5D Ascension... the new LTP?

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Re: 5D Ascension... the new LTP?

Post by MonsterLord »

Meh, I share the same sentiment as you, as long as I get to my goal it is okay.
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Re: 5D Ascension... the new LTP?

Post by MonsterLord »

For those who want a description of the 5D here it is, according to what perhaps is the most focused work on ascension:

"A part of you is already on the fifth dimension... The rest of you is about to catch up. Life on the fifth dimension is very different from what you experience now. Space, time, obstructions and limitations play a large part in your life today. That will not be the case in fifth dimension. In Lightbody, you will know who you really are: a pure loving being, united with all other beings as part of the Source, but still sufficiently individuated to be able to say another being "We are both the Source". At higher frequencies concepts like "we" and "both" are meaningless. You will know who you are in terms of your incarnations across time, what you're learning from each and how each is a bold and daring mission through which the Source learns more about itself. As Spirit, you automatically broadcast what you learn through all frequency bands, so that your discoveries can be enjoyed through direct cognition. That's why each tiny detail of your life is so important: you are a discoverer and explorer for the entire universe.
In fifth dimension you will be a master of creation. Your thoughts will be instantly manifested as objects, music, art and other exquisite forms to be enjoyed by other fifth dimensional beings. The textures, colors, sounds and materials you will have at your disposal will be literally unlimited. If you are musically inclined, you will be able to create an organ with a range and depth of tone beyond anything on the physical plane, because it doesn't work by moving air about but by amplifying your thoughts and emotions. If you're artistically inclined, the colors available to you will not be limited to pigments which reflect and absorb visible light. You will paint with light itself, impressing your vision directly onto the multidimensional space that you create. You will create your own place to live as a meeting point for your fifth dimensional friends, a place that is every bit as real as your physical plane home. The only difference is that you can redecorate it with a thought and change the view by your intent. You will be able to have a lot of fun trying on different body types. At that frequency, your body is pure thought projection but, again, every bit as real to you as your physical body is now. You will be able to project body of one of your favourite incarnations of either sex. You will make love with infinitely more sensation than with physical bodies. You will even be able to project an off planet body. What you can do will be limited only by what you want to do and what brings you joy. The most significant difference is that, being free of any fear based frequencies, you express the pure unconditional love of the Source. There will be no barrier between you and the Source and the indescribable exstasy that comes with that."
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Re: 5D Ascension... the new LTP?

Post by Merlin »

Kinda cool stuff huh? :D

Maybe we should do a NAP on 5D ascension. Hmmm :?

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Re: 5D Ascension... the new LTP?

Post by MonsterLord »

I doubt a 5D ascension NAP would work, if the LTP didn't, but I could be wrong.
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Re: 5D Ascension... the new LTP?

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:I doubt a 5D ascension NAP would work, if the LTP didn't, but I could be wrong.
yeah me too because if it exists, this 5D ascension will be dealt at a much higher level then the CM and SM but what do we have to lose.

Again the goal is to have LTP powers so why not try. :?

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Re: 5D Ascension... the new LTP?

Post by MonsterLord »

Merlin wrote:
MonsterLord wrote:I doubt a 5D ascension NAP would work, if the LTP didn't, but I could be wrong.
yeah me too because if it exists, this 5D ascension will be dealt at a much higher level then the CM and SM but what do we have to lose.

Again the goal is to have LTP powers so why not try. :?

Well you could argue that the 5D NAP may work because it is suppossedly already incoming, so I guess by doing it you would have a "HM boost" so to speak.
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Re: 5D Ascension... the new LTP?

Post by Merlin »

If it's really coming then that NAP could make sure we don't miss the bus when it comes.

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Re: 5D Ascension... the new LTP?

Post by MonsterLord »

Merlin wrote:If it's really coming then that NAP could make sure we don't miss the bus when it comes.

Or the NAP may BE THE BUS.
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Re: 5D Ascension... the new LTP?

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:
Merlin wrote:If it's really coming then that NAP could make sure we don't miss the bus when it comes.

Or the NAP may BE THE BUS.
Could be.

At least we are close. Because if you read closely you own article, it's ALL about raising our vibration and we all know we have the best tool to do that.

We just need to reach that vibration somehow. :?

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Re: 5D Ascension... the new LTP?

Post by MonsterLord »

When we pull it off, do you plan to look the same as you do guys now?
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