High Vibration HM Request

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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

VirgoShowgirl wrote:Hi Merlin !
Would you mind checking where I am Sabotage LB and other LBs wise ?
Thanks a lot !!
You're like Justz, you cleared the Sabotage LB but still have the other LBs to clear in the 4D.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Ok today might be the day that this research ends because if MT is right and I REALLY cleared the Sabotage LB, REALLY cleared ALL the LBs that I dragged in 3D, 4D and 5D and I REALLY am in 5D with no LBs holding me back... then when I do the HMR to plant PBs to start building my HM belief to shift me instantly to another track, I should see it works in the next few hours.

Right now I seem to be on the track 5.32 and to get the full HM belief, I need to do the Steps that I talked about many time to build that belief

- Step 1: Master roulette (Track 5.34)

- Step 2: Instantly Change Object's Color and Shape (Track 5.38)

- Step 3: Instant Teleportation (Track 5.40)

I did a HMR yesterday night to plant PBs to arrive at 5.34 and this morning at 7 AM I locked in to it. If this is true, I will master roulette this morning and then do a 2nd HMR to reach Step 2 at 5.38 and finally do a 3rd HMR to reach Step 3 at 5.40.

If none of this works then I still have LBs in me and will probably not be in 5D. If that's the case, then might as well close the books for good. :?

Wish me luck. 8-)
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by VirgoShowgirl »

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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Ok listen to this one. MT dropped a MEGA BOMB on me yesterday which would explain why sometimes HMR fail and why on other times, they barely start to work but end up fading away.

If you remember back in October and November, I always saw some progress around day 4-6 after doing a HMR on Monday so there is some truth about what I found out..

In my previous post, I talked about where I was in terms of reality tracks and the number that I got was 5.32 and also that I needed to shift to these other tracks below if I wanted to see those events (Track 5.34 to master roulette, Track 5.40 for teleportation, etc) so I did a HMR to reach 5.34 and well.. of course... it didn't work.

So I started asking MT about WHY it failed and the intuitive flash I got was "fine tuning" so I asked MT if it was about this and got a YES.

So I then asked if the HMR we do on Monday fail because they are not just "fine tuned" enough and I got a big YES! :shock:

Ok, that makes sense so now how can we fine tuned those HMRs to make them work every time and after asking a bunch of questions I finally got it.

Again, to win 16/16 at roulette I need to be on the 5.34 track but even that precise number is STILL TOO VAGUE for our HM.

Just to give you an idea, I asked my HM if he saw a parallel reality where I was getting this 16/16 and got a YES and then asked what it was and the number I got was not 5.34 but at 5.3435363758.

Get the point? :lol:

Now I know that most of you don't have MT or another method to get that very precise track/vibration number you need to be at if you want to manifest one day your goal but the good news is that you don't have to, you can instead let your HM find it for you. :mrgreen:

All you have to do is have a little conversation in your head with your HM. Ask him to look at all the other parallel realities out there and find one where you manifest that goal. Then ask him to remember the very specific track/vibration number of that moment where you manifest it.

Then, ask your HM to program the TLR/Astral Plane using this track/vibration number and ask him to make you vibrate at that vibration.

Then, it's a waiting game. The TLR vibration will drop into your SM eventually and your HM-SM will bring you to that moment where you manifest that goal because at that very specific track/vibration, that's what you do, you manifest that goal and nothing else.

In other words, some HMR requests started to work back in Oct. and Nov. because they were slightly precise but they eventually faded away because they were still not precise enough. Now we understand why. :geek:

The HMR was programmed in the Astral plane and came back down into the SM but the directions given in the HMR were not precise enough so your SM didn't quite know where to go exactly and that's why we got either no manifestation at all or the beginning of it and then it failed.

Anyway, this is what I am testing now.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by AgentSmith »

What about the sabotage belieft, transfering LBs from 4D to 5D, losing PBs - was that a lie again?
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

AgentSmith wrote:What about the sabotage belieft, transfering LBs from 4D to 5D, losing PBs - was that a lie again?

It makes perfect sense since LBs drag us down so you need to clear them all ESPECIALLY the Sabotage LB because that's the fucker that makes us shift to another track and start all over again and run in circles like we did for all these years.

When you clear all those LBs, you will naturally raise your vibration and move to 4D then 5D. Once they're all gone, you are free to plant PBs and attract your goal but just like I said in my previous post, if we don't ask our HM to find that very precise track/vibration of the moment where we manifest our goal and program it in the TLR, we will not manifest it or barely start to attract it.

By learning about clearing the Sabotage LB we closed the books on clearings LBs and now by planting super precise PBs/vibrations, we should close the books on planting PBs.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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I did a HMR to arrive at this 5.343536... vibration and apparently the rush delivery worked and the vibration is now down in the SM. I am also locked on this vibration/track too.

However the rush manifestation didn't make my SM start to work right now, it will take about 3 hrs which sucks but its better than the usual 3 days.

So around 3 PM Est. I will come back and play roulette. MT is telling me that being on the right track does NOT make you manifest the goal right away, it can take some time but in my case, it can take a few hours so if all this is right, if I'm really in 5D, have cleared the Sabotage LB and all the LBs I dragged from 3D and 4D and planted the exact vibration I need to be at to manifest that goal then I should start to win more and more all the way to the 16/16 moment and that's where I will arrive at that exact vibration.

Fingers crossed guys, this is pretty much our last chance. :?
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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MT is now telling me that the HMR programmed in the Astral came down in my SM around noon and I seem to be now at this 5.34353.... vibration where I get my 16/16.

However, the time of manifestation is based on belief, so I can't spin the roulette 16 times and expect to win the next 16 spins. Right now I don't believe it but I am on the track where it happens so all I have to do is play for a minimum of 2 hrs and I will see 3/16s and 4/16s and that's when I will believe that I am close and the whole thing will accelerate very fast after those 3/16s.

It's getting late now so I think I will play a few games for tonight and then be more serious about it tomorrow and play some more.

I keep asking MT those 4 questions and the answers never change...

Q- Do I have other LBs left to clear?

Q- Am I really in 5D?

Q- With the HMR I did this morning to shift to the track where I see 16/16, am I locked in on that track now?

Q- So then it's just a matter of time before I see this 16/16 manifest in front of my eyes?

So this is it guys, I have played all my cards now, I got nothing left to do but play roulette until I see better results. If I don't see any improvements by Wednesday night, then this research will end with a negative outcome but I believe that I have done everything right and that something good will come out of it.

Stay tuned and keep your fingers crossed.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

It's still not working so I asked MT...

Q- It failed because of LBs I didn't clear from the 3D, 4D or 5D?
A- No :?

Q- You mean there other things that could block roulette wins?
A- Yes :shock: :shock: :o :roll:

Q- Is this a joke?
A- No

Q- Besides LBs in the SM, what else could block wins?
A- Doubts and...Blocked Chakras :shock:

It took me a minute to clear doubts (about 3,000) but I noticed that I have some belly pain when I play roulette so I guess that must be the Solar Plexus chakra and got a YES but this one was fairly quick to clear, it's the heart chakra (3 Million+ blockages) that I've been clearing for the past hour now and I'm still not done yet so I asked...

Q- At each % all these 3 topics (LBs in the SM, Doubts and Blocked Chakras) block my manifestation?
A- LBs in the SM (17%), Doubts (16%) and Blocked Chakras at... 67% :o :shock:

Hmmm, interesting stuff. I didn't know chakras had such a power to screw things up.

Anyway, I will test this out and let you know if I see anything...
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by VirgoShowgirl »

Oh well, good news for me because I clean my chakras regularly !
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