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Re: Soul discussion

Post by MonsterLord »

Even if its so, I want to learn it myself or well at least have the chance to do so. My issue is that this journey to me I feel, I don't know if its true, but I just feel that it can abolish the "impossibles", I really feel that.

If there are things the HM will refuse to you, then ultimately there are impossibles. And we haven't explored the grimdark aspect of it Merlin..... what if the HM decide that the best thing for you is to live 20 years in poverty to learn a lesson? And if so, even without the SM or even with the SM mastered, then it would happen because according to the HM is the best for you.

Then, you haven't considered that with such a level, such a level that the SM has been completely subjugated, then you could simply ask to be teleported back in time before that happened, so ultimately in your personal reality there is no danger........ oh but if the HM decide then its the best for you "to learn from this" and decide to block you from teleporting back....... so now you as well got another "you can't do it, no matter what you do" from your HM.
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Re: Soul discussion

Post by Merlin »

master6040 wrote:so in a sense it protects u?
Yes an no. From what I have learned, the HM is there to make sure you follow the karma that YOU as a soul before your birth has decided to live during this incarnation so if your karma is to screw people over like Madoff did then your HM will not stop you and even help you at doing what you came here to do.

Remember that everyone projects their own personal reality so it doesn't mean that the people he screwed are also projecting this reality too, they may be projecting another reality where they never met Madoff and their bank account is still full.

Do you see how twisted this is?

Everyone projects the reality that matches their karma and you attract the parents that will dump you the perfect amount of belief to make you attract this reality. For example, if my dad didn't have all these limiting beliefs about money and he would have been rich, I would have NEVER got into the LOA research so because this LOA research seems to me MY KARMA, I had no choice but to choose the Dad that I have to get the shitty poor life that I have to help me at finding all the piece of puzzle of this LOA so that I can flip this poverty karma on it's head.

Like Bashar said, the role of karma is to turn darkness into light or in my case, poverty into wealth.

Here's 2 clips on the Higher Mind and Karma...[/youtube][/youtube]

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Re: Soul discussion

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:oh but if the HM decide then its the best for you "to learn from this" and decide to block you from teleporting back
Ok first of all the HM wants the same thing you want, it's like the twin version of you that is between your Soul and your physical body. I heard Bashar say one time that the HM will suffer the arrows that the physical mind shoots himself in the foot with. So the HM always wants the best for you but the main role is to make sure you are safe too just like your SM does but without the fucked up negative beliefs here and also that you follow the the destiny you have decided to have here on this incarnation.

For example, you ask your HM do you know the 3D coordinates of Time Square in NY and using MT your HM says YES. But when you ask him to teleport you there now, you get a NO. So of course you start bitching right but what you don't know is that there is a truck who is about to hit the people standing there the second you arrive or a bomb that's about to explode at that time so you can bitch all you want, your HM just saved your ass by NOT granting you that wish.

Also, don't forget that if you have a desire (be a Jedi or whatever) chances are it's your HM that sent your physical body this desire because he just wants to make sure you follow your karma and do this cool Jedi experience.

So stop it with this HM bitching, your HM is your best friend, and trust me, you really really REALLY WANT to get into a communication with him.

Watch a few videos on the HM with Bashar on Youtube, very cool stuff.

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Re: Soul discussion

Post by master6040 »

Merlin wrote:
MonsterLord wrote:oh but if the HM decide then its the best for you "to learn from this" and decide to block you from teleporting back
Ok first of all the HM wants the same thing you want, it's like the twin version of you that is between your Soul and your physical body. I heard Bashar say one time that the HM will suffer the arrows that the physical mind shoots himself in the foot with. So the HM always wants the best for you but the main role is to make sure you are safe too just like your SM does but without the fucked up negative beliefs here and also that you follow the the destiny you have decided to have here on this incarnation.

For example, you ask your HM do you know the 3D coordinates of Time Square in NY and using MT your HM says YES. But when you ask him to teleport you there now, you get a NO. So of course you start bitching right but what you don't know is that there is a truck who is about to hit the people standing there the second you arrive or a bomb that's about to explode at that time so you can bitch all you want, your HM just saved your ass by NOT granting you that wish.

Also, don't forget that if you have a desire (be a Jedi or whatever) chances are it's your HM that sent your physical body this desire because he just wants to make sure you follow your karma and do this cool Jedi experience.

So stop it with this HM bitching, your HM is your best friend, and trust me, you really really REALLY WANT to get into a communication with him.

Watch a few videos on the HM with Bashar on Youtube, very cool stuff.

nice merlin. only problem with it is ACTUALLY contacting the HM. Just like most LOA its all Cute BS. Nobody really gives u a specific technique on how to do it. The closest we all have is the NAps. to see if that would work. Or Astral Projection to and maybe a meditation technique BUT all hard to find. except for nap.
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Re: Soul discussion

Post by Merlin »

master6040 wrote:nice merlin. only problem with it is ACTUALLY contacting the HM.
Not true, you can use Muscle Testing as I replied above. ... 212#p14212

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Re: Soul discussion

Post by MonsterLord »

The issue I have with the HM is that apparently is bent to making you follow your karma, what if you want to throw your karma away?

Now, if the HM would allow that, and is not a limiter like I assumed to be, then I have no problems with it..... after all its at some level you I suppose.
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Re: Soul discussion

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:The issue I have with the HM is that apparently is bent to making you follow your karma, what if you want to throw your karma away?
Karma is self-negating.[/youtube]

So now the question is, are we forced to have this karma or can we negate it and throw it all away?

I have a pov but don't know fully if it's accurate or not. We seem to have chosen a certain life theme to explore (ex: go from poor to rich) so if you do nothing to it, you will do that naturally like it seems to be my case here by finding LOA books, and people to test with me different ideas. So in a sense I am following my life theme or karma as we speak.

Now, can I negate it and flush it all down? I guess so. For example I can close this forum and website, throw all the books and info I gathered during these decades of research and just go back to school and become a doctor (learn a totally new set of beliefs) and never talk about the LOA again.

So yeah, I cna change my life theme on the fly. Will I? Hell no. :lol: :lol:

This LOA research is taking me to SUPER WEIRD PLACES and I wouldn't change a thing.

So basically, you can flip your life upside down but the probabilities are very rare because you will still have those desires from the previous karma dragging you back to that old karma you chosen before this birth.

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Re: Soul discussion

Post by MonsterLord »

Could the HM you mentioned, be reasoned with?

For example assume you ask it to teleport you to New York and it doesn't, okay can't you tell "Okay, very well, then teleport me to NY in a reality where this doesn't happen."

Or about the lottery then ask "Okay....... tell me the numbers, and I will be very careful, if I don't then please help me to lose all the fortune before I do something very stupid"

After all mathematically there exists realities in which you already won and didn't screwed it up.
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Re: Soul discussion

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:Could the HM you mentioned, be reasoned with?
Yeah it's you, the invisible part of you. Think of the middleman between you and God or whatever higher power you might think of.

That's why you only need MT here. You simply ask... "Is it in my best interest to ask you to teleport me to NY now?" and then you will get a YES or a NO and if you get a YES than you can ask him to shift your vibration to make you jump in space and time like in my experience with the Mini Cooper. Now you're here, now you're not. :lol:

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Re: Soul discussion

Post by MonsterLord »

Merlin wrote:This LOA research is taking me to SUPER WEIRD PLACES and I wouldn't change a thing.
What if you were approached with this offer by a spirit or something?

He/she/it will give you all the lottery numbers, fuck, even give you like in Back To The Future an almanaque with all the lottery, sport events, and stocks results for all the centhuries (and the almanaque will change itself to make sure you are always right). In exchange you relinquish all your LOA knowledgement, investigation and wipe it out from your memory.

A tempting offer, huh?
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