I want to shift to a brighter world.

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Re: I want to shift to a brighter world.

Post by Idealistic »

The_Dreamer wrote:youtube
Dreamer, I NEED to make sure you understand this so I'm going to use the same word a lot in this sentence,
Okay, Here we go.

Never, Ever.... ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever

ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever

*Deep breath* ever ever ever ever ever EVER,

Respond to youtube comments.

Don't read them, Don't look at them, Don't think about them, Don't even acknowledge their existence.

They are...not the smartest people humanity has to offer, If anything don't even think of them as people. Think
of youtube comments all as one sentient AI designed with only one goal; Pissing you off.

Further you stay away from those mouth breathing retards the happier life you'll have. REALLY.

If you let an idiot upset you this much, the idiot wins.
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Re: I want to shift to a brighter world.

Post by Perun »

The_Dreamer wrote:Lou Bonnevie? not familiar..who is she?
She's a singer from Phillipines. She's over forty, so you might haven't heard about her.
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Re: I want to shift to a brighter world.

Post by The_Dreamer »

yeah Idealistic I've realized that. It's not worth it of my time. Better to focus on helping those people & ofcourse my NAPs.

Thanks to all. much appreciated you guys.
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Re: I want to shift to a brighter world.

Post by Dxavi »

Sorry to hear this, you got to be strong.
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Re: I want to shift to a brighter world.

Post by Angel »

The Dreamer - my thoughts are with you and your country. Even when you make a donation you feel that it is not enough and there should be more that one can do.

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