jeromeec7 wrote:sigh, i've got lucid dream streak last month but it was before i learnt of frank kepples shit and recently i've been having dry spell. In frank kepple's focus point, the template reality resides on focus 3 which is a step higher than regular lucid dream though we can still program on lucid dream level.Another point he adds in the interview, he talks about the void/3d blackness , the emptiness where all spiritualist/shamans meditate to get that state. A state where we're just pure consciousness without body, you know you are in that space, u can see but cant at the same time. Its a huge vast of black space. Words can't describe. Whatever intent you put in there, it will come to manifest and its a launchpad to astral/spirit realm where the after death is. I've been in that state of emptiness before and I tried programming myself to lucid every night but I wasn't 100% lucid and focus then it failed T_T . I am gonna get back to it and make sure I lucid every F****** night so i can reprogram properly.
Jeromec, no, according to Kepple the Template Reality resides at Focus Zero or The Void, not at Focus 3, where did you saw it is at focus 3?
"Your perception creates your reality and is heavily influenced by your beliefs. You cannot get
around that. So the only real choice you have is to monitor very carefully the beliefs that you
take on board, so to speak. For your beliefs are, in a sense, creating your reality. So in true
terms, if you don't like the reality you are creating then change your beliefs. It's a little more
complex that that, because we do have interactions with others we need to take account of. But
that's the basics of it.
It is essential to understand that we do not co-create. We create our reality by use of our
perception. Our perception is a tool, if you like, that receives its reality-creating signals that are
filtered through whatever belief constructs we happen to subscribe to. Obviously, certain belief
constructs, such as gravity, are more influencing than others. So there are obviously influences,
but there is no co-creation.
The future is by no means "fixed in stone" . The future comes about as a particular mix of
probabilities you choose to bring into physical existence from Focus 2oC (which is where the Void is, right on the "edge" of Focus 2). The way you can start giving yourself a future
advantage, then, is to specifically create future probabilities that you wish to come about. The
place where you do this is in the Void, as it were. Rather than playing back the past, simply play
back your desired future. Realise I'm skirting over a LOT of detail here and I go into it much
more in my book. But all you need to do is use your imagination to create as detailed a scene
as possible, about whatever it is you want to come true for you. In doing this it helps to be
practical, after all, you don't want to be going against your existing belief constructs too strongly.
So if you create a reality where the next day you physically fly to the moon, then, chances are, it
will not come about as a physical reality.
I found this works best with small details.
Your perception creates your reality, but heavily influencing of your perception are all the belief
constructs that you currently subscribe to. This means you can easily get into a situation where
one part of you is happy to experiment and go along with the new process. But another more
commanding part of you is looking on with bemusement at what on earth you are trying to do,
and will actively resist any change in your internal status quo. So that's why I find it best to make
small incursions into the active reality-creation process. This is about where I am with this at the
Take a small area of your life where you may be having difficulties. Go to the Void, set the
scene and have the characters engage in a kind of stage-play. You will be the director of thatstage-play as well as playing the central character (which is a bit freaky at first but you get used
to it). Now direct the stage-play in accordance with your chosen directions. I'm not saying
absolutely everything you create will come true as a matter of fact. But the past year that I have
been experimenting with this, I have had circumstances regularly come about that were
definitely beyond coincidence.
We cannot help but be bound by our beliefs. Every AIC we engage within F1 relates to a
construct of one type or another. Our perception creates our reality and one of the MAJOR
factors influencing of our perception are the beliefs that we subscribe to. The key is to realise
that. So it becomes not a question of trying to get to a state where you hold no beliefs, no, it
becomes an exercise in being very careful about the kinds of beliefs you take on board!
Changing your beliefs quite literally changes your physical reality. You will hear many spiritual
"new age" types talking about how true change comes from within. Yes, that is true. But do
these people actually know WHY that is the case? Not really. It is because your perception is
creating your reality, not merely viewing it as virtually all people assume. And, as I say, the main
factor that is heavily influencing of your perception are the core beliefs that you hold.
So again, it's not a question of dropping all beliefs, it's a question of only taking on board the
core beliefs that influence our perception in ways that are beneficial, both to ourselves as
individuals and to society as a whole.
We engage in mass belief constructs that say it is alright for a child to have "imaginary friends"
and such like, but not adults. An adult we would typically call them "crazy" and such like, but witha child people typically go aww, the child is so creative. Many times people come on and talk
about the frustration of being able to remember being able to focus within aother areas in
consciousness as a child, but now they find it difficult.
At some stage they make a switch to become fully integrated within objective reality. This is a
case of adopting various mass belief constructs about what people typically call "reality".
Basically, the child learns what is, or is not permissable, and most simply fall into alignment with
it. Not all, but most do. People who don't we typically call schizophrenic, or one of the myriad of
other names we have for people who see and hear things that "aren't there". As this switch is
thrown, a kind of "veil" is placed between here and there, so to speak, and the individual
becomes fully immersed within the physical. When you choose to disengage physical focus,
you have the same transition but in reverse. There is an area of consciousness set aside for the
purposes of the transition action. In my Phasing Model of consciousness I labelled it focus 3 of
consciousness. The reverse transition is where you are shaking off the notions of objectivity
and adopting a subjective lifestyle again. Whereas when a person is "born" they have to shake
off the notions of subjectivity and adopt a fully objective lifestyle.
If you have heard people talk of some kind of up and coming "shift" in consciousness, then
what is meant by this is people are moving over to the idea of being immersed within objective
reality... while still holding an objective knowing of their actions within subjective reality. We are
at the beginning stages of that shift. Some people are calling it the beginning of a New Age and
all that gubbins. But basically, all it means is as I've described. No longer will we place a strict
"veil" between here and there. Not that there is really any here or there, I use these terms in a
manner of speaking."
Did you forget one letter are you missing an S. (LSD)
Checked out Bashars vid, all new to me, and since it is so phukin difficult in everything I attempt I'll incorporate this info into my psyche..This shiz fights me tooth and nail at every step,
So now I know what this void, blackness is about, been there. there was no fear on my part, just an amazement, and a WTF attitude. Me ,pat myself on the back,nah some SOB will pop me on my snotpump! if I were to try that.But thanx, uphill journey for us some of us will have it easier than others, but again once even one of us gets there than the others know what can happen, and can then hop aboard as the incentive and platform is there.
MonsterLord wrote:Frank Kepple on reality creation:
"Your perception creates your reality and is heavily influenced by your beliefs. You cannot get
around that. So the only real choice you have is to monitor very carefully the beliefs that you
take on board, so to speak. For your beliefs are, in a sense, creating your reality.
Cool, a guy who is like us.
MonsterLord wrote:The way you can start giving yourself a future
advantage, then, is to specifically create future probabilities that you wish to come about. The
place where you do this is in the Void, as it were.[/b] Rather than playing back the past, simply play
back your desired future.
I think you mentioned this void before right? We also talked about Zero Point but have you managed to master this?
I guess not since we would have heard about it.
MonsterLord wrote: Realise I'm skirting over a LOT of detail here and I go into it much
more in my book. But all you need to do is use your imagination to create as detailed a scene
as possible, about whatever it is you want to come true for you.
Ok go to the "void" during lucid dreaming (which is what Bashar calls the Template Reality) and then use our imagination to act a scene we want to manifest the next day in physical 3D reality (ex: jumping using our LTP skill or paint the walls a different color).
MonsterLord wrote: In doing this it helps to be
practical, after all, you don't want to be going against your existing belief constructs too strongly.
So if you create a reality where the next day you physically fly to the moon, then, chances are, it
will not come about as a physical reality.
I found this works best with small details.
Okay, so add new belief in small increments. No problem there since we already do that using our NAPs. Building up 1 belief at a time.
MonsterLord wrote:So that's why I find it best to make
small incursions into the active reality-creation process. This is about where I am with this at the
Alright so what have you found with this guy here regarding how to get to this void and change our template reality?
My reply was mostly to the guy who said Kepple said the template reality is Focus 3, is not, it is Focus Zero going by Kepple.
It is to note according to Kepple there is an even higher reality creation level: the elusive Focus 15 he only entered once, there it seems you can manipulate reality in LTP levels.
MonsterLord wrote:My reply was mostly to the guy who said Kepple said the template reality is Focus 3, is not, it is Focus Zero going by Kepple.
It is to note according to Kepple there is an even higher reality creation level: the elusive Focus 15 he only entered once, there it seems you can manipulate reality in LTP levels.
Yeah well focus zero, 1, 2 or 3 who gives a shit anyway, what matters here is if anyone of you learned enough info from this guy to enter and edit this template reality?
Cute information is not important here, RESULTS are.
Pack leaders no nonsense statement-!what matters here is if anyone of you learned enough info from this guy to enter and edit this template reality?
Cute information is not important here, RESULTS are.
True that, I'm sure someone will manage a breakthrough, with such a task master at hand,
I'll damn sure be relieved as well, for all our sakes.Ton of work has been put in on this puzzle and it's long overdue to be solved, as I mentioned this shiz has been fighting me from the beginning, doubt I am as frustrated as you, but the chase does keep me motivated. Never have heard of this kepple dude, of course there is much I am unaware of,what are his accomplishments,thus far, I wonder,no time yet to research for myself,sorry for this, try to check this out in a week or so if all are to busy..Holidays coming up, damn what happened to this year,just whizzed by.
wireman wrote:Never have heard of this kepple dude, of course there is much I am unaware of,what are his accomplishments
Yeah good point, I've been asking myself the same thing here.
Did this Kepple guy manage to enter his Focus zero, 1, 2 or 3 Void level to manifest something in 3D reality yet?
Nothing wrong with finding a new guru but I don't want to be disappointed like I am with Bashar. Again cute information that sounds lick ass means nothing to me anymore if I cannot turn this around and use to to REALLY change something in my reality.
Merlin wrote:
Yeah good point, I've been asking myself the same thing here.
Did this Kepple guy manage to enter his Focus zero, 1, 2 or 3 Void level to manifest something in 3D reality yet?
Yes, he did manifest stuff in physical reality with The Void. It is right there in the information I posted.
He also according to him met with aliens from parallel universes and told him the drive they use to go to other universes. Going from what I could get, they use "non-physical energies" to put their craft into the F3 or the so called "astral world" where space and time are not real, then they go to where they want to go and once they are there they once again come back to the physical in the location they want.
Though they did it through technology, it is implied this can be done too by individuals without the need for technology.
The true key and breakthrough seems to lie in the Focus 15, which he described as a physical state (this set it aside from all others he experiences) in which time is stopped and he could physically travel back in time multiple times. He only encountered that state once though and didn't knew how he got there.
Unfortunately there is not much more info than that in the subject, he just disappeared and no one knows what happened to him, a prevalent theory for his sudden disappearance is that he died.