High Vibration HM Request

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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

VirgoShowgirl wrote: Mon Oct 12, 2020 1:52 pm Trying this right now ! Go Merlin !!!!
MT told me that other levels can also influence our vibration/manifestations so try this HMR instead blocking the OUTSIDE from influencing your vibration...

"My overall vibration coming from my SM, HM, Soul, Oversoul or any other levels is not influenced anymore by outside negative entities."

Right now, I'm also doing this HMR clearing what's left INSIDE...

"All the LBs and negative entities inside my SM, HM, Soul, Oversoul or any other levels influencing my vibration is now boosted to 333,000 Hz and cleared in 3D, 4D and 5D."
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

I closed the forum for new registration today because I got over 50 new registrations since I reopened the forum and ALL of them were spammers.

You don't see them post on the forum because the 1st post needs to be approved by me and since their first post was just spam, I kicked them out before you could see that crap. :twisted:

I got tired of deleting these spammers so I closed the forum for now. There are few that registered but didn't post anything yet. :?

Anyway, I learned something big today...

MT was telling me that ALL the LBs we have are coming from Trapped Emotions. :shock:

This makes sense since a Positive or Limiting Belief, any belief in fact, are composed of 2 parts:

1- Thought on a topic (ex: money)
2- Emotion regarding this topic

What I didn't know is that to clear ourselves of Trapped Emotions will ALSO clear ourselves of Limiting Beliefs. :shock:

So this is the HMR we should do at least once a week to clear ourselves of Trapped Emotions and block new LBs from being formed.

The HMR is this one...

"Dear HM, clear 100% of all the Negative and Trapped Emotions I have stored in my body on all the topics and on all levels."

If MT is right on this one, THIS HMR could be the HMR that CLEARS EVERYTHING! :shock: :o

Think about this, it could be the cure for ALL the illness, money problems, weight problems, relationships issues, etc... that we have manifested in our life.

It looks like we are coming back to the old days of NAPs where we had 2 parts:

1- Clearing NAP to remove LBs
2- Goal NAP to implant PBs

MT is telling me that we should always start with this clearing HMR before trying to manifest a new goal and that make sense, you want to clear the garden of weeds first before you plant anything new in it.

So on a weight loss goal for example, it would look like this...

"Dear HM, clear 100% of all the Negative and Trapped Emotions I have in my body regarding the weight of my body. You have now lost 10 lb and it feels so good."

Here's another one Money...

"Dear HM, clear 100% of all the Negative and Trapped Emotions I have in my body regarding the topic Money. You have now easily attracted an extra $500 per week and it feels so good."

The first sentence is the Cleaning Line regarding the topic you want to clear and the 2nd line is the Goal Line where you state the goal you want to manifest and state the POSITIVE EMOTION you want to feel instead regarding this topic.

I'm gonna try this on roulette and will post if I see anything...
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by AgentSmith »

So what about the outside negative entities? MT changes its mind way too often :(
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

AgentSmith wrote: Wed Oct 14, 2020 11:03 am So what about the outside negative entities? MT changes its mind way too often :(
It's not that MT changes its mind, it's just new things that I discover AFTER I have cleared the ones MT finds out.

Now it could be all jokes but to me, it feels logical to clear 3D (and all its layers) and then clear 4D and then 5D so that there are no more LBs INSIDE my SM and HM and Soul and Oversoul etc.. and then once the INSIDE of those are cleared, I move to the clearing or at least patch them to protect them from the OUTSIDE.

Once the inside and outside LBs are cleared, we will know if MT was joking me but even then, I don't think it is because the amount of 3/16s that I see where I get my 3 numbers (35-24-12) in the right order, is quite impressive and keeps going up. It's normal now to see 1 set per day or even 2 sets 35-24-12 and 33-23-13.

Yesterday I even saw the first of my 3rd set 4-14 but the 34 didn't show up.

So I'm going up in vibration here. Not sure where this will lead me though. I need to do a set of 10 games of 16 spins like I did last year to see if I get the normal odds (4/160) or get a 10/160 that could make me live off roulette.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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Here's what's going on now...

I asked MT...

- Have I cleared all LBs INSIDE my SM/HM/Soul/Oversoul in 3D and got a... YES!
- Have I cleared all LBs INSIDE my SM/HM/Soul/Oversoul in 4D and got a... YES!
- Have I cleared all LBs INSIDE my SM/HM/Soul/Oversoul in 5D and got a... YES!
- Have I cleared all LBs OUTSIDE my SM/HM/Soul/Oversoul in 3D and got a... YES!
- Have I cleared all LBs OUTSIDE my SM/HM/Soul/Oversoul in 4D and got a... YES!
- Have I cleared all LBs OUTSIDE my SM/HM/Soul/Oversoul in 5D and got a... YES!

But.. "of course", I wasn't winning at roulette so I asked if there was something else and got a... YES. :roll:

What's funny is that MT didn't want to tell me what it was, it was for me to figure out. Well after about 10 minutes of asking, I find it.

I had to ask God for a transfer of power from my SM to my HM. :twisted:

I knew this was coming because I heard about it in the past. After all the LBs in the SM were removed, there was nothing influencing my SM anymore so at that point my SM was ready to transfer its power to my HM.

You see, the SM is like a soldier and beliefs PBs or LBs are like orders from the general. When you remove ALL those LBs, the SM is like a soldier without a mission so it doesn't know what to do anymore and is willing to give the control of my vibration to my HM but ONLY if I cleared every LBs and that's what seems to be the case now.

When my HM is FINALLY in charge and in control of my vibration ONLY THEN can I see 5/16s and higher because at that level LOGIC and LUCK go out the window. :twisted: :lol:

When...or IF... I get one day to that point, the REAL FUN is about to start because we are talking INSTANT SHIFTS to other parallel realities close where the number I bet on is about to win.

Basically, I do not win 16 times in a row in THE SAME REALITY. What I do is SHIFT to a reality where I win with one number then I shift to another reality where I win over there with a different number.

So basically I only win ONCE per reality but because I shift to the reality where my number wins, all I see is 16 wins in a row thinking that I won all 16 wins in the same reality while it's not the case. I won ONCE but in 16 DIFFERENT realities.

Multiple realities or not, I don't give a shit, all I want is to win those 16/16s. :twisted: but for that my HM MUST BE in control of my vibration to shift it instantly and to shift it at the right frequency.

So I did a HMR to ask God for this shift of power and had to wait 90 minutes. Now those 90 minutes are over but my SM doesn't seem to want to transfer that control without one last fight.

I need to do more HMRs which will make me waste other 90 mins :roll: but at least I got NOTHING left to clear anymore. :mrgreen: It's the final battle between my SM and HM as to who will be in control of my vibration.

If I suddenly get from MT "... oops, you forgot to clear this or that" ... THEN I will know that MT is joking me around.

Well we all already know that MT is lying so the question is,... is it the last time it's lying or not.

Stay tuned to find out. :geek:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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I asked MT what is the % regarding who's in control of my vibration and got this...
SM-HM1.gif (9.16 KiB) Viewed 3604 times
Before I did my HMR my SM was in control of my vibration by 94% and my poor little HM controlled only 6%. :(

Then I asked what % does it have to be for my HM to control my vibration enough to instantly shift me to another parallel reality track where my number wins and got 40% to my SM and 60% of control to my HM.
SM-HM2.gif (10.51 KiB) Viewed 3604 times
Then just to be sure, I did is a HMR to transfer 70% of power to my HM and leave 30% to my SM.

Apparently, we cannot transfer 100% of the power to the HM, the SM must keep some to be able to do basic task like breathing and control the heartbeat and doing digestion, etc.

Anyway, the first HMR is done and the 90 minutes too so I will give this a test and post if I find anything.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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When I woke up this morning I found out that I cleared everything in 3D, 4D and 5D, inside and outside of my SM but I forgot to patch all cracks so there was 1 crack in the SM level in 5D that was open and a joker got in and that put back my SM in control of my vibration. :roll:

To you it may suck but for me, I'm just happy to have moved on the clearing of LBs because I keep asking over and over if it's 100% cleared and keep getting a YES.

So to me, it's just a matter of time now before everything is patched up and when no jokers will be able to enter my SM, my HM will finally take control.

I did another HMR this morning specifically on patching everything in 3D, 4D and 5D, inside and outside and transferring the power from my SM to my HM.

From now on, I believe the HMRs I will do won't be on cleaning anymore but on patching and making the HM in control of my vibration and to me that's a HUGE step.

After all the 3/16s I got recently, I know that I am running low on LBs in my SM so I believe it's just a matter of patching everything to avoid getting any jokers and solidify those wins so that I can see more of them.

Again, the goal is to see not one 3/16 in the right order but 3 in a row and then it's over for the jokers because the belief in my HM will be set and nothing can stop me from reaching the 16/16 vibration after that.

It just makes sense that this "transfer of power" step is not done in just 1 day. I may be at this for the next week but again, I don't care, it's the next step in this process. You clear everything, then you patch everything and then you transfer the power to the HM and that's where I'm at and I'm super happy of that. 8-) :SupNap:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

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Alright, a little update...

I did a HMR this morning to clear the last joker and then patch everything and put back the HM in control of my vibration and it worked.

I got my 3rd set of 4-14-34. I have had the 1st set (35-24-12) many days ago and the 2nd set (33-23-13) I think 2-3 days ago but couldn't get that 3rd set.
Oct15-1.gif (181.46 KiB) Viewed 3575 times

What's interesting is that MT was telling me that the HMR worked and stopped the HM % of control to 68% and left the SM at 32% because apparently, if my SM drops below 30% I will...well...die. :shock: :?

The SM needs to control enough to be able to beat my heart, making my lungs breathe and mostly digest my food and that's the one that needs A LOT of power so to play it safe it stopped at 32% and will not go lower.

I got no problem with that since my HM needs 60% to instantly shift me anywhere and he now has 68% so that's more than enough.

I arrived at this 68-32 share of control about 75 minutes ago but I need a full 90 minutes to lock in to this vibration.

If nothing else go wrong and I see no other surprises by the SM, then the fun should begin very soon and then you will see me post those crazy roulette results a lot more often.

Fingers crossed. :twisted:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by DeWALT »

Hey Merlin, have you given up on ICS? i've noticed your signature links are gone, i hope not, im finally ready to give ICS a try and i was gonna sign up under you after i get my paycheck tomorrow afternoon.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

DeWALT wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 3:55 pm Hey Merlin, have you given up on ICS? i've noticed your signature links are gone, i hope not, im finally ready to give ICS a try and i was gonna sign up under you after i get my paycheck tomorrow afternoon.
I have not given up but I've been disappointed by it a bit because I now believe that the copy and pasting part was just some lure to get people to signup. I'm not saying it's a scam here. I'm saying it's not what I thought it was.

What I see now, is that you can make maybe $500-$2000 per month with it if you post on classified ads websites but if you want to make what Dan makes ($15,000+ per month), you will have to go with "Solo Ads" and those cost him between $600-$800 has he stated in another video.

It's just that not everybody has $600-$800 USD to put on these type of ads especially when you are not in the US where $800 US is more than $1,000 CDN for me.

Another thing is that ICS is NOT a recurring billing product meaning that EVEN if you make $10,000 this month with it, if you stop posting ads the next month then you get $0 on that month.

I have known the pure joy of recurring billing where you have a product/service that you clients pay month after month and you do almost nothing.

For example, I have created a website called Business Wordpress Website.com. There I have started creating templates of Wordpress websites that most Web Agencies are charging well over $3,000 for them.

In my case, I will do something totally different in the industry which is to RENT a Wordpress website at only $79/month to those businesses (ex: I have a website template for plumbers) that don't want to or don't have the 2, 3 or even have $5,000 to spend on a website.

Well guess what? At $79/month + $39/month for hosting and maintenance, that's $118/month or $154/month CDN $ so if you divide $5000 by $154 you arrive at ONLY 32 clients, meaning that with only this low amount of clients I don't have to work anymore and get that $5,000 month after month.

Get the point? :twisted:

Now, if you are not a website designer or don't have the $600-800 to spend on Solo Ads for ICS, you can still signup and post ICS ads and make a few $100-500 here and there but that won't make you rich, that's for sure and you won't be able to stop posting those ads month after month to get those commissions.

So it's up to you but I have other options that's why (and I'm not even talking about the posting of NAPs videos on Youtube and make $10,000-$17,000 like this other guy does in a video I posted above).

Also, you don't need me to do ICS. The website and affiliate program is legit so you can still signup and post those ads without me holding your hand here. I will help you and answer your questions if you have any.
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