Here's what I posted near the end of that loooooong thread for those who missed it...
Basically, our Soul will be the one who accept or not that request that we are sending it regarding the desire to manifest a goal.MT told me that a HMR(Higher Mind Request) is aimed at the WRONG ONE. The HM can shift us to another track but ONLY after the Soul has given the HM it's authorization.
It's HUGE because what this is telling me is that all the HMRs I did in the past to clear my HM and SM, they were done for nothing because all I had to do is ask my Soul to shift me to the track where I manifest my goal. When my Soul approves of this request, HM can start looking in parallel realities for that track where I manifest my goal and dump the vibration of that track on my head here below.
I thought that all we had to do was to ask our Higher Mind but "nope"... since the HM still has to go talk to his boss (Soul) above its head for permission to shift our vibration and shift us to the track where we manifest our goal.
In other words, why waste time asking the HM to do something where he's not the one in charge who can approve or reject this request, when we can deal instead with the Soul and get the approval right away. The Soul (if the request is approved) will then send down the request to the HM to start working on it.
I say this because many of my HM requests have asked my HM to clear this or that LBs or to shift me to this or that track and nothing was done because my Soul apparently gave my HM different orders like staying on this track and not go anywhere.
Apparently, the Soul doesn't listen too much to the HM but does consider what the CM (Conscious Mind) below desires so what we have to do is go DIRECTLY to the Soul and then it will pass the order to the HM after.
So just to give you an idea of how these Soul Requests (SRs) will look like, we ask the same thing to the HM but by passing by the Soul instead.
Here's an example... I will refine it as I find new lines that looks promising
"Dear Soul, make me manifest _____________ by telling my HM to:
- Make me match and maintain 24/7 the vibration of the track, precise to the 36th digit, where I manifest this goal
- Clear 100% of the LBs and trapped emotions stopping me from manifesting this goal
- Make this request and manifestation a rush delivery"
You would say this once then wait 1 minute and say this a 2nd time and then wait another minute and say it a 3rd time and that should be it.
Keep in touch as new tests are done...