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Want a better life? You just neet to get rid of CCGWFME

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 6:00 pm
by pitchersuccess
Hello Everyone

I hope you are all well and not getting too
stressed with the perception of time speeding up.
Chill out get yourself out of the Matrix and have
some time for yourselves.

Anyway the question is how do I have
a better life? Well all you need to do
is get rid/stop CCGWFME and then all
the good stuff will come to you! I promise you

Ok :D ?

Thanks for reading...


You still there?

I suppose you want to know what
CCGWFME is :? ?

Ok..... I will tell you.

C - Complaining
C - Criticizing
G - Gossiping
W - Worrying
F - Fear
ME - Making Excuses

I tell you if you catch yourself thinking
anyone of these things and replace it
with appreciation and gratitude things
WILL start working out for you! :P

Clear the crap, make a void... allow the
good stuff.



Re: Want a better life? You just neet to get rid of CCGWFME

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:13 pm
by meanoldrunk
very wise advice. negativity can have such a negative outcome for us if it isnt kept out of the way.