Anyone on this forum ever atsral projected before?

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Re: Anyone on this forum ever atsral projected before?

Post by myshadowself »

Merlin wrote:
myshadowself wrote:I visualize my energy forming a ball of light and "roll" out of my body.
I see. So it's not a physical roll out of the body but a VISUALIZATION of a physical roll out of the body...right?

So you can be sleeping on your back in your bed (which I heard is the best position for an OBE) and you then visualize yourself in a ball and then rolling out. But rolling out from where? Your bed? From being in the corner of a room? And from which pov? The ceiling of your bedroom? Also, do you repeat that rolling out many times until you achieve the OBE?

Please define...

I should also be clear that only once through "wakeful" meditation have I been able to project. The easiest and tried and true method for me is through sleep paralysis which happens to me on an almost nightly basis. I don't fully understand why I am subject to sleep paralysis so easily. It was during my first 2 or 3 episodes when I was around 12-14 years old when I would wake without being able to move. I feared everything. the gutteral noises, the "dark entities." at 14 I attempted suicide. After that, they happened more often. I thought maybe it was a sign and eventually I learned to not fear it. During a trip The Archangel Sariel met with me and told me I have important things to do on earth. He is mentioned as being an angel of death. He radiated and while with him I felt protected and euphoric. However, upon reading "A Dictionary of Angels" by the Author Gustav Davidson, he is mentioned as a fallen angel. So perhaps he was trying to trick me. I have not discovered why or how.

I suppose the best way to describe is to say that I roll out onto the bed from my body. As I visualize it I'm above myself. Like a splitting of soul and body. Though in my instances I have been unable to interact with the physical world. I cannot feel the bedding on my bed, nor can I feel the ceiling I pass through. The pov is the weirdest thing about it in my opinion. As soon as I "project" my vision becomes a full 360 degrees. You can see everything going on behind, to the sides, and in front of you. I definitely don't walk or run. I would say you float or fly. You are in complete control of the destinations you travel to. Just the other day I traveled to the Black Hills in South Dakota. I have some very good Lakota friends there.

Hopefully I was able to answer your questions better. Thanks!

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Re: Anyone on this forum ever atsral projected before?

Post by Merlin »

myshadowself wrote:Just the other day I traveled to the Black Hills in South Dakota. I have some very good Lakota friends there.
Sounds like fun. ;)

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Re: Anyone on this forum ever atsral projected before?

Post by Banjankri »

Very interesting - thanks for posting that video Merlin.

I have had experiences which I always thought were Lucid Dreams, but may in fact be this Astral Projection phenomenon. They tend to occur for me when I have been sleep deprived, and get a chance to finally rest. I am generally conscious of entering from "awake state" to "sleep state". During these transitions, I recall feeling things like electrical sensations, strong vibrations and feeling like I am "zooming away". They are definitely not pleasant. Many times when I enter this state, I feel incredibly scared, as if there are other presences in my room that are going to do something bad to me. I tend to try and pray whilst these happen, because I really am very scared when they occur. Perhaps the best "Astral like" experience I had was being able to move around my house, completely conscious, though fully well knowing I was asleep. I then left my house, but felt a very evil presence outside, so forced myself to wake up.

If this is what you are looking for, my advice to you would be go to bed whilst you are very tired. Additionally, I would play comforting music or listening to an interview in which someone is speaking who makes you feel "safe". I know this is very strange, but when I go into this state, it is very frightening, and when I have accidently left on some nice music or a a nice interview, it is less frightening.

Good luck :-)
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Re: Anyone on this forum ever atsral projected before?

Post by Merlin »

Banjankri wrote:when I go into this state, it is very frightening
If you listened to the interview, even Art Bell said that he did an OBE and feel very scared of those weird sounds and we are not talking about negative entities but I wonder if doing a NAP like...

"Doing OBEs is now very easy for you and you feel 100% safe and secure from beginning to end"

Also, it's in this interview that I heard Albert talk for the first time of "Guides from the light" where he calls for help for protection. It might be a good idea to call for them before you start the OBE.

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Re: Anyone on this forum ever atsral projected before?

Post by myshadowself »

Hey everyone, It can be a very scary experience, but we must tell ourselves we are okay. I began to visualize wearing an eye of horus necklace. It has allowed me no harm. It is just fear of the unknown.
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Re: Anyone on this forum ever atsral projected before?

Post by sweetwater »

They say when you have a successful OBE you can travel anywhere. Can you try and visit other parallel realities as well? ^^
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Re: Anyone on this forum ever atsral projected before?

Post by Merlin »

sweetwater wrote:They say when you have a successful OBE you can travel anywhere. Can you try and visit other parallel realities as well? ^^
That's a good question...

I know Albert Taylor talked about traveling in the past and the future which are parallel realities in itself but I would also love to know if we can see ourself in the reality where we have what we want just to FEEL what it is like and maybe use this feeling or mental movie to do my next NAP.

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Re: Anyone on this forum ever atsral projected before?

Post by lenanapeak »

hi everyone, its true its scary and its also true its not. it really depends on your beliefs and expectations during the experience. I have had 2 obe that I can the way we astral travel every its a question of whether you can remember your experience or not. Think about it. If its true therefore that we have an obe every night when we fall asleep, does anything bad happen to us to prevent us from doing it again? Nope. So if you really are interested in astral travelling then I suggest on working on your NAPs and the intention of believing it will be a fun experience. If you feel you need some back up incase any thing 'bad' happens, then simply visualize yourself surrounded by a white light and vibrating at very high frequency and nothing will harm you. 'Bad' stuff vibrate at low frequency. I cannot tell you how to do it as am not an expert in this field but my experience leading to both obes was as follows:
As I was lying in bed and relaxing and slowly starting to fall asleep, I noticed my body having tingling sensations. This actually happens quite often but tends to feel localized. Say on my fingures or toes and then am out like a light. However, in both cases, I made a conscious decision to remain alert and see what would happen to the tingling vibrations. Then suddenly ,my entire body started tingling/vibrating. Its actually a very nice feeling. My first conscious obe happened about 4 years ago. When my body was vibrating, I noticed I was separating and sort of sliding away from physical body. I was aware what was actually happening as i was already aware of stuff like astral travelling from readings i had done up to that point. But I did not see a silvery cord. Anyway there I was one minute lying next to my wife , then my entire body suddenly vibrates and I gently slid away from my physical body. I was so excited I tried calling out to my wife as I floated above my body and recognising it lying next to her. Then I thought, oh well she won't believe it when I tell her in the morning. The next moment I floated towards the ceiling then I recall thinking ok this has been fun its time to get back... I floated towards my body and it just seem to happen quickly but I reconnected with my physical body. As soon as this happened I opened my eyes and boy I have never felts so relaxed, calm and body was actually still tingling when I opened my eyes. My second Obe experience was more recent....about 2 months ago... I had gone to bed and after about I think an hour of sleep I woke up as I was turning in bed. I did not want to become fully awake so I tried to cover myself with the blanket then I noticed the familiar tingling enveloping my entire body and I thought ok its been awhile lets see if it will happen again... and voila there i was again sliding and separating! Floated above towards the ceiling, then I was outside our building and for some reason that I cannot understand it was very dark outside. I could not see much but I was able to move up and down at will and it was fun. Then as I was trying to figure out what to do next I seemed to get pulled back towards my body...still not sure why i could not stay out and explore for a while... That's it folks

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Re: Anyone on this forum ever atsral projected before?

Post by Merlin »

Hi lenanapeak and welcome to our board :D
lenanapeak wrote:still not sure why i could not stay out and explore for a while...
Fascinating story. Thanks for sharing. Did you try it again so that you can explore further more?

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Re: Anyone on this forum ever atsral projected before?

Post by lenanapeak »

I have tried a few times since to notice my vibrations but unfortunately fall asleep...and sometimes i just get lazy and decide to sleep... will keep you posted on my next successful conscious separation/obe whenever it happens...

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