Anyone on this forum ever atsral projected before?

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Re: Anyone on this forum ever atsral projected before?

Post by MonsterLord »

It is important to note that Bashar doesn't flat says "Its not you" he says "Its not REALLY you", which imply that it is at some level but refering to the obvious fact that it is not him in the reality and vibration he is experiencing right now. At least this is how I understand it.
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Re: Anyone on this forum ever atsral projected before?

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:It is important to note that Bashar doesn't flat says "Its not you" he says "Its not REALLY you",
True but clear enough to tell that there is a difference between the 2 versions and difference means that when 1 jumps in the other reality, a difference will remain and THAT is the part that bugs me.

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Re: Anyone on this forum ever atsral projected before?

Post by MonsterLord »

Even if there is the difference would not be noticeable. My guess is that the difference is simply that even that version of you is just your version of that other you, in your reality.

Since all that matters is experience and mastering this provides the capacity for unlimited experience. I don't see why it can't be both. Shifts that integrate the perspective that should be relevant to this "new you" and shifts where your memories, knowledgement, etc. remain intact you just know you shifted to another reality.

Just like in dreams we can have dreams where we have different memories and dreams in which we have the same memories and knowledgement about the enviroment we would normally have, just that we are in a new enviroment.

This is how I answer to myself these kind of doubts.

When I have doubts "Can this happen in manifestation? Can this be done?" I ask myself "Can it be done in a dream?" if the answer is yes then I know it has to be yes in a hypothetical scenario in which reality shifting has been mastered.
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Re: Anyone on this forum ever atsral projected before?

Post by Merlin »

That's why I don't go too deep and go back "to the surface" because we can talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and we will never have one single answer on this topic until we either talk to Bashar or teleport ourselves and find out this way.

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Re: Anyone on this forum ever atsral projected before?

Post by Serris »

I emailed somebody, and this is the reply!


Thank you for your email. I would be happy to address your question.

There are many people that tend to lump astral projection and out of body experiences. The truth about astral projection is that there is no actual "projection" involved. In order to travel the astral realm an "injection" is required. To further clarify, when we speak of what is termed astral projection, we are not speaking of an out of body experience.

Authentic astral travel on the other hand requires an injection into the inner realms of existence. When you travel astrally, you are in fact traveling dimensionally - from the physical dimension you are familiar with to other less vibrationally dense realms of existence.

In the astral realm, time / space and self all operate under completely different rules. A moment in the physical realm could last a lifetime in the astral realm. Changes can occur instantaneously and experiences with beings native to these realms are common.

In essence, authentic astral travel involves release of your personal innate metaphysical abilities. Each person expresses metaphysical abilities which will be unique to the person’s individual nature and focus. Therefore, your astral travels will be unique in nature and the realms you experience will be an expression of your individuality. This is how astral travel actually occurs.

Everyone is very different. You will develop your abilities based on your personal growth requirements and in tune with the rate of energetic progression you are capable of at this point in time. With continued use, your energetic capacity will continue to flourish as will the nature of your experiences.

I hope this was helpful to you.

Be well,

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Re: Anyone on this forum ever atsral projected before?

Post by wireman »

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