What the fuck happened here Merlin? What was that?

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Re: What the fuck happened here Merlin? What was that?

Post by MonsterLord »

Merlin wrote:
MonsterLord wrote:Remove the SM? I thought it was the SM that did all the shifts and allowed us to change our reality.
I think that the SM and the HM have the same powers except that the SM works using good and bad beliefs and those limiting beliefs totally screws up and in many times REVERSES the vibration you want your SM to bring you at. The HM does not work with limiting beliefs.


Let's take the radio analogy here for a second to explain this one.

Let's say you have a limiting belief saying that you don't deserve to be rich (90 FM) and that you set a goal to become rich (108 FM), because of those limiting beliefs you may be stuck at 90 FM most of your life and even if you start using NAPs to change your vibration to become rich, you still have those limiting beliefs that will make you sabotage and lose all that you gained to go back to your old vibration (90 FM and not stay at 108 FM).

Can't the HM refuse you? Lets say you say the HM "I am rich" cant the HM say to you, "No, you will not be rich because either is not your destiny or is not the best to your soul plan".? I have since a lot of time seen the HM as some sort of infependt force or mind that can oppose you and you have no control over, as contrary to the SM which is defined by your belief? As some sorts of spiritual judge or guide that will refuse you if what you want isnt the best for your overall soul plan.

Becuase if so, I think perhaps the SM may have implanted a bad impression about the HM to avoid me directly contacting it and have me depend upon it (the SM).
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Re: What the fuck happened here Merlin? What was that?

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:cant the HM say to you, "No, you will not be rich because either is not your destiny or is not the best to your soul plan".?
Not likely because if you are drawn toward a goal (ex: become rich) then chances are the desire was given to you by your HM and the fact that you don't have this goal already is more about the limiting beliefs you have in your SM than some other forces stopping you.

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Re: What the fuck happened here Merlin? What was that?

Post by MonsterLord »

So basically the SM and the HM are playing God (HM) and the devil (SM) with you?

This gives a new whole meaning about the Biblical passage about becoming overcomers by overcoming the devil.
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Re: What the fuck happened here Merlin? What was that?

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:So basically the SM and the HM are playing God (HM) and the devil (SM) with you?
Yup that's pretty much how I see it too. There is no heaven nor hell but these 2 are in a battle that will make you either attract all that you want (Health, Money, Relationships, etc) or nothing at all. :?

Our beliefs are like THE RING in the movie Lord of The Ring, the one who get access to it will manifest whatever he wants. :lol:

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Re: What the fuck happened here Merlin? What was that?

Post by MonsterLord »

So beliefs are like our Infinity Gauntlet?

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Re: What the fuck happened here Merlin? What was that?

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:So beliefs are like our Infinity Gauntlet?
Yeah in a sense.

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Re: What the fuck happened here Merlin? What was that?

Post by MonsterLord »

Finally after reading a lot on this forum and all of my discussions with you Merlin, I think I know almost for certain what happened in this experience it even makes sense with the intense emotion he experienced before that, the guy simply changed his vibration and shifted to literally another reality where even the time of the day was different, then after a few seconds limiting beliefs kicked in and re-shifted back to the old reality.
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Re: What the fuck happened here Merlin? What was that?

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:the guy simply changed his vibration and shifted to literally another reality where even the time of the day was different, then after a few seconds limiting beliefs kicked in and re-shifted back to the old reality.
Yup. Looks like it.

It could also be another trick that his soul pulled on him like mine did to me when I jumped through time and space the other day.

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Re: What the fuck happened here Merlin? What was that?

Post by MonsterLord »

Merlin wrote:
MonsterLord wrote:the guy simply changed his vibration and shifted to literally another reality where even the time of the day was different, then after a few seconds limiting beliefs kicked in and re-shifted back to the old reality.
Yup. Looks like it.

It could also be another trick that his soul pulled on him like mine did to me when I jumped through time and space the other day.

Could be but I doubt it, it looked like he consciously or semi-consciously (yet without knowing what he was doing at all) shifted his vibration.
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Re: What the fuck happened here Merlin? What was that?

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:Could be but I doubt it, it looked like he consciously or semi-consciously (yet without knowing what he was doing at all) shifted his vibration.

What do you think happened to me?

You think I expected this time jump? :lol:

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