What I just learned is that I needed to clear 5 other blockages in the brain-spine so that the energy/vibration of the desired parallel reality track can now go down from the HM to the brain and down the spine so that it can come out through the solar plexus and be then transferred to the merkaba.VirgoShowgirl wrote:Ok so I did a HM request to connect my solar plexus and merkaba, and about 10 minutes later I felt the pain too for a few minutes - coincidence ? Don’t think so !
Then when the merkaba gets which vibration to tune to *POOF* you INSTANTLY go there.
Remember this diagram? Well there is a flaw in it.
The energy of the reality does still comes down from the HM through the SM, brain and heart but it doesn't come OUT of the body through the heart, it's through the solar plexus where this vibration is transferred to the merkaba and it's the merkaba that matchs the reality with that vibration coming out of the solar plexus.
Don't know if it's true but it's kinda cool.
Even though I acquired all the 3884 PBs needed to see 2/16s on every game, only 88% of this energy was reaching the merkaba and I need the full 100% so I cleared those 5 issues and in 1 hour I should see 2/16s then 3/16s and so on all the way to 16/16 and 1 hour later change my room white walls to blue and then teleportation will follow 30 minutes after.
Now I have to take a screenshot of this post because it's still too funny for me to write all this crazy shit. If you would have told me 10 years ago that I would write one day this post, I would have told you to put me in a white padded room and throw away the key.