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Have you ever reached the Astral conciously?
Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:11 am
by Lurae
I simply find amazing the Astral World. The fact of a world where you can travel at the speed of thoughts (faster than light's speed), where there is no time or space limit... but seeing it, it is what I find incredible. I have heared from my dad that he did it when he was young, but he just used it to find the sensation of flying. He told me that the negative beings are indeed seen, but you must have a powerful mind to keep in the "good side". I thought trying it once, but I was scared and I'm going to try it until I find myself strong enough to deal with it. (I hope to see the paradise that many say that had the most impressive library, where there is a book of everything, but obviously I want to see it in this life and being alive after seeing it).
Have you ever reached the Astral plane conciously? (not dreams, but the one that is by unfolding it's soul from the body. (or better said separating the soul from the body but keeping the union of the silver cord) What did you feel? How was your experience?
Re: Have you ever reached the Astral conciously?
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:34 pm
by wireman
Done this few times...many Ipsi Dixit statements abound..may be some truths,but I have experienced none of those utterances other than being guided somewhere..however the neatest parts are entering and leaving the body...and yep there is the silver , very stretchable ,cord..coming from the so called third eye area...gets you" back" in quite a hurry when you desire it.Found exiting this area far easier ..than from the lower ab region and nothing fearful or frightful there,BTW.NAPS should quell any fears you presently have about trying this.
Science has found a way to duplicate this sensation w/ smoke AFAIK.
Re: Have you ever reached the Astral conciously?
Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 7:51 am
by Tre
The nearest I have to come to this, is when I have been meditating. After many months of trying to meditate fully. I had my eyes closed & then I started to slowly see my hands on my lap. The colours were so bright & clear. It made me jump & I thought I had my eyes open for that slit second. It was a lovley feeling. I haven't meditated in quite a while & I realize how much I miss it. Think that is one thing I will go back to doing. I have never been to any of the above you wrote about, but I have read about it.
I will be using it in my NAPS, but not until I recieve the NAPS I am listening to first.
Good luck with Lurae if you try it. Why not add it to your NAPS as Wireman said. You know everything is possible. Just a little bit of work & your on your way
Re: Have you ever reached the Astral conciously?
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 11:49 pm
by Lurae
Thanks for answering (sorry for answering you late
). It sounds amazing you were guided a lot wireman,
, I'll research and try the mirrors as soon as I can. Tthanks.
Wow tre, it is awesome, as much as I can do is to feel being in other place while meditating but I haven't been able to see defined the pictures. I just see white and just percieve some lines of the things, but as far from that I haven't done anything. I'll add NAPs about astral too after finishing the NAPs I am listening but after that the next thing I'll add will be about this awesome thing.