All roads lead to a frequency shift

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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:Yes, well, I guess a more accuarate description would be Everything. Though in a lot of philsophies physical reality (matter) is also made up from consciousness.
To be honest with you, I couldn't care less about what reality is made up of, it could be all done in Jello, I wouldn't give a shit. :lol:

All I care is to shift to the reality where what I want to see in front of me is now in front of me.

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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by MonsterLord »

An interesting quote from Bashar I found:

"Q: When you rest, do you dream? If so, do you remember your dreams?

BASHAR: My life is one waking dream. What you experience as dream reality is to us normal, waking reality. We have dream images that flit in and out of our reality, but it does not cause dissociation for us as it does for you. You will eventually get to a point where your dream realities will begin blending with your daily realities. We know this is beginning to happen already for many of you. Therefore, eventually you will create the same type of reality that we have. Though I do at times engage in meditation, the experiences are much more experiential than they are intellectual. So to me, an internal experience is equal to an external experience. It is the same one thing."
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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by Ethosdel »

Has anyone thought about enjoy the ride and feeling young moment by moment working to assist in Artistic manners (Including Lucid Dreaming) for long term ability to thrive on the planet... in recognition all things fade away... allowing nature to takes its course yet being on somewhat of a steering course even in the things and people we magnetize simply because of vibrational tuning!?
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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by Merlin »

Hi Ethosdel and welcome to our board :D
Ethosdel wrote:Has anyone thought about enjoy the ride and feeling young moment by moment working to assist in Artistic manners (Including Lucid Dreaming) for long term ability to thrive on the planet...

Hmm not sure I understand the question here. Please define.

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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by wireman »

Merlins Freudian slip--or was it? :lol: or double Ds :twisted:
Merlin Ey,

Being a lay about is choice for some time, but soon enough the Uni will drive you back into action .Even partying and ,I've truly done my share, catches up to you..Further I've floundered across a few double D's.. Nuff said..

Enjoy the heck out of your "greener pastures" sabbatical and do keep us apprised of your current status..Must admit you ran a great site and encouraged many folks here to at least try to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps..

Got the "call me " E-mail" w/Mods name attached..oddity and erased..Loled.. :o

wireman Cheerz Boyz and Girlz :SupNap:
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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by wireman »

James talks of a friend--who claims to see energy rising out of her hands
James S--eh,

Similarly you can feel the what ever the hell it is at points on your physiognomy ! So called chakras or energy centers ..Again in my case lower ab at the arterial junction of the aorta as it ascends then up near the heart and on up to the head and over the head.The waist has an energy belt at this same time and you can "hula hoop it around--kind of fun exercise.This energy travels all over and up and down your extremities..You direct it w/your thoughts/minds eye..

Weird , but most martial people just go so far or don't have a great teacher and just use Chi Gung for joint exercises.Where its use works superbly . Summoning the Chi energy up and around your body is somewhat of a fairly lenghty process, but well worth it..
So much of what the ancients knew and could do and all the BS we've been fed as to what they really did is lost or hidden in the annals of time.

wireman Cheerz Best to all you Ladiez and Gentz.. :SupNap:
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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by MonsterLord »

Why would you want to surround yourself with Chi when you can do whatever you want? That is the point of this research.

All this martial arts training to do that? That time would better be served learning to master manifestation which can achieve anything. Why use so much effort and time to learn to surround yourself with an energy field that at most will allow you to push objects with your mind when you can learn to access the power that can create entire universes?
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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:Why use so much effort and time to learn to surround yourself with an energy field that at most will allow you to push objects with your mind when you can learn to access the power that can create entire universes?
Well I will let wireman answer you but what I can say on this is that to be able to shift to any parallel reality of your choice and create universe, etc.. you FIRST need to know that you can do that. ;) :lol:

Many people just don't know this. For example, if you go to a energy healing seminar, they will argue with you that THEY are the ones healing the other but in fact, they don't, they can't, all they can do is HOPE that their client has the belief that those healers will heal them which will make the client shift to the parallel reality where they are healed. They won't know that they are the ones who healed themselves and not the healer. :lol:

Here again, most healers don't know that they are not healing, they think they do but they don't. EVERYTHING is based on beliefs but if you don't know that, you will continue to think that you can heal others, and that creating universes is the stuff of some old dude up there in the sky. :lol:

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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by MonsterLord »

Well in a way they are healing the versions of these people in their reality, or rather choosing to see them as healed.

In the same way you would really not create an universe, but you would have that experience if you shift through the appropiate realities.
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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:Well in a way they are healing the versions of these people in their reality, or rather choosing to see them as healed.
Again, not really. NOBODY is healing anyone, everyone is shifting to another reality where they never had the illness in the first place and this is done ONLY if you have beliefs already in you.

The "healer" may see nothing change while the sick person may use their belief to shift to the reality where they are healthy and vice versa.

It's ALL a game of who will have the belief to shift to that new reality where everyone is healthy.

It's like you may have the belief to make you jump 5 feet high but you don't know it and if you come to see me who is for example a athlete expert, and I start telling you to jump and you have it all in you and then you jump and there you are jumping high and you thank me but I had nothing to do it here, I just gave you the working space for you to tap in your bank of beliefs, try to find one that could make you jump high and you found one and VOILA, here you are jumping over cars all day long thinking that I am responsible for that while in fact I had nothing to do with it.

What sucks about all that is the TOTAL UNAWARENESS of all those beliefs our SM contains. Bashar calls it a permission slip and we will never know that we have it until we do, just like a NAP. :lol: One may work while the other will fail just because we don't believe in that 2nd one. :roll:

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