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Cool documentaries

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:32 pm
by Merlin
These days I seem to find really cool scientific documentaries so I will start this thread so that if you find one, just post it here for everyone to see.


Re: Cool documentaries

Posted: Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:40 pm
by Merlin
Here's one for you...

This documentary below tells us about Psycho-Kinesis (PK) or if you prefer, the ability to move objects using your mind.

At the 38th minute of the documentary I heard something that I never thought I would have heard during my lifetime and that is science admitting that this power not only exists but doesn't seem to come from the CONSCIOUS mind but rather from the SUBCONSCIOUS Mind. :shock:

In other words, they pretty much confirmed what I used in my signature below that it's NOT what we think or wish in our conscious mind that really matters here but what we believe at the SUBconscious level and we all know here that we do NOT believe everything that we think at the conscious mind level otherwise we would have manifested everything that we desired.

So now I guess science has discovered 75% of our research here. Now they just need to find that there is some kind of thought filter that stops some thoughts from entering the SM and then they will be where we are. Well...almost. ;)

Isn't that cool. :SupNap:


Re: Cool documentaries

Posted: Sun Apr 28, 2013 5:22 pm
by tashi2.0
great and interesting thing this one.

Re: Cool documentaries

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 8:24 am
by alyssa
Hi everyone, I'm not sure if I mentioned this before. Its about Felix Baumgartner who managed to break the sound barrier (Oct 2012) though the project started in Jan 2010. A lot of research was put into this, and he worked with lots of different specialists, including psychologists. When I first watched this, I didn't clearly understand the much work that he had to put into changing his beliefs. At some point he had to use a sports psychologist as he felt quite anxious and the event had to be postponed. Sorry I couldn't find the link, but i think if you do a google search, there's a lot of information about it.

Also there was a programme on telly about brain surgeons, and in their preparations to carry out surgeries, they had to do a lot of mental work, to ensure they were really ready to carry out a successful operation. I believe this is the same as what Merlin is experimenting about. Its great to know that we are on the right path, and being backed by the scientific research. So we just have to keep up with it. All the best Alyssa.

Re: Cool documentaries

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 1:45 am
by Merlin
If you want to learn more about how we create our reality, you might like this series of video...

This is part 1[/youtube]

This is part 2[/youtube]

This is part 3[/youtube]


Re: Cool documentaries

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 12:42 am
by Merlin
Very cool documentary on Consciousness and Science.[/youtube]


Re: Cool documentaries

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 2:56 pm
by Merlin
Yeah ok it's 4 hours long :shock: but it's a bunch of 10-15 minute movies all stitched together so you can watch 1 movie at a time.

I'm just 8 minute in the movie and I'm already blown away. This is obviously made made by some indigo kid very well connected and at over 1.4 million views :o It looks like they were all attracted by this movie.

Just watch the first few minutes like me and then decide if you want to continue watching it.



Re: Cool documentaries

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 3:43 am
by Merlin
Wow this movie above is AMAZING. :shock: It's pretty much all the spiritual stuff I learned over many decades all wrapped up in 1 clip!!!

Everything is there, parallel realities, multiple dimensions, chakras, sacred geometry, lucid dreaming, astral traveling, etc and all that within the first 90 minutes. :shock:

You don't get bored because they are just 10-15 minute clips that he calls lessons, so you can stop the clip and come back for a new lesson later on.

I wish I had seen this 20 years ago. :?


Re: Cool documentaries

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 4:12 am
by MonsterLord
There is a cool video about time, however its in spanish I understand it but I am not sure how many will. Okay, take what he says with a grain of salt some things are very interesting, others while interesting as well are too far fetched to me (like the chronovisor part, though I think he doesn't says it is real but could be).[/youtube]

Something interesting is that near the end, he talks about what he calls "kidnapping timelines" which is moving between alternate realities and he describes as "the dream of every dictator", its remarkable how despite he thinks that the government is so advanced and inmersed in time research he thinks that this is so advanced that he thinks no government could have an advanced research on the topic.

At the end he talks about how the mind is connected to time and how a way to manipulate it is by "hunches" and "intuition".

This really makes me appreciate how advanced the research in this forum is compared to a lot of others, the guy here basically concludes that now the most we can do to affect time is following hunches, when here we are talking about how to consistantly affect time with real results. Also how he talks about moving in timelines as the ultimate time skill and how it is lightyears in the future with the LHC barely beign an overture to attempt to communicate between realities, where here we are actually talking about how to move between timelines at will and some have even done it even if not at will (Merlin).

I feel like if we were working on Star Wars tier technology while the rest of the world is working on how to design a wheel.

Re: Cool documentaries

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 4:17 am
by Merlin
MonsterLord wrote:I feel like if we were working on Star Wars tier technology while the rest of the world is working on how to design a wheel.
