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Two simple but VERY effective exercises for Astral!

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:12 pm
by Serris
Hey folks! 8-)

Here is two simple but VERY effective exercises to develop your astral vision and astral hearing! :mrgreen:

I'm still working on it though! :)

Two exercises, very simple will help you achieve what you desire:

To develop astral sight: Take an object you are familiar with. Hold it and study it in detail. Every curve, every line, every crack, every pit, the texture, the variations in color, every tiny detail. Then close your eyes and recreate the object in your mind. It's okay if you have to open your eyes and study it again for awhile. But try to create as much detail as you can before looking again to add in more details.

When you have one object you can do this with, do it with another. It should become easier with time and practice. Do this nightly for 30 days.

To develop astral hearing: Take a small bell and ring it. Close your eyes and listen to the ring as it starts to fade out. Hear it beyond it's physical sound, as it fades, follow the sound as far as you can. When you can extend your hearing beyond to follow the sound of the ring after it fades, re-create the sound of the bell in your mind. "Hear" it just as surely as you heard it when you rang the bell. Again, 30 days.

Re: Two simple but VERY effective exercises for Astral!

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:43 pm
by Jdeadevil
Good stuff Serris

Re: Two simple but VERY effective exercises for Astral!

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:55 pm
by Serris
Thanks Jdeadevil! ;)

Also important note that these aren't my exercises, so yea. :o


Re: Two simple but VERY effective exercises for Astral!

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:20 am
by 222
And what will be the result? After 30 days say... I'd like to hear more about this astral stuff, c'mon share the details etc :D

Re: Two simple but VERY effective exercises for Astral!

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:24 am
by Serris
:o Alright I'm famous! 8-)


Anyway, I heard those two exercises will help you develop your Clairaudience (Hearing/Listening) and Clairvoyance (Seeing)

So you might be good with seeing/listening things unlike average person cannot :o

I'm not really sure, but hey, TEST AND TEST AND PRACTICE SOME MORE! RIGHT!? ;)


Re: Two simple but VERY effective exercises for Astral!

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 9:27 am
by 222
Yeah guess it can't hurt, I'm all up for stretching your brains ability to the fullest

Re: Two simple but VERY effective exercises for Astral!

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 1:36 pm
by Serris
Good luck 222 :)

Re: Two simple but VERY effective exercises for Astral!

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2013 5:40 pm
by Serris
I'm also working with one of the astral exercises.

That is the Astral Hearing.

I'm working on it for 30 days, for 5 minutes a day.

I just started yesterday.

Better then nothing, eh? ;)
