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Re: General Disscussion

Post by MonsterLord »

Do you think its okay if I stick to the "Everyday I feel and realize more and more my existence as unlimited energy on the quantum and every level and that my reality is just a projection." or I should start with something smaller like removing the purple spots below my eyes?
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Re: General Disscussion

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:Do you think its okay if I stick to the "Everyday I feel and realize more and more my existence as unlimited energy on the quantum and every level and that my reality is just a projection." or I should start with something smaller like removing the purple spots below my eyes?
Well after all the discussions we had in the past weeks, if you don't believe that you create your reality then sure, go ahead with it but I think by now that like me, you are convince of that fact so no need to implant a belief that you already have anyway.

So I would start with the spots below your eyes. Remember physical changes are the toughest limiting beliefs to change after the topic of money which is the one with the most amount of limiting beliefs by far so get ready to wait MONTHS here to even start to see something change (don't forget to add Cleaning NAPs which will certainly speed up the process).

Just follow The 6 Steps mentioned in The Complete NAP thread here: ... f=6&t=1048

However, once this step is done, you will have implanted a new belief regarding physical change in your SM and from that point on, other physical change NAPs will build up on that one and the manifestation will speed up on each one.

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Re: General Disscussion

Post by MonsterLord »

Is it an absolute law that money changes are the hardest? Or it varies from people to people?
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Re: General Disscussion

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:Is it an absolute law that money changes are the hardest? Or it varies from people to people?
I don't think so. I think that the majority of humans will have more money limiting beliefs than any other topic combined. Unless you were born rich but very few are.

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Re: General Disscussion

Post by MonsterLord »

I doubt its considered even more difficult than teleportation, and technically that would enter within the "physical body changes" if you believe in what Bashar said that location is a property of the object rather than what we understand as location.
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Re: General Disscussion

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:I doubt its considered even more difficult than teleportation, and technically that would enter within the "physical body changes" if you believe in what Bashar said that location is a property of the object rather than what we understand as location.
How many times in your life you thought "I don't have the money for this"? 100s if not 1000s of times right? Now how many times have you said "I can't teleport"? Not too often right? Well physical changes is like teleportation, it just have very thin limiting beliefs, not ones that are stacked on top of another pile and another pile that you built for decades like money.

Don't know about you but I have desired at least 100 cars in my life and not just Ferrari and super hot sports car but even basic ones and I haven't manifested any of them so I have a limiting belief pile as high as the Empire State Building about money but regarding teleportation, I even experienced something like that a few years ago so all I know is that it's possible to jump in both time and space but it's not something that our conscious or even our subconscious mind can do here. Those 2 only hold the limiting beliefs that NAPs can remove, after that, our Soul/HM/Consciousness will take charge and make us do the shift.

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Re: General Disscussion

Post by MonsterLord »

If teleportation is easier, couldn't that be used to get da money, rather than trying to manifest money itself?

Kinda like teleporting to a parallel universe where you are Bill Gates or something? I mean, technically you are not manifesting money, you are just moving to another place, just like an immigrant leaves his/her home country in search of a better opportunity.

Even if your money limiting beliefs are so low that all you will do is plummet the money you have there, the ammount is so ridiculous that most likely you won't manage to destroy it before the expiration of your natural lifetime.

I mean if its easier to teleport, then couldn't that be used as a shorter route?
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Re: General Disscussion

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:If teleportation is easier, couldn't that be used to get da money, rather than trying to manifest money itself?
Hehe good point. :D

Yeah I think so. However, I still think that we will need some type of communication system to talk to our HM before each teleportation so that we don't see a failed attempt as a total failure of our ability to teleport, it's just that it was bad timing and we need to remove the limiting beliefs we have to get in touch with our HM to know that the failed attempt was just bad timing.

Anyway, all this is pure speculation, we need to do NAPs on all these subjects and then we will see how hard they are to manifest.

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Re: General Disscussion

Post by MonsterLord »

Update: I used the "realize Im energy and quantum particles NAP" and well I had a dream......... a dream is a good sign because it means it pierced in the SM right?

Well the dream is at it follows:

Yesterday I was with my niece watching an Iron-Man cartoon. Well I had a dream with that cartoon, but during the dream, Iron-Man while trying to get his suit I was there and basically said "I will help" but I actively withing the dream tried to transform my body into energy and quantum particles! and while it didn't completed while I attempted the transformation by body did started to glow and de-materialize in a blue-ish energy and I felt the particles trying to break-away and release the encased energy! I am sure the reason why I didn't accomplished in the dream, was because I had doubts as well as because I ceased to attempt the transformation.

Yes I know just a dream, but its a good sign, I had a dream about my NAP right? Or not?
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Re: General Disscussion

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:a dream is a good sign because it means it pierced in the SM right?

I think that the biggest obstacle to teleportation is the limiting belief that says that we are only our bodies and once the body is gone, there is no head and no brain left to put back the atoms back into place at the end destination and that we will need some type of teleportation pod and tons of computer power to do that.

Dr. Ron Mallett has done teleportation on sub atomic particles but we all know that there are no computer strong enough to store the location of all the trillions of billions of atoms. We already have 75 trillions cells and each cell is made up of trillions of atoms each so this is why I think that scientists who work WITHOUT the consciousness will fail because we will not have the computer power to match that.

The REAL power here to put atoms apart and back together in a different location is our consciousness. I don't want to implant a new belief about how I want to control this thing, I know I don't have the brain power for this, I just want to get in touch with that part of me (soul/HM, etc...) that made me jump through time and space and let it do that again but at will and on my command not out of the blue like the other day when I was near the bridge close to my home which totally took me by surprise..

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