what do you believe in?

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what do you believe in?

Post by frontiermarine »

i was watching this debate of Bill Nye the Science Guy and a creationist about science vs religion the other day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6kgvhG3AkI" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; very interesting and i'm just curious on what other members believe in ,do u believe in the bible?evolution?personally i just believe in an intelligent mind that created everything but i dont believe in the bible,but i do respect other people's religions and beliefs
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Re: what do you believe in?

Post by Merlin »

frontiermarine wrote:i was watching this debate of Bill Nye the Science Guy and a creationist about science vs religion the other day
If you like this stuff then watch the first minutes of this movie "What the bleep do we know...". It was one of the movies that helped me put the last nail in the religion's coffin for my pov.

frontiermarine wrote:personally i just believe in an intelligent mind that created everything
Yeah same here but not a "Human" God that looks like gran'pa who can't put a foot in front of the other without getting an hernia. I prefer a version of God that would be like the energy behind Atoms because everything (people, animals, plants, rocks, stars and planets) is made up of these atoms but what gives them their energy? And this is where this God figure would come in.

I remember in a College Philosophy class, we had to read a book from a Dutch philosopher named Baruch Spinoza. He had and interesting way of seeing it. Basically if you would have a transparent cube and you would suck out all the air out so no more atoms of Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide would be in it, then this "emptiness" inside the cube would be God to Spinoza. It's the "support" and the creative source of every atom.


I got a clue that religious was totally fucked up when I grew up poor and my dad kept saying that money was evil and I saw my friends with better bikes, cars, video games, trips to Disney World, summer homes, etc... things that we couldn't get and I was thinking what was sooooo bad about having money?? :? Look at all the nice things we could have had, are all my friends dad so "EVIL"??? :?

Needless to say, when my research on the LOA kicked in, I was about 21 and I started understanding that it was our beliefs that created our reality so I quickly realized that I was poor because of my negative limiting beliefs that I got from my dad and he got his from his parents who got them from their parents and so on.

I think that religion got their power from FEAR (you do this or you are going to hell for an eternity :shock: ). Thank God (no pun intended) religion started to fall apart in the early 60s when they lost 95% of the people going to church each week.

Nothing bad with going to church but they said "enough with the fear and the mind control", we will now take charge of our lives and we will live it the way we want it.

Good thing they did. :SupNap:

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Re: what do you believe in?

Post by Perun »

frontiermarine wrote:i was watching this debate of Bill Nye the Science Guy and a creationist about science vs religion the other day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z6kgvhG3AkI" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; very interesting and i'm just curious on what other members believe in ,do u believe in the bible?evolution?personally i just believe in an intelligent mind that created everything but i dont believe in the bible,but i do respect other people's religions and beliefs
I'm an orthodox Christian (Catholic, though I don't consider the denominational adherence as something important for salvation). I'm from Europe where pretty much every Christian believes in evolution. I first had heard of creationism seven years ago and was surprised that something like that exists, but with America, there always has to be something exceptional.
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Re: what do you believe in?

Post by MonsterLord »

I believe GOD (As in the source of EVERYTHING that exists not just a single universe) is the Consciousness permeating everything.

What I don't know is where matter per se comes in. Because we never interact with matter going by this research, but just observe it through different frames.

This of course would mean that as each of us have consciousness we are part of GOD.
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Re: what do you believe in?

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:What I don't know is where matter per se comes in. Because we never interact with matter going by this research, but just observe it through different frames.
Think of a block of ice in a microwave oven, it looks solid because the ice has particles of matter that are VERY CLOSE to one another. Boost that vibration using heat for example. You got atoms that are less close to each other and that creates water. Add more energy and you got steam which are the exact same amount of atoms but less close to each other because the vibration is higher.

Conclusion: there is NO SOLID MATTER. Everything is just a DIFFERENCE IN VIBRATION SPEED.

When the vibration of the object is low and I mean REALLY LOW (ex: diamond), the atoms are close to each other and when this happens, nothing can passes through because the atoms are so tight so everything that will try to pass through will hit an EM field that will push it back.

So when your consciousness shift to a frame where the vibration of the water is very low (ice) then the information of this frame tells your Consciousness that if you hit your fist on it, it will hurt and squeeze all the atoms of your hand because it will try to push through that block of ice but it won't so it will be stopped right on it's track.

When your consciousness shift to a frame where the vibration of the water is very high (steam) then the information of this reality frame tells your Consciousness that if you hit your fist on this cloud, it will not hurt your hand because it will easily push through it.

My happy hippie friends told me well before Bashar that everything was light and information and it looks like they were right.

It's not like there is solid matter but the information that is attached to each frame of reality tells us at which vibration each object is vibrating and also tells our consciousness which object will hurt if we try to break it with our fist and which object will be cold, hot, soft, etc.

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Re: what do you believe in?

Post by MonsterLord »

I see, so rather than "matter" it seems all there is is like the information in a CD so to speak that tells our computer to generate for example the image of a house in a movie, or soldiers shooting in a game?

However my confusion arise from the difference between the laser and the CD. GOD as I understand it would be the aggregate of all these mini-lasers (consiousnesses) reading the CD, but what about the CD? The CD should be part of God as well, but then how is the laser differentiated from the CD if the CD and the laser is "made" so to speak from the same stuff? Or does the CD and the laser have different natures?

Also it naturally brings many disturbing implications that at times make me doubt about Bashar.... because if this is true is too crazy and I mean even for me which is a big bar. For example since we can imagine Zeus throwing thunders from the sky...... then it means there is a reality where a god named Zeus really exists and ruled (or rules) the entire planet.

While amusing here we don't find a problem, just like how we can already imagine a reality where Superman is real....... however here comes the messy part and I hope not to be blaspheming by saying this or offending anyone:

Then it means that there is a reality where a supreme being really exists as imagined by religions. This means there is a reality where really there is a God that looks like a bearded old man seated in a throne in the clouds ruling everything, all realities included. The problem is that this dude IS as painted by the religions, Supreme and this is true in that reality. Then we enter a contradiction, because the GOD who is everything would still encompass this being, but how can it be? Because by definition the guy in that reality is supreme so there shouldn't be anything above him/her. But it also gets more messy, because it means there is a reality where the Supreme Being as imagined by every religion is true, but if it is true then the other supreme gods in other realities shouldn't exists because well there can't be by definition more than one being that rules EVERYTHING.

Then we also get into disturbing stuff, for example there is really a reality where people are sent to an eternity of suffering because they believed in the wrong religion.

Though who knows, perhaps that the high-end cosmic spheres there are rules we aren't aware of.
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Re: what do you believe in?

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:However my confusion arise from the difference between the laser and the CD. GOD as I understand it would be the aggregate of all these mini-lasers (consiousnesses) reading the CD, but what about the CD?
Then again there is no way for me to prove this to you so all I can say is what Bashar have said and here too I can't prove that he is right. We might never know in fact and even after we die we won't know for sure because who knows if there isn't another level of illusion created by another God creating the God and all the consciousnesses (dead or alive in this 3D game) that we know.

Anyway, back to Bashar. According to him the DVD where ALL the possibilities are present is called THE ONE but just like a DVD, it doesn't know what's in it until another part of it can read it and this is where The ONE splits itself into a 2nd that is called ALL-THAT-IS which would be ALL the different consciousness watching and getting a life experience different from all the other sub-division of ALL-THAT-IS like the OVERSOULS and SOULS.

So THE ONE provides all the reality frames that you can think of and your consciousness which is a sub-division of ALL-THAT-IS is reading those 3D frames and getting something out of it different for other people because you vibrate at a different speed so you are seeing a different "DVD Track" and unique frames that only you have seen and experienced because you were the only one tuning yourself at that specific and unique vibration.

This is where our LOA and NAP research come into play here.

If you don't like the reality/track that you see, then you need to add or remove a belief and that will change your vibration and that will make you see a different set of frames or if you prefer, a different track on the DVD of life therefore extracting a different life experience.

As for Superman and Old white beard God, they are ALL part of the DVD because whatever your laser consciousness wants to see or can imagine, it will only find it inside THE ONE. You might think you are on a totally different universe where in this one there is a Superman and then shift to another universe where there is an old due in the sky controlling everything but are ALL part of the same DVD, just on different track of the DVD so to speak.

Here's Bashar on The ONE and how it creates all those realities.


For me, I couldn't care less about after life or whether there is a God or not because RIGHT NOW in this 3D Earth Game, there is NO WAY for us to know and prove any of this so all I care at the moment is the switching of the reality tracks so that I can have the life that I want in this 3D reality.

One day I will be dead and wake up and get more info but right now, it's useless to think about all this unless you want to discuss forever and even then it leads us nowhere. Like I said in the past, you can go down the rabbit hole once in a while but you have to come back to the surface once in a while because you have a life to live up there and that's where I'm at.

Religion and Science are just BELIEFS. We know that a new information can TOTALLY make our present beliefs fall apart. Like when they discovered that the earth was not flat, etc...

And who better than us here on this forum to know how EASY (well sort of :? ) it is to change a belief.

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