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Oculus Rift (Virtual Reality)

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:58 pm
by frontiermarine
any fans of tech/video games here? this is the oculus rift ,it tricks your sm into thinking you're actually in the virtual world,there're a bunch of games for it ,racing games,rollercoaster rides,space travel,here some cool vids on it[/youtube][/youtube][/youtube]

Re: Oculus Rift (Virtual Reality)

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:30 pm
by Merlin
I'm not a big fan of video games but I use the Oculus Rift to explain how our 3D world is created by our consciousness.

That we don't walk in a corridor, it's an illusion, the corridor is coming toward us like they chose here.[/youtube]


Re: Oculus Rift (Virtual Reality)

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:00 am
by wireman
Merlin Ey Frontiermarine Hey,

WTheck, where are these people , at a Consumer Electronics Show, some I know are not, of course, can you rent, or how do you get to operate these , looks like fun..Must phuk w/your sensory, equilibrium,some kind of sensory overloading.
Haven't seen this kind of hilarity since well?? Long time.Damn Kool.. :lol:

wireman Cheerz