Osterbrunnen wrote:You have to forgive everyone around you who you previously blamed for the bad things, and just accept that you allowed it all to happen. When you can do that, you'll start to see your own beliefs. Then you can appreciate them, appreciate what you learned from them, and then say goodbye to them. Let yourself know that you don't need those beliefs anymore. You can have new ones.
Oh my
Don't want to be rude but you sure have A LOT to learn about beliefs my friend based on what you said.
I'm sure you know by now what Bashar mentions which is that we create our reality based on our beliefs right? Now, if this is true and changing our beliefs is "so easy" then let me ask you this question.
- Do you have the body and the health that you want?
- Are you totally financially independent?
- Have you found and are you on love with your Soulmate right now?
You see, the reason why I started this forum (not the Bashar one but the Subconscious Mind forum) is because after over 20 years of research on the Law of Attraction, I haven't found a person who have REALLY mastered this art of changing beliefs.
I constantly see and hear those "LOA gurus" say what you said that changing beliefs is soooooo easy but yet, when you look at them, they are always either too old, too overweight, have cancer or don't look too healthy, are single or have to sell books, DVDs and Cruise Ship Seminars on the LOA to make a living proving to me that they don't know what they are talking and are just "repeating" what they have learned in a book, a seminar or Youtube video.
Can't wait to hear you on how you have mastered the LOA to finally have the life that you want by applying your easy belief changing method.