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Re: For all Abraham and Bashar fans out there

Post by Merlin »

Idealistic wrote:
alexburke wrote:Bashar made him remove all his videos..
*Reflexive eyebrow raise*

Does anyone see something off about this?... :?

I can understand Bashar Communications for doing that. The guy was posting 100s of Bashar clips even entire full seminars.

I always find stupid the kids who were bitching about the record Companies because they couldn't download everything for free using Napsters back in the early 2000s as if EVERYTHING should be free. :roll:

Hey don't get me wrong, I still download and share torrent files but that's because I don't have the 100s of $$ right now to buy them all and I KNOW IT'S WRONG.

If they offer some sort of service then we should pay for it and CERTAINLY NOT bitch because they try to stop guys like David Archer from posting on Youtube entire seminars for free.

Everybody knows that copying and sharing copyright files like movies and ebook for free is wrong and if you don't know that it's wrong then you're a fucking idiot. :lol:

So yeah it sucks that Youtube shuts them down but I saw it coming miles away and I'm fine with that.

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Re: For all Abraham and Bashar fans out there

Post by MonsterLord »

I agree with your points Merlin as long as we/you don't go to RIAA levels.
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Re: For all Abraham and Bashar fans out there

Post by Merlin »

MonsterLord wrote:as long as we/you don't go to RIAA levels.
Good point, I think they don't even want to see a 2 minute sample of music on Youtube. :roll: (I know that Sony contacted me to remove all the 1 minute RealAudio samples of new launched albums that I made available on a radio station website I was designing back in 1998).

I mean there is a middle ground between dumping the entire CD Album with all the 13 songs in full and nothing at all.

So yeah I agree that Bashar Communications shut down guys like Archer because he dumped entire seminars but if they go after me who only has maybe 15 or so 1-2 minute sample then I think they will go too far.

In fact, it makes perfect sense to let and even encourage people like me to post those little sample because it can help introduce Bashar to new people and then increase sales later on, kinda like giving a free cookie at the super market so that you can buy the entire bag.

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Re: For all Abraham and Bashar fans out there

Post by Dr_Scully »

Stumbled across this last night and it makes sense considering what we're talking about these days. Take note of the second paragraph:

If You Are Not Expecting It, You Are Not Allowing It

Remember, each emotion indicates how much Energy you are summoning because of your desire, and how much of that summoned Energy you are allowing because of the predominant thoughts and beliefs that you currently hold relative to that desire. If you are feeling strong emotion, whether positive or negative, that means your desire is powerfully focused and you are summoning a great deal of Source Energy toward your desire. When your strong emotions feel bad - like depression, fear, or anger - that means you are offering resistance to your desire. When your strong emotions feel good - like passion, enthusiasm, expectation, or love - that means you are offering no resistance to your desire, so the Source Energy you have summoned through your desire is not being challenged vibrationally by you — and you are currently allowing the unfolding of your desire!

So it seems obvious that the perfect creative situation is to really, really want something that you truly believe is possible. And, when that combination of desire and belief is present within you, things will quickly and easily unfold in your experience. But when you want something that you do NOT believe is possible; when you hold a desire for something that you do NOT expect - although a strong enough desire can override a weaker belief - it does not unfold easily, for you are not letting it into your current experience.

Abraham-Hicks, ASK AND IT IS GIVEN, page 106

Source: ... lowing-it/" onclick=";return false;
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Re: For all Abraham and Bashar fans out there

Post by Merlin »

Dr_Scully wrote:So it seems obvious that the perfect creative situation is to really, really want something that you truly believe is possible. And, when that combination of desire and belief is present within you, things will quickly and easily unfold in your experience.
We pretty much all know here that to attract a goal, we must create a new belief in our SM, that is a given to anyone studying the LOA. However, even though it was a nice surprise to get my $10K NAP, it turned out to be a curse for this LOA research because now EVERYONE including myself thought that we could attract ANY goal at all, because we thought that the NAP would bypass The Doorman (which is does) and that new belief even those loaded with doubts would be considered as powerful as the ones we strongly believe.

Well, it took us a while but after all these years of testing, we finally came to the conclusion that NAPs are not the miracle technique that will convert a doubt into a strong positive belief. NAPs are just a delivery truck sending the belief you have in your CM into your SM but if your belief is weak, there is nothing that NAPs can do to turn it positive and so your SM will receive a weak belief and give you weak results.

Now regarding starting small, it's not like we didn't know about it. Not only Abraham said it above but Napoleon Hill said it too and the same with MANY LOA books that we will attract we we believe. Even in The Secret I remember very well Joe Vitale talk about attracting money and at the end he said "...but it must be believable for you".

Again, it's not that we didn't know or just heard about starting with a goal that is believable or possible for us, it's because we all thought that a NAP would be able to take our wishful thinking and turn it into reality but after doing the same Goal NAP for many months in a row and the same Cleaning NAP for many month too and then waste some more months doing a NAP with both a Goal and Cleaning NAP lines to attract our Big goal, we must come to the conclusion that it's NOT the "NAP Format" that is causing the lack of manifestation but the fact that we keep sending over and over again the same weak belief that is going nowhere. :?

So yes it sucks but it didn't kill us, just made us stronger and now we know that we must start at the bottom of the ladder just like everybody else studying the LOA by using a small goal but the good news is that we have NAPs to deliver our beliefs FASTER than any other technique (reading affirmations, visualizing, meditation, etc...) into our SM so we may start small like everyone else but at least if we believe that small goal, our NAP will manifest it within DAYS because our SM will be bombarded with it.

So let's suck it up, get over it and get back on the job and let's make this happen. We use small goal and if we fail then we either dump the goal all together or we try with a smaller goal. It's that simple.

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Re: For all Abraham and Bashar fans out there

Post by Dr_Scully »

Fantastic Bashar video...I really enjoyed this one...[/youtube]
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Re: For all Abraham and Bashar fans out there

Post by James Sawyer »

Dr_Scully, that's a cool one.

This is one I've listened to lately and thought was great.

Bashar - There is Only Here, Now & You ... k0&index=2[/youtube]
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Re: For all Abraham and Bashar fans out there

Post by Dr_Scully »

LMAO...ummm well...this is certainly an interesting one.... :shock: :lol:[/youtube]
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Re: For all Abraham and Bashar fans out there

Post by Merlin »

Dr_Scully wrote:LMAO...ummm well...this is certainly an interesting one.... :shock: :lol:
Thank you for confirming my initial idea of why I should stop listening to Abraham. ;)

This "forget the SM and just go into the Vortex" is driving me nuts. :roll:

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Re: For all Abraham and Bashar fans out there

Post by Dr_Scully »

Merlin wrote: Thank you for confirming my initial idea of why I should stop listening to Abraham. ;)

This "forget the SM and just go into the Vortex" is driving me nuts. :roll:
Yeah I got the impression that she was mostly trying to say to not blame it ALL on the SM and also watch your thoughts (that's how I interpreted it, anyways), instead of complaining and bitching about how you don't have this or that all day. So from that aspect of it, I can definitely understand that it makes more sense to try to be positive instead of depressed. I don't think you can take what she says too literally. I also wonder if the answers are tailored/directed towards whomever is sitting in the chair.

I find overall Bashar is more straight-forward and makes more sense in terms of his answers. But I haven't found too much info from him about the SM.
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