All roads lead to a frequency shift

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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by MonsterLord »

I share your sentiments too guys. I dont know if this is less spiritual; but yeah the idea of remaining seated at peace while the world around you is shit and just "surrender to it" is not my idea either.
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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by MonsterLord »

Talking about timlessness, I am going to quote a part of Frank Kepple's (one of the best OBE, mind and manifestation researchers I have seen):

"I discovered Focus-15 for the first time last week. Or at least I think I did. I'm not exactly sure
how it came about, but I was lying on my bed just letting my thoughts drift and I felt a kind of
shift. Didn't really notice it so much at first, it was something that dawned on me perhaps a few
minutes (not exactly sure) after it came about. It felt like I was entirely physical, so I slowly
opened my eyes expecting the state to break, but it didn't. The only way I can explain it, is it felt
as if everything within the physical had just stopped, freeze-frame like.
Within my mind, it was as if there was no future and no past, and all that existed was the present
moment; which felt expanded or widened somehow, and I was living in it.

I expected the state to break any second but it didn't. Within my awareness came the
description of "no time" that I had read before about Focus 15, that we talked about previously.
I can say that that's exactly how it felt. Like time had just stopped. I'm sure that it hadn't. I'm sure
the world outside was continuing as per usual. But it felt like, for me, it had stopped. What also
felt doubly weird is the fact that I was fully awake and alert within the physical! But there was a
sensation of being ever so slightly removed from my normal, fully awake self. But I do stress
the word slightly. I stood by my bed and slowly walked to the window. As I was doing so, I got a
distinct sensation of travelling through time. Which I know sounds weird but it did feel weird. I
then walked back to where I was before and got an incredibly strong feeling of déjà vu. It was as if I had gone back to the time when a minute previously I was standing by my bed. So I
walked back to the window and the same feeling came about. I experimented by repeatedly
walking to various points in the room, and each time I would return to a point, it was like I had
returned to the time when I was there previously. It was exactly as if I was reliving the same
moment, over and over.
After about 10 minutes (or that's how it seemed) I got a distinct feeling that "I" had come to the
forefront of my awareness again. I was still in the physical as before, but without that strange
feeling. In other words, everything became normal. I am absolutely certain that I was within the
physical at all times. I touched various physical objects, for example, and everything felt just as
it usually does.
I'm sure this is the Focus-15 state. Because the description, "no time" just captures the feeling
absolutely. But, as I say, I'm sure that time, in a wider sense, continued as normal, and the state
pertained to me only. If I were to try to expand on the "no time" description, to me it felt as if I
had my past and my future, and a large area had opened up between them. My mental focus
felt as if it were situated right in the middle of this area... as if all that existed was a perpetual
"now" and everything I did was time-referenced to that.
I hope to enter this state again and experiment further. The enchanting aspect is the fact of
being fully awake and alert within the physical. Difficulty being I cannot recall how I got there, but
I'm sure it'll happen again before long. The fact of it being so physical is why I missed it before.
I was thinking of the state in the sense of it being more of a non-physical state. But it would
appear not. Based on my experience it would seem to be a different type of physical focus!

I keep searching around the Internet for more info, but haven't found anything more than the
usual bog-standard description of "no time" . It looks to me like yet another one of those
situations where no one really knows, so everyone parrots everyone else. Of course, there is
always the possibility that what I discovered is not Focus-15 at all. But the "no time" description
suits it to an absolute tee.
The true experience of becoming the Focus-15 state, is an incredibly more profound sense of
reality than the somewhat puny objective notion of "no time" . Now that I've managed to put twoand-
two together, so to speak, I can see that Focus- 15 is a state where we actually manifest
the very probabilities that go to creating the circumstances we experience within objective, i.e.
physical, reality! On the surface it would appear that by directly manipulating in the Focus-15
state, a person could literally forge his or her own physical reality. Though, at present, this
remains something of, what you might call, a glorious possibility. I accept that each of us
already creates his or her reality, but to actually access the very state in which we create the
probabilities for that reality is something very profound indeed. The temptation to begin playing
with my objective-reality control mechanism is proving very hard to resist! Needless to say, this
has opened up a completely new avenue of research for me, and is something I shall be
exploring over the coming months.
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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by Merlin »

Seems to me your guy didn't know about this ascension and just felt it one day and is till scratching his heads as to WTF just happened?? :shock: :? :lol:

Let me tell you that if it happens to me, I will know what to do and what to learn (instant vibrational change that is and NOTHING ELSE). :lol:

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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by MonsterLord »

Something funny about this guy, is that he disappeared shortly (if you don't believe me google it up his name is Frank Kepple), no one knows what happened to him. Some belive and the most prominent belief is that he died and that's why he disappeared from the map.

This is what the guy has to say about reality creation:

Your perception creates your reality and is heavily influenced by your beliefs. You cannot get
around that. So the only real choice you have is to monitor very carefully the beliefs that you
take on board, so to speak. For your beliefs are, in a sense, creating your reality. So in true
terms, if you don't like the reality you are creating then change your beliefs. It's a little more
complex that that, because we do have interactions with others we need to take account of. But
that's the basics of it.
It is essential to understand that we do not co-create. We create our reality by use of our
perception. Our perception is a tool, if you like, that receives its reality-creating signals that are
filtered through whatever belief constructs we happen to subscribe to. Obviously, certain belief
constructs, such as gravity, are more influencing than others. So there are obviously influences,
but there is no co-creation.

"We cannot help but be bound by our beliefs. Every AIC (action in consciousness) we engage within F1 relates to a
construct of one type or another. Our perception creates our reality and one of the MAJOR
factors influencing of our perception are the beliefs that we subscribe to. The key is to realise
that. So it becomes not a question of trying to get to a state where you hold no beliefs, no, it
becomes an exercise in being very careful about the kinds of beliefs you take on board!
Changing your beliefs quite literally changes your physical reality. You will hear many spiritual
“new age” types talking about how true change comes from within. Yes, that is true. But do
these people actually know WHY that is the case? Not really. It is because your perception is
creating your reality, not merely viewing it as virtually all people assume. And, as I say, the main
factor that is heavily influencing of your perception are the core beliefs that you hold."
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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:Your perception creates your reality and is heavily influenced by your beliefs. You cannot get around that. So the only real choice you have is to monitor very carefully the beliefs that you take on board, so to speak.
I couldn't agree more. :SupNap:
MonsterLord wrote:It is essential to understand that we do not co-create. We create our reality by use of our perception.
Yup, I thought about this too recently.

You see, the reality is like a movie, if you and I watch a movie and freeze frame it at one point, what we do here is just OBSERVE that segment of the movie together at the same time, we do not create the frame nor the movie.

Reality or what I like to call it "The DVD of Life", is like that. Whatever you can think is ALREADY THERE, all you have to do is shift to the vibration of it and then you will see it.

All the realities are out there to be tuned to just like radio stations, they are not perceived now but turn the dial on your radio and suddenly, you hit one and you can hear it. Did you create it from scratch? No, it was ALREADY playing in your room, it's just that you didn't perceive it because your radio wasn't tune to it.

Reality is like that. We don't need to create (or co-create) a reality, they are all there for the taking, you just need to shift your vibration to start perceiving it and when you do, you are not co-creating with the other beings, what you do is just team up with other souls who happen to have shifted their vibration to the same one you are in right now and you both observe the same thing. None of you are creating what you see.

If there is one thing I learned from all those videos from Bashar, is that we cannot change or alter reality, we can only shift to a different one that may give us the ILLUSION that we have changed something while in fact, we didn't, we just shifted to a different parallel reality.

However, no matter how we slice and dice it, it will always come back to the beliefs that you have which are making you vibrate at a specific vibration which will make you perceive this or that reality.

Will we ever be able to shift our vibration instantly at will one day? That's the million $ question and so far, I don't see any Superman flying above the cities or guys that make 747 airplanes pop in and out floating 10 feet above a Wal-Mart parking lot.

It looks like many people have felt this 5D ascension consciousness expansion but why would they come back fat and ugly on this planet like I have seen a guy talk to Bashar in one of his seminar? :? The guy was AT LEAST 300+ lb and still with his super thick ugly nerd glasses. WFT dude??? :?

I mean if the guy really ascended and learned the secrets of the universe and became as powerful or one with God then why not come back as a Superman to influence the planet, stop the wars and let the ET ships come down to Earth without begin shot down by Jets fighters to let them tell us about free energy or health solutions? I know I would. :twisted:

What better impact then flying above tanks and stopping every missile thrown at you and then go on TV to tell the world about this ascension rather then do like Jesus and dress like a hippie and tell everyone to love each other and hug trees. :roll:

There are SO MANY things I don't get form this crazy spiritual community, it's driving me nuts. :evil:

So advanced yet so stupid at the same time. :?

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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by MonsterLord »

There is something else he said, which may appear too wierd even for you Merlin:

"People get the idea that you have to "leave your body" to experience the Wider Reality. You
ALREADY are bombarded with every input from every reality that ever was. But, for the
purposes of experiencing this particular physical reality, in this particular time-frame (out of the
infinite numbers that are available to you) you apply a specific kind of "filter" that allows you to
experience it. That one filter that you are currently applying is what, in Phasing terms, is called a,
"focus of attention"."

Want to know something funny abou this guy? He was an atheist, yes even while writing that research, he never believed in God. He said ultimately everyone has the same Subjective Essence which are basically omnipotent souls resting in a pure subjective plane.

Its strange, because he did believed in Infinite Consciousness and that everything was made from that Sea of Consciousness, with each soul basically being a compressed focus of that Sea. Sounds like God to me, which is why I don't get why he defined himself so clearly as an atheist.
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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:There is something else he said, which may appear too wierd even for you Merlin:

"People get the idea that you have to "leave your body" to experience the Wider Reality. You
ALREADY are bombarded with every input from every reality that ever was. But, for the
purposes of experiencing this particular physical reality, in this particular time-frame (out of the
infinite numbers that are available to you) you apply a specific kind of "filter" that allows you to
experience it. That one filter that you are currently applying is what, in Phasing terms, is called a,
"focus of attention"."

Nah, I don't find it weird, he's talking about this ascension I have been talking about for a while here. We won't have to die to remove this REALITY FILTER. Now as to when and what it will feel like to remove that limitation filter? I have no idea. :?

I agree that there is no God as the one we have been told about growing up that looks like my avatar pic (old white man with long white beard, etc...). He's also right about everything being consciousness, Bashar calls it "the soup". :lol:

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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by MonsterLord »

Yes, this is what I understood too. There is a God, but is not the Dictator God we have made to believe in.

But is Consciousness Itself.
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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:Yes, this is what I understood too. There is a God, but is not the Dictator God we have made to believe in.

But is Consciousness Itself.
As in is Consciousness God?

Well I would say yes. At least 1 part of it because you cannot have a reality without an observer, it's totally useless to create it because nobody will watch it.

You cannot have either consciousness in total darkness with no reality to observe because that would be getting boring REALLY FAST. :lol:

So you need a reality (DVD) and an observer (Laser beam) or else you go nowhere.

So to me consciousness is just the observing part here, 1 side of the coin of this God thing.

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Re: All roads lead to a frequency shift

Post by MonsterLord »

Yes, well, I guess a more accuarate description would be Everything. Though in a lot of philsophies physical reality (matter) is also made up from consciousness.
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