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Acting as if......Any progress on your ends?

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 11:47 am
by James Sawyer
One of the first things about the LOA, the Secret ( :roll: ) and other manifestation gurus' writings I have explored years ago was the 'acting as if' I have my goal or desire.

It seemed intuitive at first. Especially, when they all had versions of it. Some even quoted the bible about that same principle.

Then I realized with my desire for a logical approach that it was nearly impossible. Why? Because we are usually experiential beings. I may imagine every moment of the day what it would be like to have 8 million dollars in a bank account but I don't (yet) know what it is like to experience it.

I watched this Bashar video some time ago and he (as always) approached it from the view point of 'inner states of being' reflected in your physical reality.

I guess what I am wondering is: if we are experiential beings, the 'act as if' is essentially an impossible scenario for most. No? :?

The exception maybe what I've read on here about Schizophrenics who, with their disordered thinking, can think they are someone else wholly and change their eye colour accordingly. Since most of us are not disordered in our thinking (most of the time :D ), where do we go from here?[/youtube]

Re: Acting as if......Any progress on your ends?

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:30 pm
by Merlin
James Sawyer wrote:I guess what I am wondering is: if we are experiential beings, the 'act as if' is essentially an impossible scenario for most. No? :?
Impossible? I wouldn't say that.

Basically what Bashar is saying is to use our imagination (the link between the CM and the Higher Mind) to imagine the version of us where we have our goal (aka parallel reality) to compare the 2 realities and then put in place all the things that are missing in our present reality so that we can match the image that we see from that desired reality.

So it's not that impossible when you think about it, it's more about being a bit lazy to not want to sit down, close our eyes and force us to see the reality that we want. That's how I see it now. :?[/youtube][/youtube]

The difference between Dr. Siegel's schizo patients and us is that they don't imagine a change THEY KNOW that they don't have brown eyes so their brown eyes change instantly to blue.

That's the problem we have now. We don't KNOW for sure that we are rich for example, we HOPE to be day :?. We have a belief that we don't have money or don't have the soulmate or don't have the perfect healthy body so we recreate that same shitty reality over and over again.

That's the fault of The Doorman. The CM's critical factor is 100% pure logic. All you have to say is "the sky is red" and you can almost right away hear your critical factor say "what??...helllooooo, the sky is not's BLUE" :roll: .

So if you use your imagination to see yourself driving the car of your dream, that means you are AWAKE and that means that your CM and Doorman are both awake too and the "thought filtration" between the CM and the SM is still on and like Dr. Joseph Murphy said here, only thoughts that you BELIEVE go into the SM.

"...Whatever the CM of man BELIEVES, the SM will accept and act upon"

In other words, you can imagine whatever you like, you still have The Doorman rejecting most of this dreamed of scenario because it's too good to be true.

That is why back in sept 1991, I got on the quest of bypassing that sucker. :twisted:

That's basically a short "LOA course" in itself for all the newbies here. :lol: :lol:

Did that help or did I miss the point of your question?


Re: Acting as if......Any progress on your ends?

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:44 pm
by James Sawyer
Merlin wrote: That's the problem we have now. We don't KNOW for sure that we are rich for example, we HOPE to be day :?. We have a belief that we don't have money or don't have the soulmate or don't have the perfect healthy body so we recreate that same shitty reality over and over again.
This is exactly what I am talking about! No, you didn't miss my question, Merlin, you're spot on :)

I understand what you are saying. Especially about the Schizophrenia patients KNOWING that they have blue eyes. Short of 'madness' (and I use that term lovingly), is there anything that those of use who are only on the light end of the madness spectrum can do? :D

I suppose I am back where I was when I started this journey. Like nearly everyone on the LOA path, I am looking for a formula, a concrete, actionable 'thing' that I can do.

I get what you're saying about imagination being more than just sitting and doing a waking dream. If it is a matter of concrete steps, then I have little use for the LOA as I was on the concrete path of jobs, career, education, investment, etc. Now, I am not blaming LOA and my poor methodology on my current loser status :( :lol:

It is the whole inner being/state that is then reflected in the material world. If most people are generally dreaming of wealth, health, and the perfect mate (and not succeeding), the shiteous reality can only be changed drastically (or fully?) by nothing short of madness (again, I mean that lovingly :) ).

This is my Sunday rambling edition.

Re: Acting as if......Any progress on your ends?

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 1:34 pm
by Merlin
James Sawyer wrote:It is the whole inner being/state that is then reflected in the material world. If most people are generally dreaming of wealth, health, and the perfect mate (and not succeeding), the shiteous reality can only be changed drastically (or fully?) by nothing short of madness (again, I mean that lovingly :) ).
Even if some of those patients are mad or sick it's NOT because they are sick that they can change their beliefs because THEY DON'T CHANGE THEM. It's NOT 1 personality with 2 sets of beliefs but 2 sets of personality here like if you and another person were in your body and the 2nd person is NOT aware of the other.[/youtube]

The woman inside that patient's body doesn't change her beliefs, she always had blue eye beliefs and always will be and the man inside that patient's body always had brown eye beliefs, so when the man stays with the personality of the man, the beliefs DO NOT CHANGE, the eyes remain brown and the same for the blue eyes of the lady, they remain blue when she looks in the mirror.

You see the difference here?

The eyes change colors because for us, outsiders of this body, we see the shift between 2 persons, a woman and a man but the patient doesn't see this change.

What I'm trying to say is that unless you TOTALLY flip your personality and become another person in that body of yours, I don't think you can change your set or core beliefs in a flash so forget about that idea, it's not going to happen. You are born with A BIG LIST of beliefs and you will have to change them 1 by 1 my friend and the same for everybody on this planet.

Which brings us back to my 1991 question...

"...How do you believe in something you don't believe in?"

If we only become millionaires by believing that we are millionaires, then HOW do we convince ourselves that we are RIGHT NOW, millionaires?

And the answer to that question is located on this thread here: ... ?f=6&t=802" onclick=";return false;. By brainwashing our SM that we are millionaires.

At the bottom you will see the 3 methods of changing a belief while in fact there are 4 since the write down your goal, imagine and visualize method that Bashar, Mike Dooley and Napoleon Hill are talking about to create a new belief is what I call "The 1937 Method" but it sucks SO MUCH and take so much time to manifest that I totally discarded it here.

Even "The LONG Method" where you listen to a NAP without emotions suck since it may take many months before the conditioning is done in the SM and then the SM starts attracting it which can take another few months. :roll:

Don't know about you but I prefer the "FAST" but mostly and by far the "CRAZY Method" of Dr. Nelson.



Re: Acting as if......Any progress on your ends?

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:06 pm
by James Sawyer
Merlin wrote: It's NOT 1 personality with 2 sets of beliefs but 2 sets of personality here like if you and another person were in your body and the 2nd person is NOT aware of the other.
This is a very good point (and a little disheartening for those with 1 personality with all the bells and whistles of rigid beliefs).
Merlin wrote: Don't know about you but I prefer the "FAST" but mostly and by far the "CRAZY Method" of Dr. Nelson.
I prefer and I am very much ready for a fast method too. Not that the NAPs are not sufficient to reprogram the SM but we were just discussing in the other thread about the unknown aspect.

The '1937 Method', as you call it, does suck! And if I may venture a guess, doesn't work very well either :roll: I think that is the major grievance behind the millions of The Secret enthusiasts who bought into it, visualized and vision-boarded till they bled, and still manifested ever so little.

Re: Acting as if......Any progress on your ends?

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:20 pm
by Merlin
James Sawyer wrote:I think that is the major grievance behind the millions of The Secret enthusiasts who bought into it, visualized and vision-boarded till they bled, and still manifested ever so little.
Man you've got that right.

Also, you need to understand that my mission is not only to manifest what I want but to help EVERYBODY manifest their goals so they only way to do this is by finding a technique that is SO SIMPLE, my mother can use it and if she does, IT WILL WORK 100% of the time.

Speaking of my mother, she told me that she is reading the Secret right now. :lol:


Re: Acting as if......Any progress on your ends?

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:22 pm
by James Sawyer
Merlin wrote: Also, you need to understand that my mission is not only to manifest what I want but to help EVERYBODY manifest their goals so they only way to do this is by finding a technique that is SO SIMPLE, my mother can use it and if she does, IT WILL WORK 100% of the time.

Speaking of my mother, she told me that she is reading the Secret right now. :lol:

:lol: Mine talked about it nonstop when Oprah had the authors on.

I like your mission. If and when you crack a 100%-every-time manifestation method, most things in LOA literature will be taken out back and put out of its misery.