Alright listen up, this could be one of my last post on this topic because I am tired of being trolled by MT so I hope this is true and my roulette results will confirm this if it's true.
What I'm getting is that the "upstairs cleanup" will be 100% complete at midnight tonight EST. This would explain the low vibration that we were in these past years.
Then the ascension of the humans from 3D to 5D will begin at midnight and last about 3 hours, this will also crash our vibrations.
You can call it a cleanup or exorcist, etc. but a cleaning NAP always brought us healing pain that is why we added the NSL (No Symptoms Line) back in 2013 to stop the NAP from making us feeling like crap everytime we started one. Remember that one?
So again, if it's true then the low vibration caused by the clearing of LBs will stop during the night and in the morning tomorrow, my roulette results should improve.
If not then all this will be another joke from whoever is controlling my Muscle Testing at my Subconscious Mind level but this time, I decided that it will be the last day that I talk about this cleaning of the high levels of consciousnesses.
If it's true then you should start to feel this 5D vibration and feel better in the next few hours/days and if not then we are back to where we are now and I will stop this Ascension research on Labor Day (Tuesday Sept. 2nd) because I am sick of this trolling from upstairs.
I wish you all the best and once again, keep your fingers crossed because this will be the last time I talk about Ascension of the human race unless something big happens but I will stop focusing on this topic starting tomorrow.