lauren wrote:The Master Plan is indeed complex and it is as if we are "Trumans" trying to figure out the objective of the game.
So, how do you get to the next level?
By understanding HOW to get there. By Knowing that all are not meant to get to the next level at the same time; by using the power of consciousness/thought.;
Hi Lauren,
I guess you are talking about the 5th dimension ascension...right?
This concept is still a bit weird for me (and many of us here) because after all, i'm a left brainer and this concept is coming from the right brainer's community but as you might have read in my web page on the definition of time and parallel universe, this 5th dim ascension move would be a matter of reaching a high vibration and the funny part is that it connects to what we are doing here with our research on the LOA.
Whether is it to reach the 5th dimension or to attract a new car/job/lover or else, playing with the vibration we are in, will be a very important concept to master, whether we believe in this 5th dim ascension or not, if you want to attract what you want in life.
Btw, here a nice video from Dolores Cannon that I have already postred earlier in another thread where she talks about what you need to do to reach that 5th dimension.
We all know today that the "vibration tuner and brodcasting antenna" are at the subconscious mind level and our research is to understand how can we broadcast the frequency that WE want.
HI Merlin:
Thanks for the youtube! LOA is alive and well as I was just referred to Dolores Cannons work 2 months ago, am now reading my 3rd book, and she just so happens to be the keynote speaker at a local lightworkers conference in suburban Chicago next month!
It is amazing how both the left and right brain communities are now coming together. I believe that my mission is to create a bridge of understanding which opens one to the possibility of something new - thus allowing for the right brain to connect with the left for then we a triad of power - body, mind, and spirit!!
I have attempted to do so through a powerpoint presentation I created at under my name LAUREN TRATAR. It is entitled "2012: Humankind at a Crossroads - A Call to Action"
I believe the LOA provides the foundation for the Grand Unified Theory that Einstein and many other scientists have sought. The largest obstacle in my opinion, is the search for empirical evidence. If indeed what you are focused upon magnetizes "evidence" then there is a real problem as different scientists offering different frequencies of energy will attract different results. This dichotomy is demonstrated clearly in my powerpoint and serves to undermine the entire theory of empirical evidence as the basis for modern science. It simply cannot work at the quantum level.
This weekend I am off to a workshop by David Wilcock. The depth of knowledge he has attained is incredible and I cannot wait to learn more about the connections between the right brainers and left! Truth is truth and it is an ever-evolving aspect of life.
lauren wrote:I believe that my mission is to create a bridge of understanding which opens one to the possibility of something new - thus allowing for the right brain to connect with the left for then we a triad of power - body, mind, and spirit!!
Hi Lauren,
It's nice to know that because I believe it's my mission also. I call them "middle brainers"
Here's a tip. Try to use simple words and not the ones that nerds (strong left brainers) like us are using. By experience words like "dichotomy" and "empirical evidence" will make you lose MANY right brainers. Trust me, i've been there.
Another great "middle brainer" who likes to dig into complex things but turn them into simple terms for the layperson is Gregg Braden. You might have seen my video but if you didn't take a look at how he talks about the heart's toroidal field sending the vibration of our beliefs out to the world around us which then through the LOA, collapses the wave function so that the atom goes from wave to the particle form and makes our world appear in front of our eyes. This is where science can explain what the old indian and tibetan teachers where saying for centuries when they claimed statements like "we create the reality we believe" and "by changing the inside (beliefs in our heart) we change the outside world".
Lurae wrote:since the whole idea of parallel realities I've come to the conclusion that it is easier to "move ourselves" to the parallel reality than moving "the whole humankind" to that.
lauren wrote:
It is an extremely challenging task at this moment in human history to be caught up in this tsunami and find refuge, hope and be willing to WALK the talk despite the ridicule of those around you.
Keeping thoughts like that will chain you to that future, lauren. There are many things that can invite you to that future, such the guy from the future (John... something) that said he came from a parallel reality where there was a civil war in USA in 2019? something like that, that an especific computer was the key for something in that future... Also that aliens (I saw it from a National Geographic documental) from the past are going to return, but according to the papers (India's religion, Maya's visions, Egypt's records) they destroyed many cities, many places... they can be returning for bad things.
In other hand Bashar said that aliens can come to teach us, to help us aim what you want to get. As you see there are many many things that can happen (parallel realities).
Think about you, the others will follow you by doing it for yourself. That's the best thing I can think right now to do, because people don't hear others than theirselves unless they see results. If you show them they'll follow you, if "reach the frequency" changes a lot of things then we have many people saved from the tsunami in a nearly future.
HI Richard:
I believe many of us re here to "spread the word" - each in our own individual way from our own individual perspective. I Love Greg Braden!!! I've been following him for aprx 13-14 years - attended one of his lectures, read all of his books, listened to his tapes etc. I know he has undergone incredible ridicule from the scientific community who will rip anyone apart who deviates from their paradigm. My older brother is a scientist and after telling him all about the books I have written, the 1105 quotations (cost more than 10,000 to obtain rights) I integrated in my first book "Life: A Complete Operating Manual" (released Jan 2001) and the enormous amounts of research I conducted before appearing on various radio stations, speaking at a number of venues, etc., he summarily dismissed it in one breath labeling me as "delusional."...
After reeling from the attack (and he loves me dearly) he became my "teacher" and I was inspired to learn all about the basis of science - what you can see, feel and touch is only that which is REAL - f you cannot duplicate A + B = c, then it is nonsense!... The knowledge of Spiral Dynamics really helped me to understand that the different beliefs, biases, we hold are part and parcel of the 'health of the whole' of humanity - the 8 different memes or levels of consciousness each of us operates from which allows for choices, thus creating a context from which to define our reality.
Thanks for all of our hard work and for creating this forum so we could re-connect!
Merlin wrote:
lauren wrote:I believe that my mission is to create a bridge of understanding which opens one to the possibility of something new - thus allowing for the right brain to connect with the left for then we a triad of power - body, mind, and spirit!!
Hi Lauren,
It's nice to know that because I believe it's my mission also. I call them "middle brainers"
Here's a tip. Try to use simple words and not the ones that nerds (strong left brainers) like us are using. By experience words like "dichotomy" and "empirical evidence" will make you lose MANY right brainers. Trust me, i've been there.
Another great "middle brainer" who likes to dig into complex things but turn them into simple terms for the layperson is Gregg Braden. You might have seen my video but if you didn't take a look at how he talks about the heart's toroidal field sending the vibration of our beliefs out to the world around us which then through the LOA, collapses the wave function so that the atom goes from wave to the particle form and makes our world appear in front of our eyes. This is where science can explain what the old indian and tibetan teachers where saying for centuries when they claimed statements like "we create the reality we believe" and "by changing the inside (beliefs in our heart) we change the outside world".