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Body vibration vs Soul vibration

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 11:49 pm
by Merlin
As usual, I just like to ask my SM using Muscle Testing all kinds of questions and hope to get an answer but then I don't take it too seriously, I then wait to see if there is a confirmation of those MT signals later on that could tell me that some of those MT signals were not just from my imagination.

So one of the question that I ask was regarding vibration changes. For example, how can you change your personal vibration and still see the same reality with the same people around you? Logically, if you change your body's vibration, you should also change parallel realities and if you do, the people and things around you should change too but that doesn't seem to be the case here. :?[/youtube]

When I watched this video where Bashar tells a person about his body's vibration changing from 1 second to the next, I wondered why isn't anything changing around him during this change of body's vibration and the answer I got from MT was that the vibration of the body and the vibration of the reality that this person is in right now are 2 different vibrations. :shock:

Kinda like 2 different songs playing on the same radio frequency. Each song has their own unique frequency but when 1 song ends and another starts, you are still at the same 93 FM frequency. So changing your physical body's vibration is like changing songs but you still remain in the same reality.

Now it looks like the vibration of our physical body is in the KILOHertz or KHz (1000 Hz). For example most people's physical vibration matches the vibration of the Earth which is at 163 000 Hz right now. Recently I found out that all these high numbers that my MT signals were giving me about reaching over 1 millions Hz was just a joke and that over 300,000 Hz you turn into light being and we will mostly go over the 100 KHz but maintain ourselves in the 200-250 Khz range.

I'm at 240,000 as I write this and I quickly noticed that it was not just in my head because when I jumped from 210,000 to 240 KHz, I quickly felt a rush of heat like I had last year (I forgot about that :lol: ) so there is really something going on here when a change in body vibration is made but it does NOT make you shift to another parallel reality.

So when I found out that my body's vibration change was not affecting the reality around me, I asked what is the vibration of my reality and I found out that it was not in Kilo (1000), not in Mega (1 Million), not in Giga (1 Billion), not in Tera (1 Trillion), not in Peca (1 Quadrillion) but in EXAHz (1 Quintillion Hertz).

EXA means a 1 Million Trillions Hertz and 1 Hertz of course is 1 cycle per second. So when you tune your radio to 92 FM, you actually tell your radio antenna to vibrate at 92 MEGAHertz or 92,000,000 oscillations (back and forth) per second.

When your radio antenna reaches that frequency, it matches the frequency of the radio station 92 FM's big antenna which is also vibrating at 92 MegaHertz and when the 2 antennas are vibrating in sync, they lock in and you can hear the music the radio station is sending out through your little radio.

Now if I want to shift to another reality and the vibration of my body is NOT the vibration I need to change, then which vibration are we talking about then? It turns out that we do not match reality's vibration using our BODY's vibration but with our SOUL's vibration. :shock:

So to shift from 1 reality to another one, our soul or consciousness is like a radio antenna but instead of vibrating at 1 million Hertz, it vibrates 1 Trillion times faster than a radio's antenna.

Once again, our body's vibration is in KILOHertz but our soul's vibration is in EXAHertz.

For example, as I write this post, my MT is telling me that this reality is vibrating at 3.31 ExaHz. The vibration of the parallel reality where I will have 1 million $ in the bank account is at 4.0 Exa Hz. The vibration that I need to be to teleport myself is at 4.11 Exa Hz and so on.

So at first I thought that all I had to do to shift from 1 parallel reality to the next was to change my body's vibration but that's not the case, it's NOT my physical body's vibration that I need to change but my Consciousness's vibration and we do that by removing limiting beliefs.

As usual, take with a grain of salt what my MT signals are telling me because there are no way to scientifically measure that but if it's true, I think it's really cool to know. 8-)


Re: Body vibration vs Soul vibration

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:18 am
by Ionian
So you are meaning to tell us that the NAPs are possibly messing with the soul's vibration rather than the body? How is that possible? I thought the SM resided somewhere in the body.


Re: Body vibration vs Soul vibration

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:26 am
by Merlin
Ionian wrote:So you are meaning to tell us that the NAPs are possibly messing with the soul's vibration rather than the body?
It makes sense because if for example, I remove the limiting beliefs that holds me to this reality where my brother died then I will be able to shift to another parallel reality where he is still alive and over there, there is another version of me so don't forget that in this parallel reality, there is another BODY AND SOUL getting an experience so by cleaning my limiting beliefs, I changed my soul's vibration to match the soul's vibration of that parallel reality me.

So cleaning limiting beliefs doesn't just make your body jump to another parallel reality, the soul is shifting too so by pure logical deduction, this means that cleaning limiting beliefs affects the soul's vibration too.

Follow me?
Ionian wrote:I thought the SM resided somewhere in the body.
No, NOTHING resides in the body. The Conscious Mind and the Subconscious Mind or even the Higher Mind are NOT inside the brain, science has proven that a long time ago.

If this MT signal is true and that beliefs are in the SM and the SM is inside the Soul then the physical body will be the one receiving all the slow vibrations from BOTH the SM and the Soul too so we REALLY need to clear those limiting beliefs asap.


Re: Body vibration vs Soul vibration

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 7:30 am
by Dxavi
Wow, that's great.
Apparently there are a lot of vibrations out there, I remember reading that the heartbeat of the earth was around 12 hz, I think now is 14 hz, but a lot of years back was 7.8 hz, or so, but it might vary from the matter vibration, so, a lot of vibrations and everything is changing all the time, that's good because we can tune our vibrations.

Merlin, Are you going to use that line from now on?

Re: Body vibration vs Soul vibration

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:11 pm
by Merlin
Dxavi wrote:I remember reading that the heartbeat of the earth was around 12 hz, I think now is 14 hz, but a lot of years back was 7.8 hz, or so,
Yup, that's the Schumann resonance." onclick=";return false;
Dxavi wrote:Merlin, Are you going to use that line from now on?
I certainly will in a near future because when you think about it, without any limiting beliefs to stop us from jumping to any vibration, this would pretty much be like having no limiting beliefs at all so it would be the ultimate LOA Shortcut here. :shock:


Re: Body vibration vs Soul vibration

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:38 pm
by MonsterLord
Wouldn't be BOTH? That to actually jump timelines you have to shift BOTH vibrations and not only the body or soul?

Re: Body vibration vs Soul vibration

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:57 pm
by Merlin
MonsterLord wrote:Wouldn't be BOTH? That to actually jump timelines you have to shift BOTH vibrations and not only the body or soul?
Well since the body is inside the soul, if the soul shifts the body will follow but the opposite is not true. For example, if you get in your car and it moves, it takes you with it but once you get out of it and move, the car doesn't move.

So just like you moving inside your car, what REALLY matters here is that you car is the one going at 100 Km/h because the body cannot move that fast and it seems to be the case regarding reality also. Reality seems to be moving A LOT faster than the body and only the soul's super fast vibration can follow it.


Re: Body vibration vs Soul vibration

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:11 pm
by MonsterLord
The body is inside the soul?

Re: Body vibration vs Soul vibration

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:42 pm
by Merlin
MonsterLord wrote:The body is inside the soul?
Well yeah, and not just the body but the entire reality is created inside your consciousness. I often mix the word soul with consciousness.

Yeah the consciousness condenses itself and lower it's vibration to be able to create the body and the reality around us.

I heard about that a long time ago and later on also heard Bashar talk about it here.[/youtube]

It's the vibration of our consciousness that we need to change in order to shift from 1 reality to the next.


Re: Body vibration vs Soul vibration

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 6:01 pm
by MonsterLord
So when you had you timejump, it was a soul/consciousness shift?