Hey folks!
As the title says, Autosuggestion!
In fact a man called Emile Coue have his method called the "Coue Method" Or the Couéism!
I tryed out Autosuggestion just recently, that or affirmations, not sure if there is any similiarty between autosuggestion and affirmations, but I think they are sort of the same or if not then similar, since you repeat it over and over again and such.
Anyway I have a question for Merlin
If we have a doorman that is awake evertime we're awake, and it filters it.
Why do autosuggestion work?
Hmm, I have a few ideas on why it work, first of all, repetitions, and being relaxed cause when we are relaxed, it flows more smoothly, if not then I might be wrong, and quite possibly wording affirmations or autosuggestions right?
Also I guess I have to brush up my info on the doorman and such including the subconscious.
Re: Autosuggestion
That and I have to refresh my memory on autosuggestion by reading Emile Coue's books
Re: Autosuggestion
Autosuggestion is pretty much what NAPs are. We suggest ourselves using repeated affirmations and this repetition enters the SM over time and add/change/remove beliefs.Serris wrote:As the title says, Autosuggestion!
In fact a man called Emile Coue have his method called the "Coue Method" Or the Couéism!
They work because The Doorman still lets in the SM thoughts that you believe as true or possible and also affirmations that have been repeated over and over on long periods of time (many months).Serris wrote:Why do autosuggestion work?
NAPs speed things up by removing The Doorman but I'm sure if you want a goal and repeat it over and over for many months and add strong feelings about it, you can manage to send that new belief in your SM but get ready to wait.
However, that is just the "Implantation of a new belief" here and NOT the end of the process as I found after attracting my $10,000/month business. The main job that we have to do is to REMOVE the old beliefs that are stopping us from attracting it in the first place because if you didn't have those, you would have attracted your goal a looooooong time ago.
Therefore the need to do a Cleaning NAP.
Re: Autosuggestion
Awesome man! Thanks for replying to my post!
Makes lots of sense!
Makes lots of sense!