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Can make body tingle at will...
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 1:42 pm
by Hokusai_
Ever since I can rememeber, probably around 6 years old, I can make my body, always starting in the legs tingle very intensly.
I can preform this whenever as its like a reflex of some sort. But I am not able to hold this sensation because it gets too intense and its almost very uncomfortable.
I tried to research everywhere about this but not many people seem to experience this. weird...
I did however find some webpage where this guy was about to pass away and wanted to disclose this information that i am talking about. Apparently it is an ancient sercret that the egyptians used for healing and astral projection, but if you held if for too long it can put you to sleep and into extreme deep relaxation, almost into a coma.
Some say if some sort of qi or kundalini energy of some sort but I have no clue and I am curious as to what this does.
Any body have any ideas?
Has any one expericed something similar?
Re: Can make body tingle at will...
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 1:45 pm
by Merlin
Never heard of that before. Sorry.
Re: Can make body tingle at will...
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 1:55 pm
by VirgoShowgirl
I am a Reiki practitioner and this is the feeling you get when the energy goes through your body once you have had your initiation. It’s rare but some people are born with this ability, I think what you feel is something like it !
Re: Can make body tingle at will...
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 1:59 pm
by Hokusai_
Hi, I just came across someone speaking of what I experience Almost Exactly, i copied there text because I can not explain it any better.
Note: I can usually only make this feeling happen when I am sitting, laying down, or standing still. It takes a lot more focus to be able to do it when I'm moving.
To me, it feels like this: There is an immediate tingling sensation that rushes through my body. It usually starts in my legs, then works it's way up to my diaphram.
All within a fraction of a second. It's very quick. After about 1 second of holding it (yes, I can hold it), my muscles begin to feel like they are flexing/being activated,
but none of my muscles are ever flexing or contorting in any way. After about 2-3 seconds, I experience muscle jerks/twitches in my legs and diaphragm. When I do it repeatedly over and over,
the muscular jolts/jerks happen for frequently. After I stop, there is a
feeling of exhaustion in my legs and core, as if I had just been flexing them. But NONE of my muscles ever flex when I do this. It's strange.
It may increase my heart rate at some times. I can hold the sensation for around 4-6 seconds at a time until I release it.
The more I do it, the more exhausted I feel. The exhaustion is most common in my legs and chest.
Re: Can make body tingle at will...
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 2:02 pm
by Merlin
Do you feel super dehydrated after that?
Re: Can make body tingle at will...
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 2:10 pm
by Hokusai_
Yes, i do feel more dehydrated, but during which my heart rate spikes
Re: Can make body tingle at will...
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 2:27 pm
by Merlin
Hokusai_ wrote:Yes, i do feel more dehydrated, but during which my heart rate spikes
I feel something similar when I do a healing technique called The Sedona Method but there is no tingling here just healing and deep dehydration. The tingling part that I know is associated with the Kundalini effect.
Re: Can make body tingle at will...
Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 11:02 pm
by Kromus
Been lurking around here for a while now, but when i saw this post i had to register lol.
This sensation you are talking about, sounds almost exactly to what I experienced since i was a child. Never found anybody that could relate to it, nor found anything on the internet about it. Usually can't hold it for more than 5-6 seconds because it gets really uncomfortable and after that the heart rate increases. Always assumed it was something normal related to the nervous system, but when i described it people just said it was weird.
I only have my experience with it though, so here's hoping you can find out what this means!
Re: Can make body tingle at will...
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 4:19 am
by Wyatt Halls
Hokusai_ wrote:
I tried to research everywhere about this but not many people seem to experience this. weird...
I did however find some webpage where this guy was about to pass away and wanted to disclose this information that i am talking about. Apparently it is an ancient sercret that the egyptians used for healing and astral projection, but if you held if for too long it can put you to sleep and into extreme deep relaxation, almost into a coma.
What is the webpage address? I am also seeking to understand this experience. It is important for me to look into.
Re: Can make body tingle at will...
Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:31 pm
by Hokusai_
I think I found it" onclick=";return false;