Bashar updates

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Re: Bashar updates

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:It is right there in the information I posted.
Cool so you read all his stuff so you know how he did it then?

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Re: Bashar updates

Post by MonsterLord »

Merlin wrote:
MonsterLord wrote:It is right there in the information I posted.
Cool so you read all his stuff so you know how he did it then?

In principle yes, he goes basically goes LD and from there goes to The Void.

Unfortunatly, he never described how to get to Focus 15 as he himself was taken by surprise by it. If he did...... well this research would be either over or near over.
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Re: Bashar updates

Post by jeromeec7 »

Ok my bad maybe i got mixed up with someone elses work but they share the same point. Here's something from a site.

One of the greatest things about F3 is that you can create your own lasting structures for others to visit or for you to establish a sort of Astral Home for yourself. It requires a little more effort to mentally create here but it can still be done, and many are doing it unconsciously, so why not give it a try? A great feature of this is that when you physically die, you will usually end up at this particular locale, so it’s sort of like creating a checkpoint for yourself, saving your progress so you don’t have to start at World 3 level 1 again :).

The Mental or Manasic plane briefly referred to in our last article once again becomes the border between F3 and F4. When a being is completely satisfied or comes to the conclusion that there is an even greater experience to be had, they will go through a transition phase of becoming aware of their true nature.

In this frequency range we are stripped of the notion of being in a body or having one particular mind, and become more expanded in our perception of the whole reality. We begin to see the big picture, review the karmic lessons we have learned throughout our personality experience, and begin to understand abstract knowledge as well as absolute truths. We cast off all of our limited beliefs about ourselves and enter a more enlightened state of being.

This is the template level reality, where concepts and ideas take form and are experienced as ‘solid’ objects to view objectively. This is where beliefs and light webs are created and where they vibrate to organize the lower vibrational frequencies into the experiences that resonate with them. Finally, if we bring our attentions and intentions to reaching where these templates are created while simultaneously releasing any attachment to what we’ve experienced thus far, we then find our notion of individual selves completely disintegrating. We become consciousness, limitless in movement and expression, complete subjective energy.

And so I thought it resides at F3 :S Really. No one really knows till we discover. I'll give it a shot again when i mastered the void
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Re: Bashar updates

Post by Merlin »

Guys this is a Bashar thread so if you want to talk about F1, F2, F3, I suggest you start another thread.

As for me, you already know I don't care about that, it's just cute information and I have a head full of that crap that leads nowhere so unless you managed to find a way to use his method to manifest a goal, let's move on here.
jeromeec7 wrote:I'll give it a shot again when i mastered the void
Yeah exactly, you do that and keep us posted.

Good luck :SupNap:

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Re: Bashar updates

Post by wireman »

Monster Lord vociferous in his reply states-Yes, he did manifest stuff in physical reality with The Void. It is right there in the information I posted.
MonsterLord Hey,

Damn now I have to reread, :oops: an interesting timeline change occurred on or about Sept. 2001.Don't laugh when I tell you the deciding factor, you ready for it-this involves a children's book. The book Berenstein Bears. After 2001 a name change occurred and became Berenstain Bears, :D Question here is who went through all the trouble and switched /changed up removed all the older books worldwide & subed -orchestrated the name change? phukin kool however this occurred and even why. :D

Parallel/ alternate timelines appear to be switched through human perception,makes sense correct, the problem lies in finding enough people to perceive and allow the timelines to merge and switch,so if enough people notice this event ,change occurs .It must have switched many times in the past as well, but we never really noticed, why, we did not have the ability to globally communicate as we have today. Back then few people noticed the differences thus not enough people were able to exchange ideas and sentiments.Some major events then ,in the US ,Pearl Harbor, & JFK's death .Both earth shattering paradigms.Of course these are merely summations on my part but still spell binding.

How would this affect us ,why as soon as more of us are able to switch on our personal NAPS we will all jump on the bandwagon(just a figure of speech)meaning we will all change our tomelines.

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Re: Bashar updates

Post by xcfastdude »

WTF they changed the name?? I need to go to my local library to check this ish out. Those were my favorite books as a kid. Used to have tons of them. Gonna check to see if I still have one laying around. That's crazy! I heard someone talking about those books today too but didn't pay attention to the whole conversation.
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Re: Bashar updates

Post by Merlin »

For those who missed the 1st part on Lucid Dreaming.[/youtube]

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Re: Bashar updates

Post by wireman »

Merlin Ehh,
He makes it sound so easy, the only bit of reality I found easy was attracting the ladies, not whinging, just that The Uni doles out only so much at a time, and you've got to really work smart for the rest if you want to succeed . :roll: However now we have his words!! 8-)

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Re: Bashar updates

Post by Merlin »

wireman wrote:He makes it sound so easy
Yeah tell me about it. :roll:

That has always been the problem with Bashar, lots and lots of "Cute Information" but very hard to replicate for most of us so we end up with the same reality over and over.

For them it's easy, but for us, with all our limiting beliefs, we can't do shit down here.

Oh well, at least now we know that there is a placed called "The Template Reality" or whatever you want to call it that we can reach during Lucid Dreams where we can design the events of the upcoming days that will happen in 3D reality when we wake up in the morning.

Yeah I know :? Very weird stuff but we will test this and see how it turns out. I sure will give this a try.

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Re: Bashar updates

Post by MonsterLord »

I hope we soon get the master permission slip Bashar was talking about, I don't expect it to be something jaw dropping, but at least I hope this is something that combined with all the other information we have gathered can be THE breakthrough.
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