VirgoShowgirl wrote:Oh man ! Do we have to fight with EVERYTHING to get what we want ?
adhock wrote:Wait, what??? And why do you like it???
I don't think it's become a fight, I think I already won the battle but my OverSoul is taking a step back before shifting me to another track.
Remember my crazy story about shifting to other tracks to win at roulette first and then shifting to other tracks where objects around me have different colors to end up shifting to radically different tracks where another version of my brother never had cancer and is still alive (apparently he shifted there after his death and is waiting for me ).
VirgoShowgirl wrote:So you just have to wait it out then ?
Apparently the discussion upstairs will end after 3 Am so in about 10 min.
I just don't know what to think about this, could be another MT joke but I will play roulette before going to bed as usual and a few games tomorrow too and the day after that until I see something change.
It may sounds strange to you but to me it makes perfect sense.
Remember this diagram here...
Well, let's say that I'm Rick #1 about to shift to Rick #5's life, this means that either another version of me will take my place here or that nobody will be in track #1 so I can see why that would freak out my OverSoul.
I don't know if MT is making this up but I find all this very funny.
Anyway, the discussion up there between my Oversoul, my Soul and HM ended and nothing will happen tonight but they agreed to make me do small shifts (roulette, objects colors) tomorrow and the big track shifts Friday.
Probably another MT joke but I got nothing to clear and no more cracks to fill so I'm out of options here.