High Vibration HM Request

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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by VirgoShowgirl »

Yes please !!!!
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

VirgoShowgirl wrote:Yes please !!!!
:shock: :o

MT is now telling me that there are not just 3 but 1000s of Sabotaging Beliefs that can make us shift tracks. :shock: :evil:

I asked for the solution to this and it's not to clear every Sabotaging Beliefs that can do that because it will never end and we will endlessly run in circles all our life.

The key is to add some kind of protection line in our HMR so that when all is cleared, that we don't shift to another track after and we lock in to this track that we just cleared.

More on this later as I ask more questions.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by JayAlvarrez »

Happy belated birthday, my friend!!

Interestingly, you have birthday on the same day as my girlfriend: 12/03

Some days ago you asked me if I follow the forum and the answer is YES, and I'm very excited with your results lately, i just don't reply on a weekly basis because my english sucks :lol:
Believe in tomorrow and make things HAPPEN!
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

JayAlvarrez wrote: i just don't reply on a weekly basis because my english sucks :lol:
That's ok, as long as you follow. ;)

Wish happy birthday to your GF for me. :D
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by GoldenElis »

do you have any ideas of these lines what would be ?so except the HMR we do the NAP's for Goals with those new lines for protection or something so we jump to test's?
cuz HMR had some good results on your side 8's ,10's etc .. this reminds me of my work finish everything major in no time and 1 little thing made us to work for 4hours xD and then when we find out the solution we was like WTF this little thing tooks us so long ?:) .. since i startet HMR recently i am open on test's
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

GoldenElis wrote: since i startet HMR recently i am open on test's
I know you want to test but because I use a method (Emotion Code and Muscle Testing), I can test a method in a matter of hours if not 1-2 days so no need to waste time testing things that would take you a week to see any results while you can just wait and see where it leads me.

Besides, MT is constantly lying to me so it usually leads nowhere so just relax and visit the forum on a daily basis and you will hear about all the best techniques and HMR lines to use once I have tested them.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

This is test #1 for today...

- 1st game: 2/16
- 2nd game:0/16
- 3rd game: 1/16
- 4th game: 0/16
- 5th game: 0/16
- 6th game: 1/16
- 7th game: 1/16
- 8th game: 1/16
- 9th game: 1/16
- 10th game:0/16

The total is 7/160

MT is telling me that I will reach the 5D track Sunday morning but to stay on it and not be shifted to another track, I will have to quickly do when I wake up a HMR to tell my HM and SM to NOT SHIFT TO ANOTHER TRACK.....PERIOD! :evil:

If it works then I will lock in to the 5D track AND THEN the fun will start. :twisted: :SupNap:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by justz »

It’s Sunday morning here.
Since I read your post I asked my HM if I was on 5D to not move me to any other tracker.
Nevertheless tomorrow (Monday) I’ll do the 4th round of HMR on goal
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

justz wrote:It’s Sunday morning here.
Since I read your post I asked my HM if I was on 5D to not move me to any other tracker.
Nevertheless tomorrow (Monday) I’ll do the 4th round of HMR on goal
Yeah apparently I now arrived in 5D and the 3 HMR to not shift to another track will take effect in about 10 minutes.

After that, it becomes another waiting game that your SM start working on attracting each goal 1 by 1 and that can take between 2-12 Hrs.

Since it’s Sunday morning for me here now, if this is true then I should see some progress before I go to bed tonight.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Ok, correction to make here...

The 2-12 Hrs timeframe is the part related to the time it will take for my SM to start working on attracting my goals and NOT the time it will take to manifest my goals.

Now since most of my goals can rapidly be implemented (ex: getting 10/160s at the roulette) it will not take me months or weeks (MT tells me max 3 days) but it can take a few days for me to manifest them which is perfectly fine with me.

So as usual, let's wait and see... and let's not forget to do another round of HMR Monday and Tuesday too, just in case. ;)
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