Very cool video

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Very cool video

Post by Merlin »

If like me you like anything about...

- Mayan Calendar
- Hopi Prophecies
- 2012 or October 28, 2011
- 5th dimension ascension
- Raising your own vibration

...then watching this video is a must. It totally blew my mind.[/youtube]

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Re: Very cool video

Post by NicB »

Sweet! It's long so i wont watch it right now but i look forward to watching it! :SupNap:
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Re: Very cool video

Post by NicB »

Hmm i just watched it. It's kind of weird watching it post-october 28th, and knowing there hasn't really been a world altering "event" that has happened yet (atleast, none that i'm aware of lol) like the video predicts. However a lot of the concepts in the video were things i have read/watched/digested in other videos/articles, definitely a lot of gold in there.

I guess everybody will experience the shift differently in their reality so it's hard to really share this video, because it may not apply to everyone.
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Re: Very cool video

Post by Merlin »

NicB wrote:I guess everybody will experience the shift differently in their reality so it's hard to really share this video, because it may not apply to everyone.
Exactly. There will be a shift for everyone but all in their own time in their own reality.

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Re: Very cool video

Post by wireman »

2012 enigma yeah-George Lucas quoted in the Toronto Sun believes !However you" takes your pix" of seers and remote viewers some positive and others negative-two perceivable timelines. There does appear to be some sort of composite future appearing into 2013.
December 2012 is not very clear ,hazy happenings. Divergent timelines interest me the Song SOS by Take That's from their 2010
album has some 2012 lyrics, and the album cover displays the ascension they sing of Kool. Most of the hoopla is Y2K all over again
but WTH gonna be some kind of ride coming along. Prophecy closer to home is easier friends family etc. Grand scale nah few
can do this.
W/the present economic situation in Eur and elsewhere, coupled w/all the civil unrest worldwide 2012" gonna be" a rip roaring year indeed. Hollyweird of course plays on the fears of the populace w/their make believe pap, while the marketeers rake in the cash selling survival goods ala Y2K. Vid is kool.
wireman Cheers and luck to us all.
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Re: Very cool video

Post by wireman »

Hey All,
Our postural muscles -like our Amygdalas have been most certainly misused or abused,
in my case neglected, by this I mean,we have not been utilizing them to the best of our abilities .
Hypnotists have used a "trick" to let your arm "float" effortlessly for a "stage" of hypnosis-
however engaging your postural muscles accomplishes the same sort of action.An extraordinary
feeling -your arm just floats up by itself no effort at all. And I me it floats. Retraining the posturals is what it takes to do this. Martial art followers can relate to this when under going
internal training.My point nothing mysterious here though it may be called" Qi" or Chi.
However retraining those muscles may take awhile. If I recall there are 29 of these suckers
mainly in the spinal areas and abs,
Now to the Amygdalas one on left and another on the right. These tissues w/the advent of MRIs and brain scans "light up "when meditating and hooked up to the machine: engaging the frontal lobes a huge mass of tissues. W/these we are able to empathize ,use our imagination ,engage paranormal powers,intuition ESP. Normally this area is the fight or flight region,however some retraining resolves and mediates this as well This area is sometimes called the Christ consciousness.
wireman Cheers and good luck to us all :SupNap:
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