Research Update

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Re: Research Update

Post by Merlin »

Happy to see you both here but I don't have any news to give you, I'm sorry.

MT (Muscle Testing) is coming from the subconscious Mind because the SM is the one in charge of moving the muscles in our bodies.

I like playing roulette because I cannot influence the MT answer coming from my SM so now the question that I asked myself for the past 12 years or so is this...

If my conscious mind is not influencing my SM to move my muscles when I ask MT a question then... WHO IS?

The only logical but weird answer to that question is other forms of consciousness like the Higher Mind, Soul, God, etc...

If the answers my SM are fed by them is wrong then they have to be negative or evil entities.

I know it's crazy but to me it all makes sense. Everything/Everyone up there influencing my SM have to clear their LBs . You can call it an exorcist if you like, to me that's the same thing.

We have many layers of consciousness, and I think they ALL need to be cleared like us down below.

When I did my first NAP back in 2004, I thought that there was something holding me back, some type of curse because I tried many business projects and they all failed but when I did this NAP, everything exploded and I started making a lot of $$$$.

Then those same LBs pulled me and my finances back down and I lost it all back within a year or 2 proving to me that I was not wrong and there REALLY ARE LBs pulling us and finances down.

I KNOW without a doubt that something up there is wrong and it needs to be cleared. I just don't know how to clear LBs up there.

I am asking my SM using MT but I keep being trolled so I don't know what to do.

All the Money NAPs that I did after that failed except for those on health. If you have any suggestions on how to clean what's being dumped on us, please let me know because I'm running out of ideas.
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Re: Research Update

Post by justz »

I wish I had ideas.
I went back for the Cullinan book as I remembered I got the 4/7 but the forum is not available anymore so I couldn’t find what type of NAP I was doing when I got that. I wanted to go back to whatever worked. Even if not able to clean all LBs and get a huge goal at least get better in money and love area.
I’ve been doing goal only NAPs but they are not working but the pasts ones I’ve tried in the last 1/2 years don’t seem to have worked too. But I remember we had success stories while back when we were trying so that was my idea, go back to whatever worked even if we can only get small goals at least better the situation.
But since I can’t find out, I don’t have records, and I can’t recall as we tried so much, I don’t have any more ideas
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