Monsterlord Star wars extrodinaire asks-Why would you want to surround yourself with Chi when you can do whatever you want
In all actuality I just noticed what is already surrounding us.Our Uni surrounds us w/a myriad of unnoticed energies. Healthwise I can propel my blood to wherever I want in my body,transporting the rich Immune properties from my spinal /gut area..That area being the second brain-or is that the third brain..I dunno in the past I've been accused of using thinking w/another part of my anatomy. I can project my energy if I want , much like the Matrix people , but I don't really give a phuk..big deal .I've no wish to attract people..Been there done that route, people just harass the shit out of you demanding more.. :
Merlin has the answers in his replies ,just look through those ..We all aspire to achieve different goals.. My goals have changed dramatically since I came aboard this site broadening ones knowledge base always results in real life changes,at least in my case it works.
If I may ,my recent aggregate, it all boils down to understanding that the scientific method the scientific reality is that "emotions i.e. love",logic/reality/math,and of course curiosity ,are the foundations and building blocks of all that we are..And.. that intention -that old bug-a-boo/ -again ,that you are cognizant of your own deep intentions ,desires and motives is of greatest importance .A quote from "Albert (Al) E"The important thing is not to stop questioning -Curiosity has its own reason for existing-Never lose a" holy "curiosity!" Picked this from his broader quote.Figured this was so apropo for our use..
wireman Cheerz all you loyal Boyz and Girlz!! Waiting for the Concrete!!Doh
There is a you tube vid I ran across that illustrates perfectly in just a few seconds, what and how we hope to accomplish by our work here..Kind of brought mile to my face as I viewed it. So apropo..
Can someone explain how to move it and place it to this site..Not one of my skills..I marvel how you Boyz and Girlz can paste and whatever adding the images here..Make it simple OK