Alright guys, listen up to this because if this is true,this new HM request will blow all of our minds.
What I've learned with all my questions in the past few years about this 5D Ascension thing is that the difference is that in the 4.0 tracks (4.5 or even 4.922), we still need to manifest goals via BELIEFS.
This means that if you want money or a new lover, you HAVE TO reprogram the TLR at the HM level and that will plant all the PBs in your SM a few days later (around 4 days in the 4.922).
However, in the 5.0 tracks, there are NO BELIEFS it's like the SM cloud is GONE so when you ask your goal, your HM sends you the exact vibration to manifest your goal INSTANTLY but unlike the 4.0 tracks and it's SM cloud of beliefs filtering that vibration, in the 5.0 tracks you receive INSTANTLY and UNFILTERED that vibration and *POOF* your goal appears in front of your eyes.
I told you that because we are still in the 4.0 tracks we still need to build in our SM that belief regarding the ability of instant shifting of our HM by doing the 3 steps that I talked about (16/16 at roulette, instant object color change and object teleportation) but I learned that we can do a HM request and ask him to implant all the PBs needed to do those 3 steps.
In other words, we can do a HM request to be able to instantly shift to other tracks but to help us out with those 3 steps, our HM will make so that it can be EASY for us to manifest those 3 steps. No need to waste years like me spinning that roulette wheel from hell.
You will still need to spin it to win more and more to build that HM instant shifting belief but the PBs helping you to attract this will come from your HM and not by you playing the game for years to try to acquire those PBs.
Same thing for the wall color change. You ask the HM to acquire all these PBs and one day you try by snapping your fingers and if you got all the PBs the color should change.
What I'm saying is that YOUR HM REQUEST will replace the job that I'm doing now which is to try to build all those PBs myself.
Anyone follow me here?