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Bashar: Belief Creates Experience

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:08 am
by Merlin
If you followed my research this won't be a big surprise to you but it's always nice to have another reminder.
All right, thank you. Allow us to commence with the interaction
this day with the notation and some illumination on the idea of the
changes that are taking place within your civilization. Recognize
that there is now much accelerated change going on, and the very
idea that you find yourselves gathering together in more and more of
these types of interactions is an indication that you are now
willing to begin to explore and expand the sensitivities that you
know you contain, the sensitivities that you have begun to realize
exist within you.

These changes, the changes that occur within each and every
individual in your society, within every gathering in your society,
do have an overall effect upon your civilization as a whole. And
each and every difference that is created within every individual in
your society allows the entire civilization to be able to be that
much more aware of the probabilities and possibilities of changes
that they do in fact desire to have and create within the world in
which you exist.

Each and every individual is connected to every other individual
through the electromagnetic field of mentality of your planetary
sphere. And you can recognize that every individual -- whether you
are conscious of it or not -- is unconsciously in communication with
every other individual. Yes, every other individual upon your
planet. And in all reality with every individual within All That Is,
within Creation -- to whatever degree you need to be aware of that
connection to allow you to perform the service and function within
the parameters you have created for yourself to function within.

Thus you will be aware of whatever degree of that communication that
does exist that you need to be aware of, to allow you smoothness of
operation within the society in which you exist. Now, the more you
expand your understanding of what it is to operate and function
within your society, and the less restrictive you allow yourself to
be within that society -- in terms of your own expressions of
creation ability -- then the more awareness you allow yourself to
create of your connections to many other levels, many other realms,
many other dimensions of experience.

Therefore, each and every one of you who is willing to begin the
exploration of your senses, the exploration of what you are now
discovering within yourselves to be true -- whether it seems to be
something different or not from the society you have believed you
have always existed within -- has nothing to do with the idea that
this is the transformational age upon your planet. This is the
transition life.

This particular life span at this time, and for approximately the
last forty of your years, has represented many accelerated changes
within your society. This does not stop with your technology, but
permeates into every single level of your consciousness, and in all
reality the technological changes, the surface changes, the physical
changes that you witness within your society, are actually
reflections of those permutations, those transmutations within the
levels of your consciousness.

Because only -- only, only -- when you contain a belief that
something is possible can you then create it to exist in your

It may seem as if -- because of the way you have structured your
belief system about physical reality -- it may seem as if once you
see something, then you believe it. As you say, "Seeing is
believing." But exactly the opposite is the case. It is, "Believing
is seeing." What you see in your physiological reality you can only
see because you have first believed it was possible to perceive that

Therefore, because much of this belief takes place on an unconscious
level -- because much of this belief and much of the reality you
experience is at first created on a non-physical level above
physicality -- you do not allow yourself many times to be aware of
the mechanism that actually creates the physical reality you

Therefore, if you are willing to recognize, first and foremost, that
it is what you believe to be true that creates what you experience
to be true, then you will recognize that belief creates experience --
which reinforces belief, which recreates experience, and so on and
so forth, thus creating what appears to be the cycles of repetition
you experience in your physiological reality.

That is why in these gatherings, even within the exploration of your
own individuality by yourself in a solitary fashion, the exploration
of what your beliefs about reality are, have a very great effect
upon your ability to unlock and rearrange your physiological reality
into what you prefer it to be, rather than what you think it must

Re: Bashar: Belief Creates Experience

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2011 4:10 am
by Roseblue
Thanks for that. I believe this with all my heart, we create our own reality from our thoughts, words, and actions - and beliefs. We are our own God.

Re: Bashar: Belief Creates Experience

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 7:32 am
by NicB
Very powerful.

I liked this part:
Each and every individual is connected to every other individual
through the electromagnetic field of mentality of your planetary
sphere. And you can recognize that every individual -- whether you
are conscious of it or not -- is unconsciously in communication with
every other individual. Yes, every other individual upon your
planet. And in all reality with every individual within All That Is,
within Creation -- to whatever degree you need to be aware of that
connection to allow you to perform the service and function within
the parameters you have created for yourself to function within.
In particular, this part got me thinking:
Because only -- only, only -- when you contain a belief that
something is possible can you then create it to exist in your

It may seem as if -- because of the way you have structured your
belief system about physical reality -- it may seem as if once you
see something, then you believe it. As you say, "Seeing is
believing." But exactly the opposite is the case. It is, "Believing
is seeing." What you see in your physiological reality you can only
see because you have first believed it was possible to perceive that
It got me thinking... How do you create a belief??

I'm talking about beliefs that don't even exist in physical reality yet. Like miracle type stuff.

For example, the wright brothers obviously created the belief that we can fly in machines in the sky, and it benefitted all of humanity once their vision manifested into reality. (aeroplanes)

Say you want to create a belief - something you know doesn't yet exist - what is the process??

Cos i mean, it seems hard to create a belief of something that you know isn't true/real.
It's quite the paradox.

Re: Bashar: Belief Creates Experience

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 1:12 pm
by Merlin
NicB wrote:Say you want to create a belief - something you know doesn't yet exist - what is the process??

Cos i mean, it seems hard to create a belief of something that you know isn't true/real.
It's quite the paradox.
Beliefs are formed by believing that a thought is true or possible. So for the Wright Bros, Leonardo DaVinci had already created the glider which is an airplane without an engine so all they did was add an engine to it and they thought it would be possible for the glider to stay in the air with that engine so powered flight became a belief for them.

Once you create the belief then you need either repetition or emotions to burn it in your SM and then both the Subconscious Mind and the Higher Mind take charge at manifesting that goal.

You have to believe that it's possible first and then that thought can become a belief and be manifested.

For example, having the belief that you can jump in the air and land on top of a flying 747 is not possible but if you create a rocket backpack then suddenly it becomes possible.

It's The Doorman (the Conscious Mind's Critical Factor) that uses logic and determines what's possible or not and what goes into the SM.


Re: Bashar: Belief Creates Experience

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:00 pm
by straight
Merlin wrote:
NicB wrote:Say you want to create a belief - something you know doesn't yet exist - what is the process??

Cos i mean, it seems hard to create a belief of something that you know isn't true/real.
It's quite the paradox.
Beliefs are formed by believing that a thought is true or possible. So for the Wright Bros, Leonardo DaVinci had already created the glider which is an airplane without an engine so all they did was add an engine to it and they thought it would be possible for the glider to stay in the air with that engine so powered flight became a belief for them.

Once you create the belief then you need either repetition or emotions to burn it in your SM and then both the Subconscious Mind and the Higher Mind take charge at manifesting that goal.

You have to believe that it's possible first and then that thought can become a belief and be manifested.

For example, having the belief that you can jump in the air and land on top of a flying 747 is not possible but if you create a rocket backpack then suddenly it becomes possible.

It's The Doorman (the Conscious Mind's Critical Factor) that uses logic and determines what's possible or not and what goes into the SM.

But what about the things that were never thought of as possible before but were possible now, like going to the moon or changing your hair color? I believe anything is absolutely possible, even those that seem 'illogical' to the CM.

Re: Bashar: Belief Creates Experience

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:28 pm
by Merlin
straight wrote:But what about the things that were never thought of as possible before but were possible now, like going to the moon or changing your hair color? I believe anything is absolutely possible, even those that seem 'illogical' to the CM.
We didn't wake up one day and the guys were on the moon, LOGICAL steps had to be done. For example, Wernher von Braun did the V1 and V2 rockets during WW2 and the US jumped on him after the war to make him deliver what he learned regarding rockets and with trial and errors NASA finally made a rocket stable enough to go to the moon.

As for changing hair color, hair are made of atoms, atoms are little balls of Electro Magnetic energy and if you change the EM field of the atoms, you change the atoms and then the physical structure of objects (hair in this case).

According to Dr. Lipton's research, when we change our beliefs, we change the cells in our body. Dr. Siegle saw mental patients change instantly from brown eyes to blues eyes when they changed from 1 personality to another changing their core beliefs (and eye color) instantly in the process.[/youtube]

What I'm saying is that the majority of inventions are just a modification of something that already exists.

As for the brand new flash of intuition about something that had never existed before. I believe that it's coming from the person's Higher Mind.
