High Vibration HM Request

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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

AgentSmith wrote:So Merlin, you are now betting exclusively on #35, with the idea that HM moves you to a reality where #35 wins, rather than asking MT for the next number and predicting the future? Am I getting this right?
Yeah I bet only the #35 for now but I will change number soon when things get better. It's my HM's job to shift me to the track where that number wins.

I still don't trust MT right now to ask which number will come up next, same thing for the track number that we seem to be in right now (4.859) because the roulette would start around 4.863 and I don't see it reflected on the roulette when I play now.

If I was that close from 4.863, I would win every 2-3 games right now and this is not what I see. I think joked me at least a dozen times in the past telling me that I am at 4.86 and roulette will kick in tonight and it didn't. :roll:

The way I see it, because we are still in the 4.0 tracks, I believe that there are still LBs including the Sabotage Belief and all the other LBs associated with Money, etc... and because of that, MT is still lying right now. I wouldn't be surprised that we are still in the 4.6 or 4.7 tracks.

What happened earlier today was more of another step up in this progression. If it really happens in the next few hours like MT says it would, I would REALLY be surprised.

I think it will take a few more weeks like somewhere near the end of September, after 2-3 more HM requests but hey... I could be wrong. :mrgreen:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Alright, a few hours have passed and I tested roulette again.

Nothing changed here, sorry, no 3/16 or 16/16 today folks. :evil: Than again, are you really THAT surprised??

I know we want to stay positive but we also know what we are up against. Just getting out of this/those sabotage tracks from hell will be a miracle in itself if we manage to do it.

As I said to Agentsmith above, I will do another HM request Monday and Tuesday and will do another one the week after and the week after that one.

Why? Well... because we got no choice and nothing else better to do.

I believe that we got up in vibration this week based on what I saw on roulette this morning but I see there are still some way to go.

I think everything will progress gradually where I will win every 5-6 games (25-30 spins) then a few days later, 1 win every 3-4 games (15-20 spins) and so on. As I said above, I wouldn't be surprised if it takes me a month to reach that 1 win on every 5 spin game.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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Hmm, okay, maybe I've spoken too soon. :?

I came back to it and placed my bet on the #35 and won on the first spin of the first game. :shock:

I played a 2nd time and won again on the first spin on the 2nd game. :o

On the 3rd game, I got another win on the 5th spin so that makes it 3 games in a row. That's the 2nd time I see this.

The 1st time I won 3 times in a row was 2 days ago here: http://www.merlinworld.com/forum/viewto ... =30#p57038" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Maybe I am progressing faster than I think. Hey I'm all for that. :twisted:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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:lol: :lol:

Ok, didn't win on the 4th game but won on the 5th one. :shock: :SupNap:

Didn't win on the 6th and 7th game but won on the 8th one. :twisted:

Didn't win on the 9th and 10th game but won on the last spin of the 11th one.

I think I get it now. It's a wave cycle... remember this diagram below?

It's just like this morning. A bunch of wins in a row (green line above the zeroline) followed by other wins but with more and more losing games between each win (red line below the zeroline) because I am catching the bottom of a cycle.

It's hard to predict when I will be permanently above the line but when I do, I will get my 3/16 and win once every 5 spins or so. :twisted:
VibrationCycle3.gif (3.02 KiB) Viewed 3189 times
If you feel a bit depressed, just take a step back and analyze what just happened here. 11 games of 5 spins that's a total of only 55 spins.

Once again (if you don't know this by heart now you shouldn't be on this forum :lol: ) the standard odds are 1 win every 38 spins but in just 55 spins, I won not once but...6 TIMES!!! :shock: :shock:

THAT is COMPLETELY NUTS and any scientist would see that something BIG is going on here. :geek:

At this rate of progression, I don't think it will be a matter of weeks but more like a matter of days before I get to my 3/16 goal. :twisted:

It's coming folks, don't lose faith. :SupNap:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Perun »

Awesome, Merlin! This is getting better and better! :SupNap:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by AgentSmith »

Great news, Merlin! To put things into perspective, I played 11 sets of 5 spins, refreshing after each set, betting on #9, and got just one win on Game #10.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

AgentSmith wrote:Great news, Merlin! To put things into perspective, I played 11 sets of 5 spins, refreshing after each set, betting on #9, and got just one win on Game #10.
Exactly and those are the standard odds. You are supposed to win just once or maybe 2 times during 55 spins but 6 times!!...that's crazy and on top of that, I did that TWICE during the same day because it started out that way too yesterday.

Can't wait to see what I will see today. :twisted:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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Just played 5 games and didn't win once. :?

I asked MT if the Sabotage Belief was working at sabotaging my yesterday's success and got a...YES. :?

I'm not worried, I know that belief will be present in all the 4.0 tracks and my HM will push each day to get me out of these 4.0 tracks.

Just for fun I asked MT to know where are we in this battle HM vs Sabotage war? and we are at 87% in this war so there are still 13% left to win.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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Hmm I didn't expect to have such a crappy day today. :?

It looks like whatever sabotage or other type of LBs I got left worked in overtime to crash my yesterday's high vibration because nothing worked today.

I will watch very closely at the next few days because I wanna know if/when my HM will be able to come back from this crash.

I know this is not the bottom of a cycle because things got worse than the standard odds today so there was some type of rubber band effect pulling me not only from a positive vibration (yesterday) to a neutral vibration but even bring me down lower to a negative vibration where nothing works.

It really sucks to know that you have something deep inside of you that is taking away all the fun and hope you have. You almost feel cursed or something as if you are not allowed to live and have fun.

I know that it's not my HM's fault because he's suffering and is as pissed as I am so the problem lies above, most probably at the OverSoul level. This is where the bottleneck is.

From what I've learned, the goal of the OverSoul is to spread itself into multiple versions of yourself where one version of you will be super successful while another version of you will get sabotage after sabotage so that the OverSoul extract BOTH life experiences (1 good and 1 bad). They kinda balance each other at the OverSoul level.

That's all well and good and I understand the logic behind this but when YOU are the version stuck in the sabotage track, it's not so funny anymore. :evil:

If the "sabotage version" (that's me) is allowed to shift track and go to the "success track" then the OverSoul will have 2 positive versions and no other versions of me experiencing negative crap and that's what bothering me.

Will I be allowed to shift? Can a "Successful Rick" be willing to shift to the sabotage track and take my place while I take his? If not then will my OverSoul accept to not get anymore negative crap from the sabotage track and get 2 Rick having the time of their lives? Will my HM be able to shift me anyway and get away from all this sabotage if my OverSoul won't allow me to shift to the 5.0 track?

To you they may sound like crazy questions but to me, after all that I've learned, these are CRITICAL and important questions regarding my future and mental sanity because if I can't get away from all this sabotage and I'm stuck in this shit hole for another 50 years I'm gonna go nuts. I'm sorry but that's not an option here and I will not tolerate this much longer.

So yeah, yesterday I was shown something good and promising but today I saw the same sabotaging pattern that we all seen in the past years and I wonder if my HM will finally be able to beat this curse from hell.

We will know soon.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Since this week will pretty much tell me (us) as to whether or not I will be able to come back up in vibration (higher than I was yesterday so that I see a light at the end of this tunnel) or if this sabotage belief will keep me in this never ending vibrational yoyo every time I go up, I was wondering if I was the only one who was disappointed with his life.

You don't have to answer that, maybe you love your life right now but just out of curiosity, on a scale from 0 (totally disgusted) to 100 (totally satisfied) how much would you rate your life so far?

As for me, I would say 10% nothing more since it was sabotage in most BIG 4 areas.

I ask because if you are not very satisfied with your life and our HM can't make us shift to a better track soon, you will have to accept the possibility that you can't get passed this present % threshold your life is at now.

We will have tried to reprogram our SM and then tried to reprogram at the HM level too and I don't know how to reprogram at the Soul or OverSoul levels.
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