. You don't need to post them I have seen them all. 8-)

There is another one called shifting to infinity that you can search on Youtube.
TheAstonMartian wrote:Question about naps. Does you belief changes slowly consciously, or is it only a change in the subconscious?
Beliefs are not stored in your conscious mind but rather in your SUBconscious mind.

Here's a recap regarding frequency.

1- A left brain goal and right brain emotion create a new belief

2- The belief sinks into the subconscious mind

3- The SM sends out the belief to the heart

4- The heart converts the belief into electromagnetic field and sends our that very specific frequency

5- This new EM field of the heart affects the EM field of the atoms around you and the atoms changes in front of your eye (aka the collapsde of the wave function in Quantum Physics) and you jump into a brand new parallel reality like with Matrix Energetics where a 2pt can fix a scoliosis instantly so you jump from one reality where the patient is sick (low frequency) to a reality where the patient is healed (high frequency).[/youtube]

Clearer now?

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Re: For Merlin!

Post by TheAstonMartian »


Thank you for the pep talk. You remind me of myself a while ago when I used to help others out by giving advice. None of that was about LOA, or such as I think I was still a Muslim, or an Atheist. Yeah, I think I was a Muslim then, hahahaha! Just like you, I graduated with a diploma in the heart of recession 2008-now. I did manage a job after a while, but was told to let go once I did not fill up to the requirements. To put the icing on the cake, I had a crush on my co-worker too. However, if I hadn't lost the job, I would have been a scarce little individual who did not believe in anything as an Atheist, and who got extremely depressed for not having much to do after work (perhaps you heard about Fort McMurray which is an oil/gas town). I even called up a person I met on a forum to tell him about my situation, and how I missed the social aspect of my life which came at the sacrifice of my work. I am happy knowing that I escaped unintentionally, but I still wonder if I can get the girl. Ah, she is in my NAPS, so I don't worry.

You are an IT guy right? Montreal must be very rewarding to have that European touch and culture.

I will now quote you as to why I think there may be more than one hologram.
Question: I thought that when we speak about a holographic universe, it means we were all part of one big hologram.
Answer: That’s a very common misconception, but it simply can’t be true.
If neurophysiologist Karl Pribram is correct when he says the human brain is a holographic receiver and translator…

“The brain is itself a hologram… which mathematically constructs ‘hard’ reality by relying on input from a frequency domain.”1

…then there cannot be one big hologram.
If the physical universe we live in were one giant hologram that was shared by all of us, there would have to be one giant brain to receive it as it was downloaded from The Field and convert it from its natural wave state into particles we could perceive; and we would all perceive those particles exactly the same way. We would all see the same reality.
That, obviously, doesn’t happen. Each person, in fact, seems to see a slightly different reality than anyone else. In fact, our mental hospitals are full of people we call “psychotic” who see a very different reality than the rest of us.
(“Psychosis means an abnormal condition of the mind, and is a generic psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a ‘loss of contact with reality’…. People experiencing psychosis may report hallucinations or delusional beliefs.”2)
Standing in a room next to someone who is psychotic, you might see a pleasant, safe atmosphere. The psychotic, on the other hand, could see a torture chamber. That simply would not be possible if there were one big hologram both of you were perceiving.
It is possible, however, if you are each perceiving your own reality – a separate hologram downloaded to each separate brain.
A simple car accident, viewed by ten different people, can have ten different “realities” of what happened.
You could walk out of a restaurant and your friend could comment on how rude the waitress was, and although you heard the waitress say the same words, you thought she was fine and helpful.


“Who are you going to host your website with?”
“XYZ company.”
“What! Them?”
“Yes, why?”
“I tried them once. Horrible experience. They really screwed me up.”
“I’ve been hosting with them for ten years, always had great service, and they’re never down.”

There’s even a better example I assume has happened to all of us at one point or another. You see someone walking down the street and you turn to a friend and say, “Wow! Is that Brad Pitt?” And your friend looks and says, “He doesn’t look anything like Brad Pitt!” And you insist, “Yes! He looks exactly like Brad Pitt!”
So what happened here? When you look at the movies or pictures in a magazine, you see Brad Pitt one way, and the person you saw walking down the street looked just like that, to you. Your friend, on the other hand, sees Brad Pitt in movies or magazines differently, and also sees the person on the street differently, and therefore doesn’t agree with you. If we all lived in a giant common hologram – one big “holographic universe” – we would all see both Brad Pitt and the person walking down the street the same way, and there would be common agreement on how they look.
So each individual human brain receives and translates its own separate hologram downloaded by its own Infinite I from The Field. This, of course, is inherent in the truth “you create your own reality,” if we would just pay attention to what those words really say and mean.
By the way, do we get to manifest people on the other side? Suppose we miss a friend, can we just snap a finger and have that? I think it would be pretty fun, don't you? We get to drive Ferrari's, and have a virtual holodeck of everything. However, I very much appreciate the gift of this life too, and don't mind. I am close to 21 now, so I think I have lived my fair share of life.

The 2012 phenomenon is really interesting. Bashar said that two people who stand side by side will experience two different realities based on their willingness of 2012 and beliefs. Isn't that another indicator of individual holograms per person?
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Re: For Merlin!

Post by Merlin »

TheAstonMartian wrote:By the way, do we get to manifest people on the other side? Suppose we miss a friend, can we just snap a finger and have that? I think it would be pretty fun, don't you?
You have to step back and REALLY THINK about this and I think you are old enough to realize that but i'm not sure.

Instant gratification is what every kid wants. You snap your fingers and BOOM, it's there. They look at the candy bar and they will freak out and cry until they get it. However, adults know that even if instant gratification is nice, the fun is in the journey to get there. Maybe you do get it, maybe you don't but it's not having the millions in the bank and the girl on your lap right away that's fun although it's nice too but rather meeting her out of the blue and then slowly fall in love and in the case of money it's making $100 here and $2,000 there when things start to roll that the REAL FUN is.

Everyone with a little bit of wisdom will tell you that the more you wait for somthing, the better it gets when you get it.

If you want to have everything you want RIGHT NOW, then don't stay in 3D. Leave this body and when you wake up on the other side, you'll have what you want 2 seconds after. Not just my style.
TheAstonMartian wrote:The 2012 phenomenon is really interesting. Bashar said that two people who stand side by side will experience two different realities based on their willingness of 2012 and beliefs. Isn't that another indicator of individual holograms per person?
It's funny that the guy you quoted didn't figure out that yes, you can have multiple brains/consciouness and still have just one hologram but an hologram sooooooooo big that it can contain all the possibilities at once so that all those brains will pickup only 1 tiny little section of that hologram.

According to him, if there is just one hologram we will see all the same things hehe. sorry dude, not the case here. :lol:

Remember the CD analogy, you can have 10 different laser beams and still have no 2 laser beam on the same track. It's like a big radio with multiple headset plugs but each plug is connected and tuned to a different radio station. Everyone will still connect to ONE RADIO but everyone will hear a different song playing because everyone is connecting to the radio at a different frequency.

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Re: For Merlin!

Post by TheAstonMartian »

You have to step back and REALLY THINK about this and I think you are old enough to realize that but i'm not sure.

Instant gratification is what every kid wants. You snap your fingers and BOOM, it's there. They look at the candy bar and they will freak out and cry until they get it. However, adults know that even if instant gratification is nice, the fun is in the journey to get there. Maybe you do get it, maybe you don't but it's not having the millions in the bank and the girl on your lap right away that's fun although it's nice too but rather meeting her out of the blue and then slowly fall in love and in the case of money it's making $100 here and $2,000 there when things start to roll that the REAL FUN is.

Everyone with a little bit of wisdom will tell you that the more you wait for somthing, the better it gets when you get it.
I have been in this journey for a while and as a student of pick-up artist, and human psychology, I can atteast to that whole heartedly. I myself have experienced that phenomenon, and know it.

Yeah, but my whole life I felt helpless. I grew up limiting myself. Now that I know, I just can't wait to get what I desire as a form of reward to finally uncover the truth. As for the girl, she is more or less a girl next door rather than an eye candy. That is why she hasn't been attracted in first sight to anybody in her life (sort of weird), but at the same time is a very cool and calm girl. The time we spent, she never once sweared, and never demonstrated anger. I can have her as a girlfriend, but I know that she would make a great mother and wife, and for that I am willing to let go of my ego and angered past.

If you think that I will have her as my wife someday, and have a flourishing, successful job or business, then I would love to stand beside you when 2012 comes, and journey with you to make miracles happen. Even as I write, my parents have a big fight, and I think will split this time around. Before that, I want to split, and just move out but hopefully will find a job before then.
If you want to have everything you want RIGHT NOW, then don't stay in 3D. Leave this body and when you wake up on the other side, you'll have what you want 2 seconds after. Not just my style.
Yeah, but the enticing part is that you even get to come back and start over from the very instant you chose to quit. That is now very interesting though I think I won't take that route.

I think I am past that stage. The fear of pain, and failure alone are enough to even put that into consideration, but aside from that I think that I am more closer now to achieving than to suffering any more.
It's funny that the guy you quoted didn't figure out that yes, you can have multiple brains/consciouness and still have just one hologram but an hologram sooooooooo big that it can contain all the possibilities at once so that all those brains will pickup only 1 tiny little section of that hologram.

According to him, if there is just one hologram we will see all the same things hehe. sorry dude, not the case here. :lol:

Remember the CD analogy, you can have 10 different laser beams and still have no 2 laser beam on the same track. It's like a big radio with multiple headset plugs but each plug is connected and tuned to a different radio station. Everyone will still connect to ONE RADIO but everyone will hear a different song playing because everyone is connecting to the radio at a different frequency.

Wow! I never really saw it from that pov, lol. You are a really cool guy. I know of a woman who is giddy with your praises after I posted your e-book on PI. She lives in Montreal too. She goes by the name of Cobra0106 here, and if a big fan. Too bad I am the odd one out.

Anyways, I would love to hang out sometime in the future when I have enough to travel. Would love to see the man behind the work and inspiration, and have some champagne as we finally come out of it with full victory.


PS: Can we manifest people in the other side? Do those people react according to our perception, or are their normal selves?
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Re: For Merlin!

Post by Merlin »

TheAstonMartian wrote:I know of a woman who is giddy with your praises after I posted your e-book on PI. She lives in Montreal too. She goes by the name of Cobra0106 here, and if a big fan. Too bad I am the odd one out.
Yeah I know her, she lives north of Montreal. Her name is Sia (short for Anastasia). She also would like to meet me but 1 thing at a time, my priority is the mastering of this LOA, the social part will come later and you'll be there once we all get there together.
TheAstonMartian wrote:PS: Can we manifest people in the other side? Do those people react according to our perception, or are their normal selves?
According to the first nations, there is a very old prophecy called "the return of the ancestors" and they all believe that one day they will see them come back from the dead but the funny part is that they are not dropping their vibration to meet us in 3D, we are moving our own vibration up so who knows, maybe they are right and we will be able to raise our frequency to see them and say like the kid in the movie the 6th sense "I see dead people". :lol:

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Re: For Merlin!

Post by TheAstonMartian »

HAHAHAHAHA, I thought she was very protective of her identity. Yeah, why not? If I had a big fan, I would certainly meet up only to inspire me that I am on the right track. By the way, what did you not master? I thought NAPS were working great for you. In any case, if you have some free time to read another e-book, then you could try the one below. For 50 years, she won every contest and lottery. ... im-It-Game
According to the first nations, there is a very old prophecy called "the return of the ancestors" and they all believe that one day they will see them come back from the dead but the funny part is that they are not dropping their vibration to meet us in 3D, we are moving our own vibration up so who knows, maybe they are right and we will be able to raise our frequency to see them and say like the kid in the movie the 6th sense "I see dead people".

I meant when we die and are on the other side where we can manifest anything, can we manifest people who may be still living? In a way time won't exist, so I think the answer is obvious that we can, but can we manifest a parallel version of them. In one reality they may be harsh, so can we manifest them from another reality where they are good? I guess possibly, but who knows!

I think that is its hard being left brained, and that is why I want to try ways to become more right brained. You heard of the method where you cool down, and focus on the head chakra, right? From there, you calm the left brain, and then ask for visions on how to do something. Remember how Dr. Bartlett said that he was the poster boy for Ritalin, and had ADHD. Yet, he was still able to pull this off. I bet that he can even shift to parallel realities just by using Matrix Energetics.
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Re: For Merlin!

Post by TheAstonMartian »

Here is some inspiration for us.

Q: ... is it a question of waiting until I am evolved enough, so that I can re-enter that period and I can see it as graphically as I see this right now?

B: Well, in a sense. But it may also be, not so much the idea of needing to evolve, but simply reaching a point in your timing where that will serve some purpose in the life you chose to live now. And do recognize that if you have conceived of the idea, and it is something that excites you, that, in and of itself, might be an indication that now is the timing. So simply avail yourself of whatever methodology your imagination comes up with that you think would be an exciting way to perhaps, quote/unquote, achieve that; and simply play with it as often as you care to. Perhaps, one of those times, you will surprise yourself.

In other words, Bashar himself talks about just having the idea, and playing with it. So by using Naps, you played with it. However, I wonder what other ways you can play with an idea. I use Scripting to play with the idea.
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Re: For Merlin!

Post by Merlin »

TheAstonMartian wrote:so can we manifest them from another reality where they are good? I guess possibly, but who knows!
I don't know what really happens once we are dead. The people who have OBEs (Out of Body experience) or Near Death Experiences are not dead long enough to tell us what really happens on the other side.
TheAstonMartian wrote:You heard of the method where you cool down, and focus on the head chakra, right? From there, you calm the left brain, and then ask for visions on how to do something.
That's interesting, tell me more about that.

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