genetic memory passed down to you through the ages

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genetic memory passed down to you through the ages

Post by wireman »

Merlin et al, Ey Genetic Memory--nothing mystical. Ask any savant

All those savants are preprogammed w/software to excel in the arts, math, you name it all passed down through your Genes or as the Asians would say your Chi, there is a field around your body yes we all have it. I can feel it all round me.How to tap into or access the software you have programmed good question I'll be off for two weeks of fun starting this weekend fun for me that is. Relaxing I may come up w/an idea or two..
Been working my buns off these weeks finished yay..Time to play..

Jung talked of it nothing spiritual about this at all ,he called it the racial memory..It is weird because I was going to comment on this w/my latest dream fresh in my mind..lo and behold it was being expressed already the collective strikes again..Jung thought these memories ,ideas ,feelings ,were passed down from our ancestors we being a part of the collective still experience this same software-Of course we are all not similar in our undertakings -my math stops at fuzzy logic..Have some musical skills-hunting skills-survival skills..dancing fool..shoot the eyeballs out of a gnat..

However the Savants that tap into their Gene pool get the whole enchilada--their software is always on and running. Can we access this ?? I've had some run of luck.
My latest NAP is now working around this (iNAP).

wireman Cheerz boyz and Girlz
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Re: genetic memory passed down to you through the ages

Post by Merlin »

wireman wrote:Jung thought these memories ,ideas ,feelings ,were passed down from our ancestors we being a part of the collective still experience this same software-Of course we are all not similar in our undertakings -my math stops at fuzzy logic..
Yeah I think I read somewhere that Jung talked about the Collective Consciousness as the brain phase (Delta) we get info from the universe during sleep.

I think this is where the 100 monkey syndrome concept comes from. One set of monkeys would learn a new trick and after a few other monkeys in his group learned how to do it too, all the other similar monkeys around the globe seem to start doing this task out of nowhere and nobody knows where the hell they learned it from because there could be continents separating these groups of monkeys.

Moving this thread to the General Forum, we are getting way off the SM and LOA track here I think :lol:

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Re: genetic memory passed down to you through the ages

Post by wireman »

Merlin Ey,

You know toews and Kane (regarding off topic )both signed one helluva contract right.

And yes G M is somewhat afar but how great would it be to access all that factory installed
ready to run software.. I know a hunting lodge I'd buy.. Nearly learned how to fly a bird,
shit not to damn easy.. But would be one of my first purchases.. Just lost another one of my comrades,took some 40 years one of the agents got him..Probably Orange..He was in the thick of it at times.. Really sux..Good dude..MFers.!!

wireman Cheerz mon ami I'll be drinking to you and him!!See you in two weeks
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