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Why Visualization Techniques do not work
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 3:52 pm
by Gurok
It been awhile since I been on your forum Merlin hopefully everything is going well for you. OK so I was continuing to do research on how to manifest desires until one day I was watching a video on Youtube called "Beyond Thought(Awareness Itself)" and it raised a lot of interesting question and got me thinking about how consciousness works, then I stumbled upon another video on Youtube video called "Dr. Quantum : Double Slit Experiment", and I made some connections to a method called "Matrix Energetics", now I have some success with using this method so I can't complain, but what I did not understand is why this worked, and not my visualization techniques? What made this different? Well it turns out that "Matrix Energetics" uses consciousness with a intent in the Present moment to collapse what is known as waves, thus giving you the possibility of have your desire manifested. However, what I discovered is there sort of a catch to this, what you ask for you must be willing to receive fully. You must leave some wiggle room for the universe to work with you, because it turns out 9/10 you are not going to get exactly what you want but what you get can turn out to be much better than you ever could want
. This is the short version to why visualization techniques do not work I did not want make long post on you forum.
The Gurok
Re: Why Visualization Techniques do not work
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 4:10 pm
by Merlin
Gurok wrote:If you want more information about this article please visit my blog located...
Thanks Gurok, nice to see you back but no personal websites or blogs plug allowed so I will remove your link.
As for Matrix Energetics, both Wireman and I came from this forum before I created this forum because people over there didn't just get it and I was tired of arguing with them.
You can read my explanations of the Matrix 2-pt technique that I posted over there in Aug. 2008. ... 92&fpart=1" onclick=";return false;
And 2010... ... #Post96230" onclick=";return false;
At the time many laughed because they didn't think that BELIEFS were at the core of manifestations but a few years after I left, Matrix "guru" Richard Bartlett posted this quote in the FAQs section.
(Dr. Bartlett) Our conscious expectation for what is or is not possible is formulated by the nature and extent of our beliefs. Our beliefs function as the perceptual filter which dictates what we are able to notice and to interact with as our concrete observable reality.
When I saw this, I came back to the forum and pretty much blasted all the suckers who told me I was wrong because it turned out I was right and since even their leader said it now, they had nothing to say so they kicked me out.
It's AAAAAAAALLLLL about beliefs my friend....ALL OF IT.
If you BELIEVE that the "Universe"
will give you what you want just because you give it a little wiggle room then guess what? You got it, you will see that goal manifest but it will NOT be the Universe, it will be YOU, because you BELIEVED IT. Nothing more, nothing less.
Re: Why Visualization Techniques do not work
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 6:06 pm
by AgentSmith
I also came from that forum. I am glad I was there at the right time to see one of Merlin's arguments. That's how I found this board. Man, I hated ME's forum soooo much, such a depressing place, at least for me.
Re: Why Visualization Techniques do not work
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 6:19 pm
by Gurok
Hello Everyone,
No problem Merlin! Sorry to hear about experience with Matrix Energetics, my experience for some reason has been great! Anyway I wish to you all the best of luck on your ventures.
Re: Why Visualization Techniques do not work
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 6:24 pm
by Merlin
AgentSmith wrote:I also came from that forum. I am glad I was there at the right time to see one of Merlin's arguments. That's how I found this board. Man, I hated ME's forum soooo much, such a depressing place, at least for me.
If there is one thing I hate is to follow BLINDLY a guru.
It's ok to have people you like, as for me it's Bashar but don't gobble everything, QUESTION and ANALYZE and also TEST what that guru is saying just don't follow them just because they told you this or that.
I understand that here I'm the "Pack Leader"
like Wire said but members here don't gobble everything I say, you guys test and on the topic of YOUR choice, right? Well that's the problem on the Matrix forum, they are willing to post videos of Bashar (that's where I discovered him for the 1st time) and we all know that Bashar talks about BELIEFS as the core of manifestation and YET, the same persons who posts about these clip keep saying that with Matrix beliefs are NOT important.
You gotta be fucking kidding me!
For a left brainer like me it was fight after fight after fight with these morons. I'm surprised I didn't get kicked earlier.
It was nice to leave in "good terms" by having their guru say like myself and Bashar that Beliefs determine what you will experience. That statement from Bartlett screwed all those morons on this forum proving that I was right all along.
So their 2-pt technique to heal others will NOT work if you don't believe and it will work at the same level as your beliefs are.
Little belief = Little healing, Big Belief = Big healing.
EVERYTHING is like that and we all know it here. We mainly failed because we can't seem to implant the new positive belief or because we have some Core Belief that we can't seem to remove.
What sucks is that we haven't found a way to add or clear those so that we could all manifest crazy goals and prove to the world (and those clowns on the ME forum too) that it was beliefs manipulations right from the start and nothing else.
Re: Why Visualization Techniques do not work
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 7:18 pm
by MonsterLord
Yeah, I was in that forum too. I remember a thread about some people wanting to use 2p to win the lottery and there a guy came here "is unfair, is not right" and I was like "Come on dude, do you want ME to be used for nothing (not saying is not a valid goal in itself) but healing?" and he replied basically "Yes, exactly, ME is supposed to be used for nothing else but healing."
The problem I have with these type of guys and sites in general, is that they try to limit what you can do. They basically go like "Yeah man, you can trascend the normal laws of physics. You can manifest everything instantly.... but only if it is according to your life purpose/the universe/ karma/ if it is approved by [insert higher power]/ if it doesn't break the ilussion of this reality being real/ etc."
So basically, if I want to manifest a fitness abs model girlfriend, or visit Ancient Egypt, or live my life as I would if I had taken different choices I will not be able to do so because is not according to those rules. These are the kind of limitations you get with, when you work with the "universe".
This forum and its research is entirely different, there are really NO LIMITS WHATSOEVER.
Here we go a step further and work with the multiverse.
Re: Why Visualization Techniques do not work
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 7:40 pm
by Merlin
MonsterLord wrote: I will not be able to do so because is not according to those rules.
They are not rules, they are BELIEFS and these guys saying that are LOADED with beliefs.
That's what drives me nuts about these hippies, they don't think, they just flow with stupid beliefs like that and NEVER even take 1 second to question themselves whether those beliefs make sense or not.
There are so many so called "spiritual people" suffering financially because of those limiting beliefs on money. Many are feeling guilty to ask a fee for healing despite knowing the logic that if they heal for free, they will need to get paid by finding a boring job that they will hate and if they work 40-50 hrs a week, they will not be available to heal others.
LOGIC is NOT part of their world. MANY TIMES I have been told that I am too much in my head rather than in my heart like them. Maybe that's true but they keep telling me that they get scammed all the time and I tell them that they are in their heart too much and should use their head from time to time because by thinking logically, you would know when somebody is trying to screw you.
There was always a war between Scientists and Spiritual People. The best spot is in the middle, left brainers are too logical and laugh at everything spiritual and right brainers are too disconnected from the 3D logical reality that live in.
You need both of these worlds I think to be complete.
Re: Why Visualization Techniques do not work
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 8:28 pm
by MonsterLord
The thread where you rubbed it on their faces must had been comedy gold. Do you have a link to it?
Re: Why Visualization Techniques do not work
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 11:19 pm
by Merlin
MonsterLord wrote:The thread where you rubbed it on their faces must had been comedy gold. Do you have a link to it?
No, every nasty threads got deleted with my account. Even then, because everybody has their ego, some didn't let it go and still decided to think that beliefs were not important in manifestation.
Why do you think I got kicked in 2011 from Matrix but my forum was created in 2009? Because I knew that this was going nowhere over there and I could not advance my research on the SM and beliefs with all these right brainer idiots.
Most right brainers were ok but some drove me nuts regarding how stupid they are so I could continue to argue with them (w/ some left brainer friends) or create a new forum and bring those interested in my LOA research over here and that's what I did.
It's thanks to this Matrix forum that mine started because it is very hard for a brand new forum to acquire members because nobody knows you are there and Google cannot list you on their search results if you don't have many threads in your forum already.
So we brought many conversations and members from the Matrix forum over here and slowly but Shirley it grew.
Today is you search for "Subconscious Mind forum" my forum is listed #1 BABY
On Google and if you search for "Law of Attraction forum" I'm 9th on Page #1.
Not bad.
Re: Why Visualization Techniques do not work
Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 11:38 pm
by MonsterLord
As far as I remember I found your forum literally by typing "Merlin Matrix Energetics" I saw your posts and I remember how when everyone talked about waiting for months or weeks for a goal to manifest like meeting someone in the street or the usual "a good relationship with someone at a time the universe deems right, which may take many years."
And you were talking about making physical matter appear in from of you and collapsing wave functions and materializing glasses and I was like "Wow, this guy is my guy"
So this is how I remember I found this forum. I think the first thing I thought when I saw it was "Wow, this guy has a forum of his own? Cool!"