If it is that, then we are pretty much screwed.... The whole point is to shift from an unwanted life experience to a desired one where your goal exists. Acknowledging that there is another parallel "rich" me will only lead to more pining.MonsterLord wrote: I thought that shifting reality, was a physical thing not just a "Oh, now I know how this me in another reality lives, while I remain in this reality."
Saw Bashar last weekend!
Re: Saw Bashar last weekend!
Re: Saw Bashar last weekend!
Don't worry about that.Ionian wrote:Acknowledging that there is another parallel "rich" me will only lead to more pining.
Like I said to MonsterLord the other day, when you manifested a new car in the past, did you see another version of you standing next to the car saying "Hey dude, congrats for shifting to my reality where I have the car"?
Not really right?
That's because you are taking the place of the other you that is in that new reality and not appearing next to him otherwise we would constantly have another version of us next to us now and now and now again because like Bashar said, we are shifting now, we are shifting now, we are shifting NOW.
Whether there really is another version of us that is rich right now, we will never know but we can be sure that when we arrive in that reality, we will kick him out.
Re: Saw Bashar last weekend!
Right, but what Im saying is that on the soul level, the soul sees all this versions of ourselves equivalently and maybe Bashar is telling us to acknowledge that fact. That means that each version of us will be a guinea pig for the soul, and that from a "self" level we never really shift...
Re: Saw Bashar last weekend!
Why couldn't we just shift from 1 guinea pig reality to the next?Ionian wrote:That means that each version of us will be a guinea pig for the soul, and that from a "self" level we never really shift...
Re: Saw Bashar last weekend!
say that we do... so we shift to the desired reality where we have the goal. So your perspective jumped from Merlin A (with the crappy life) to Merlin B (with the good life). Since Merlin A still exists in a parallel reality, wouldn't he want to shift or do something wouldn't he pine for better results? What Im saying is maybe we all are Merlin As while the Merlin Bs have already shifted and they are having a good time In other words, with your 100 channel example, could all the other 99 channels be just as important and "real" just the one playing on your screen?
Re: Saw Bashar last weekend!
True but you won't feel it when the shift occurs.Ionian wrote:say that we do... so we shift to the desired reality where we have the goal. So your perspective jumped from Merlin A (with the crappy life) to Merlin B (with the good life). Since Merlin A still exists in a parallel reality, wouldn't he want to shift or do something wouldn't he pine for better results?
For example, there is Merlin who has cancer and just wants to do a Cleaning NAP to jump where I am without cancer even though I am not rich. So basically there will always be versions of you who suck and would CRAVE to have the life that you have now.
And if they manage to jump to that present reality you are in right now, then are you feeling them as we speak? Because I don't. So why would the rich Merlin notice me when I jump into his reality. I think he won't either.
If tomorrow I see 10s of Merlin in my house all happy to be in this crappy reality Humm... I will let you know alright?
From what I heard from Bashar, I don't think so. Remember in Quantum Physics the "collapse of the wave function" where an atom is everywhere when you don't observe it well those other you would be those "UNcollapsed wave functions".Ionian wrote:could all the other 99 channels be just as important and "real" just the one playing on your screen?
Now I don't know if this means that all those uncollapsed realities are being experienced by another version of me observing it or not but it looks like the main channel is the one that is being observed by your consciousness.
- Posts: 993
- Joined: Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:33 am
Re: Saw Bashar last weekend!
Here Bashar talks about dreams and reality:
"Bashar: Physical reality is your dream. Literally!All is a dream, and all is real. Dreams are real. Reality is a dream.It is all one and the same thing. The only thing that makes it appeardifferent in that way, is the different definitions that you give tothe different dreams. Physical reality: A dream with the illusion ofsolidity, to the exclusion of all other dreams consciously. That iswhat physical reality is. It is no different than the dream reality,in which you allow yourself to reconnect to in your sleep state.Those are real scenarios, real realities. Now! When you awaken, youmay not always interpret the situations, experience you had in thedream reality, literally the way it happened, because, your outeraware consciousness, in thinking that this physical reality is nowthe real reality, will choose the symbols it is familiar with, torepresent the experience you had as best as it can, in the non-physical reality. But real it was. Represented to some degreeaccurately it can be. But what your dreams are, are alwaysrepresentations of an actual experience. You are very busy when youare dreaming. Your lives do not stop. They go on, in many differentways, in many expanded ways.The way you usually think of the idea of a dream, and the way youusually think of the idea of your physical life as being more realthan the dream reality, can be turned completely, 180 degrees, as yousay, around, to let you know, that in a sense from the dream reality,physical reality is, what appears to be the limited dream and thedream reality, the non-physical reality, is, what is the mostexpansive and ecstatic of experiences. And when you “wake up” to yourhigher self, the act of waking up in physical reality is in many waysthe act of a portion of yourself going back to sleep. Isolatingitself. Limiting itself. Confining itself to a specific dream, withspecific reasons, and specific functions and specific limitations.Usually, of which allow you to forget that the dream reality is,where you actually were far more awake in many ways than you are inthe physical reality in which you think you are bright and wide awake.Now! This is, as we have said, the transformational age, and whatthis transformation means, is that you are beginning to wake up tothe fact, that you have been asleep, in many different ways, when youthink you are awake. You are now beginning to allow yourself to know,that the dream reality and the physical reality is no longer on thishand, on that hand – this or that. It is one and the sameexperiential reality. One and the same! With slightly differentdefinitions to how you allow yourself to experience it. So! What willbe a result of your allowance that you will literally begin to live,physically live your dreams. You will know that physical reality is adream and therefore can be recreated in any format you wish.Physical reality is very malleable, very malleable! But because yourphysical reality dream contains the belief that it is not, then youdon’t experience it as such in a conscious way even though youexperience it all the time. Every single moment of time, you arealways – now pay attention! – every single moment of time, which isalso your creation, you are recreating your e n t i r e physicaluniverse over and over and over and over again! Totally! Yes! Theentire physical universe. Yes! The infinite unlimited entire physicaluniverse – is absolutely at any given moment a completely newuniverse! That’s how change occurs. It is as if you have; the analogyof the frames, the different frames upon a roll of your films. Itonly appears to be a fluidly continuous motion. Motion is anillusion. Nothing really moves. Nothing goes anywhere. Nothing comesfrom anywhere. The idea, of the physical channel’s hand, moving fromhere to here, is – the re-creation of different states of an entireuniverse to create the illusion of a motion within that universe.Recognize, what this truly means. It means that at any given moment,based upon whatever you have been taught to believe, is thedefinition your universe must be re-created in, that is the way, youruniverse will be created, over and over again.As soon as you understand, that you do not necessarily need to haveall of the intervening moments in order to go from this creation, tothis creation, then you will speed things up! Things will accelerate,not because things in a sense are actually moving faster. Things willaccelerate, because you are creating less time! You are creating lessdiscrete recreated universes in between “Universe A” and “UniverseB”. You will simply not need universes all in the middle. You will beable to manifest miraculous ideas, instantaneously as soon as you arecompletely aware that the universe you are experiencing at any givenmoment is only the universe as you define it to be in that moment,based upon what you believe you are capable of defining it to be inthat moment. So when you are willing to expand your definitions, whenyou are willing to remove the structures, the habitual rituals, thatyou have been taught to believe in so strongly in your society, whenyou are willing to replace these ideas, with new belief systems, newperspectives and new points of view, new definitions, your universewill be as expansive as the new definition you place upon it.Because! All is vibration! The idea you are, is the vibration youimpose upon the universe and that is the reflection you get back.Totally based upon what you have been taught to believe is thereflection that is most likely the reflection you can get back. Onlyyour definitions create any limitation you think you experience. Youare unlimited creators!! And I mean that literally! We are not havinga simple philosophical discussion here, we are talking actualmechanics, actual physics.The vibration you are, is the reality you experience. Change thevibration, change the definition, change the reality! It is thatsimple!Now we recognize, that any so called illusion of difficulty that youmay have in allowing, notice that I did not say making your realitychange, I said, allowing your reality to change, only comes from thefact, that you have been taught to believe that it is difficult tochange the reality you are in. Only that belief creates thedifficulty in the change. Only that belief!! There is no such thingas an inherently difficult-to-alter situation. No such thing! Changeis the only stable constant in the universe. Things always change,when you allow them to, and know that if you are a certain vibrationyou will allow the change only in the direction of the vibration thatyou are, than all that you will ever experience in your life, is thereflections of any idea you are willing to boldly believe you can be,at any given moment.Is all of this translating clearly to you"
An interesting point however, I don't understand this:
"Every single moment of time, you arealways – now pay attention! – every single moment of time, which isalso your creation, you are recreating your e n t i r e physicaluniverse over and over and over and over again! Totally! Yes! Theentire physical universe"
Okay...... isn't it supposed that all realities ALREADY exist? So how is that Bashar says we are CREATING everytime the entire physical universe?
Merlin-Sama, any insight on this?
"Bashar: Physical reality is your dream. Literally!All is a dream, and all is real. Dreams are real. Reality is a dream.It is all one and the same thing. The only thing that makes it appeardifferent in that way, is the different definitions that you give tothe different dreams. Physical reality: A dream with the illusion ofsolidity, to the exclusion of all other dreams consciously. That iswhat physical reality is. It is no different than the dream reality,in which you allow yourself to reconnect to in your sleep state.Those are real scenarios, real realities. Now! When you awaken, youmay not always interpret the situations, experience you had in thedream reality, literally the way it happened, because, your outeraware consciousness, in thinking that this physical reality is nowthe real reality, will choose the symbols it is familiar with, torepresent the experience you had as best as it can, in the non-physical reality. But real it was. Represented to some degreeaccurately it can be. But what your dreams are, are alwaysrepresentations of an actual experience. You are very busy when youare dreaming. Your lives do not stop. They go on, in many differentways, in many expanded ways.The way you usually think of the idea of a dream, and the way youusually think of the idea of your physical life as being more realthan the dream reality, can be turned completely, 180 degrees, as yousay, around, to let you know, that in a sense from the dream reality,physical reality is, what appears to be the limited dream and thedream reality, the non-physical reality, is, what is the mostexpansive and ecstatic of experiences. And when you “wake up” to yourhigher self, the act of waking up in physical reality is in many waysthe act of a portion of yourself going back to sleep. Isolatingitself. Limiting itself. Confining itself to a specific dream, withspecific reasons, and specific functions and specific limitations.Usually, of which allow you to forget that the dream reality is,where you actually were far more awake in many ways than you are inthe physical reality in which you think you are bright and wide awake.Now! This is, as we have said, the transformational age, and whatthis transformation means, is that you are beginning to wake up tothe fact, that you have been asleep, in many different ways, when youthink you are awake. You are now beginning to allow yourself to know,that the dream reality and the physical reality is no longer on thishand, on that hand – this or that. It is one and the sameexperiential reality. One and the same! With slightly differentdefinitions to how you allow yourself to experience it. So! What willbe a result of your allowance that you will literally begin to live,physically live your dreams. You will know that physical reality is adream and therefore can be recreated in any format you wish.Physical reality is very malleable, very malleable! But because yourphysical reality dream contains the belief that it is not, then youdon’t experience it as such in a conscious way even though youexperience it all the time. Every single moment of time, you arealways – now pay attention! – every single moment of time, which isalso your creation, you are recreating your e n t i r e physicaluniverse over and over and over and over again! Totally! Yes! Theentire physical universe. Yes! The infinite unlimited entire physicaluniverse – is absolutely at any given moment a completely newuniverse! That’s how change occurs. It is as if you have; the analogyof the frames, the different frames upon a roll of your films. Itonly appears to be a fluidly continuous motion. Motion is anillusion. Nothing really moves. Nothing goes anywhere. Nothing comesfrom anywhere. The idea, of the physical channel’s hand, moving fromhere to here, is – the re-creation of different states of an entireuniverse to create the illusion of a motion within that universe.Recognize, what this truly means. It means that at any given moment,based upon whatever you have been taught to believe, is thedefinition your universe must be re-created in, that is the way, youruniverse will be created, over and over again.As soon as you understand, that you do not necessarily need to haveall of the intervening moments in order to go from this creation, tothis creation, then you will speed things up! Things will accelerate,not because things in a sense are actually moving faster. Things willaccelerate, because you are creating less time! You are creating lessdiscrete recreated universes in between “Universe A” and “UniverseB”. You will simply not need universes all in the middle. You will beable to manifest miraculous ideas, instantaneously as soon as you arecompletely aware that the universe you are experiencing at any givenmoment is only the universe as you define it to be in that moment,based upon what you believe you are capable of defining it to be inthat moment. So when you are willing to expand your definitions, whenyou are willing to remove the structures, the habitual rituals, thatyou have been taught to believe in so strongly in your society, whenyou are willing to replace these ideas, with new belief systems, newperspectives and new points of view, new definitions, your universewill be as expansive as the new definition you place upon it.Because! All is vibration! The idea you are, is the vibration youimpose upon the universe and that is the reflection you get back.Totally based upon what you have been taught to believe is thereflection that is most likely the reflection you can get back. Onlyyour definitions create any limitation you think you experience. Youare unlimited creators!! And I mean that literally! We are not havinga simple philosophical discussion here, we are talking actualmechanics, actual physics.The vibration you are, is the reality you experience. Change thevibration, change the definition, change the reality! It is thatsimple!Now we recognize, that any so called illusion of difficulty that youmay have in allowing, notice that I did not say making your realitychange, I said, allowing your reality to change, only comes from thefact, that you have been taught to believe that it is difficult tochange the reality you are in. Only that belief creates thedifficulty in the change. Only that belief!! There is no such thingas an inherently difficult-to-alter situation. No such thing! Changeis the only stable constant in the universe. Things always change,when you allow them to, and know that if you are a certain vibrationyou will allow the change only in the direction of the vibration thatyou are, than all that you will ever experience in your life, is thereflections of any idea you are willing to boldly believe you can be,at any given moment.Is all of this translating clearly to you"
An interesting point however, I don't understand this:
"Every single moment of time, you arealways – now pay attention! – every single moment of time, which isalso your creation, you are recreating your e n t i r e physicaluniverse over and over and over and over again! Totally! Yes! Theentire physical universe"
Okay...... isn't it supposed that all realities ALREADY exist? So how is that Bashar says we are CREATING everytime the entire physical universe?
Merlin-Sama, any insight on this?
Re: Saw Bashar last weekend!
Very cool post, it deserves it's own thread.MonsterLord wrote:An interesting point however, I don't understand this:
"Every single moment of time, you arealways – now pay attention! – every single moment of time, which isalso your creation, you are recreating your e n t i r e physicaluniverse over and over and over and over again! Totally! Yes! Theentire physical universe"
Okay...... isn't it supposed that all realities ALREADY exist? So how is that Bashar says we are CREATING everytime the entire physical universe?
Merlin-Sama, any insight on this?
As for your question, I kinda answered it in my last post to Ionian just above yours.
Remember in Quantum Physics the "collapse of the wave function" where an atom is everywhere when you don't observe it well those other versions of you would be those "UNcollapsed wave functions".
Now I don't know if this means that all those uncollapsed realities are being experienced by another version of me observing it or not but it looks like the main channel is the one that is being observed by your consciousness.
In other words, everything is just infinite possibilities but only one can be experienced in physical reality because the atoms need the consciousness observation (aka beliefs) to collapse the atoms.
So by jumping from 1 parallel reality to the next one every second, we collapse all the atoms in this new reality everytime we arrive there. It would be the equivalent of removing the light of the projector from 1 frame (uncollapsing that reality) and then light up the next frame collapsing it into visible atoms.
So all the other parallel realities would be DVDs stacked up on the table but ONLY 1 can be read by the player laser and only 1 frame at a time too.
That's how I understand it.
- Posts: 993
- Joined: Sat Mar 16, 2013 12:33 am
Re: Saw Bashar last weekend!
So it would be like when we place a Star Wars DVD, that the DVD is literally creating in the screen (by reading the DVD) entire planets, galaxies and the whole universe with starships, etc.?
So when Bashar says we are literally creating the entire universe second per second, is just like how the DVD is literally creating all those stars we see in the films frame per frame?
I have thought about this, I think that these movies "beliefs" are thoughts, so anything that can be thought already exists in a reality. This has led me to think that we don't really "come up" with our thoughts or create them in a sense of "out of the blue and it was totally inexistant before I thought it up" but that these thoughs already existed in God, and when we have a thought, what we are doing is that we are summoning these thoughts.
In the same way that a dream (well when we are asleep) is an immersed thought, our reality seems to be the same but with beliefs, so beliefs are these DVDs we summoned to be able to play then in our 3D screen as physical reality?
So when Bashar says we are literally creating the entire universe second per second, is just like how the DVD is literally creating all those stars we see in the films frame per frame?
I have thought about this, I think that these movies "beliefs" are thoughts, so anything that can be thought already exists in a reality. This has led me to think that we don't really "come up" with our thoughts or create them in a sense of "out of the blue and it was totally inexistant before I thought it up" but that these thoughs already existed in God, and when we have a thought, what we are doing is that we are summoning these thoughts.
In the same way that a dream (well when we are asleep) is an immersed thought, our reality seems to be the same but with beliefs, so beliefs are these DVDs we summoned to be able to play then in our 3D screen as physical reality?
Re: Saw Bashar last weekend!
Yup.MonsterLord wrote:So it would be like when we place a Star Wars DVD, that the DVD is literally creating in the screen (by reading the DVD) entire planets, galaxies and the whole universe with starships, etc.?
So when Bashar says we are literally creating the entire universe second per second, is just like how the DVD is literally creating all those stars we see in the films frame per frame?
Until there is an observer (with belief's frequencies collapsing the atoms all around us), there isn't an universe to be observed and it remains all infinite possibilities.