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Abe fan new to Bashar.... processes or techniques frm Bashar

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 11:08 am
by Abundance Queen
I am a huge Abe fan and have all of their books and enjoy many of their techniques......something is wrong though as my manifestations have been going down hill for the four years I have been studying them......that is I am not manifesting what I want but loads of what I don't want.
I wonder as I am new to Bashar does he give a lot of techniques and processes like Abraham does??
I am watching and listening to various things on the site as well as things found on this site.
What I want is something to help with manifesting a huge improvement in my finances (I know, :o Nobody else wants that here!! ;) )
I have been using the Circumstances DON'T matter, ONLY my state of being matters! line in my head regularly in for the two days since I discovered this :D
Any other magic bullets out there??

Re: Abe fan new to Bashar.... processes or techniques frm Bashar

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:29 pm
by Merlin
Hi AQ,

I'm a big Bashar fan too and have been listening to 100s of clips from him during the past few years but haven't find simple and easy step-by-step technique to manifest what we want yet. Trust me, you would have heard about it.

Now the question is are they both (Bashar and Abraham) teasing us or is it that complicated for us to manifest what we want?

Bashar keep saying the phrase "follow your excitement" to keep us in a high vibe and it can be very simple since you always have multiple choices in life so always pick the one you prefer. For example, it can be as simple as having to choose between vanilla or chocolate ice cream or between watching a movie or go take a walk.

Also he talks about redefining the limiting beliefs that we have telling us, unlike Abe that we do have those limiting beliefs in our SM slowing us down and that we must change them or be doomed to attract what we are attracting right now which is obviously what we DON'T want but again he lacks in giving us a simple technique to 1) find out if we do have any limiting beliefs left on a topic and 2) how to rapidly remove/realign them.

So far NAPs is the best/fastest technique to implant/remove beliefs in our SM.


Re: Abe fan new to Bashar.... processes or techniques frm Ba

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 3:11 pm
by Benjamin
I could basically conclude mose of what Bashar speaks about with the following steps :

1) Follow your excitement at any given moment, to the best of your ability, with no expectation of external circumstances changing, and with respect to your belief system.
2) Let go of the "how", let go of trying to control the process with your definitions - it is the higher mind's job. The physical mind sets the vibration, the higher mind takes care of everything else.

It is actually very simple. But not easy at all. It requires faith and practice, after years of negative programming.

regarding the manifestations - they are a projection of your beliefs. There is nothing "wrong" with them, they are perfectly created exactly according to your belief system. Bashar talks about people looking at external events and circumstances, and compares it to looking in a mirror and expecting the reflection to change. We must change first.

I am not trying to be judgemental in any way here, but according to the "vibe" of your post, it seems you are more in a place of doubt in the process rather than in a place of faith, trusting your higher self and enjoying the moment, while acting on your excited. So I would suggest focusing on that rather than looking for the magic pill.

Re: Abe fan new to Bashar.... processes or techniques frm Ba

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 4:15 pm
by spj
Abundance Queen wrote: I wonder as I am new to Bashar does he give a lot of techniques and processes like Abraham does??
What I want is something to help with manifesting a huge improvement in my finances (I know, :o Nobody else wants that here!! ;) )
Any other magic bullets out there??
THE SELF EMPOWERMENT WORKSHOP ... chor119871" onclick=";return false;
VERY specific techniques, including Part III: Creativity & Abundance

Re: Abe fan new to Bashar.... processes or techniques frm Ba

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 7:36 pm
by Merlin
spj wrote:THE SELF EMPOWERMENT WORKSHOP ... chor119871" onclick=";return false;
VERY specific techniques, including Part III: Creativity & Abundance
Hi spj and welcome to the board :)

You seem to know your Bashar stuff very well. :D

Wanna share what you've learned in that workshop?


Re: Abe fan new to Bashar.... processes or techniques frm Ba

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 8:24 pm
by spj
Thank you, Merlin, for your kind welcome.

What did I learn from the workshop? That's a difficult question to answer, specially with my limited English. Besides, it's not possible to pinpoint or separate the workshop from everything else that I have learned from Bashar himself and Seth, Abraham and Elias, mainly.

This I can say: Bashar seems to be the most "practical" of them, and this workshop is IMO the most "practical" of Bashar's lessons, or however you want to call them. It's a somehow sequential system of 4 meditations, dealing with healing and abundance, and more, in specific ways. Remember his "see, feel, be" manifestation sequence? This workshop is that, and more, on steroids.

To me, the most difficult part is the "be". To match the energy or vibration of your "body conscience" as Elias would say, with the "object" of your desire. Object is not the appropriate word, but I can't find a better one and hope it conveys what I mean. To do, or to have, you have to "be". That's my quest now, and I keep reminding myself "to be, be". Elias says it's something you can -and have to- chose every moment. I am sure it's easy, the typical "under your nose" thing ...but I still see only my nose... :oops:

Anyway, this workshop is helping me as the best way to have a system that I can do routinely (although I still don't know how often I should do it -and as you realize, if I need to ask there's something important that I am still missing-). I would recommend it to anybody (disclaimer here, what works for me might not work for you).

I guess this is not what you were asking for, but if you have any specific questions I'll be glad to (try to) answer them.

To be ...that's the problem!

Re: Abe fan new to Bashar.... processes or techniques frm Ba

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 11:13 pm
by Merlin
spj wrote:To be ...that's the problem!
Yup, I hear ya. You are not alone. We are many in the other Law of Attraction forum to wonder what it would feel like to BE the vibration of what we want to manifest because without deciding which vibration you want to be in, your higher and subconscious mind might not know where you want to go.[/youtube]

Here's abraham on the same topic.[/youtube]


Re: Abe fan new to Bashar.... processes or techniques frm Ba

Posted: Wed May 23, 2012 12:27 am
by Benjamin
Great post spj, and I'll check out the workshop you recommended. ;)

Re: Abe fan new to Bashar.... processes or techniques frm Ba

Posted: Thu May 24, 2012 1:23 pm
by spj
I did the workshop again and can re-affirm that it's very good in my opinion. I don't think that there is any other process as practical and complete coming from "channeled beings" out there (maybe Orin?)