High Vibration HM Request

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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Hey guys I got a good one for ya. :lol:

I was talking to Lyne and her guides told her to ask me something (she's lucky, she can see her guides and talk to them) and it was about asking what is the vibration of the reality itself. :shock: It's not because they didn't know the answer but mostly because it would benefit me to ask MT and learn the answer.

I already asked MT about the vibration of the physical body and that was in the 100s of 1000s of Hertz (ex: 330,000 Hz) but never asked for the vibration of reality itself.

So I asked MT about it, the answer I got was in the millions of hertz and the number that I got was 3,900,000 Hz for the reality that I was in right now.

Then I thought, Hmmm wait a minute here, could it be the vibration of the track itself (4.5, 4.922, etc...) and got a...YES. :o :shock:

So I am right now in the 3.9 track??? :shock: :evil: WTF!!!

After asking a bunch of question, I learned that 4.5 was NOT the lowest of the tracks. Nobody gets born below 4.5 (most people here on the forum were born in the 4.5 track) but if we feel like shit, we can drop below that point and hit the 4.4, 4.0, 3.9...all the way to 2.0. :shock:

I asked what was the vibration of the reality when my mom past away in early December and I got 3.2 but I got back up to 4.922 soon after but what blew my mind was that on Dec. 23, when I started the Overhaul HMR to clear all the LBs hidden deep down my SM, my vibration crashed right back down to 3.2 and not just me, EVERYONE who did that HMR too. :o

So from Dec. 23 to 2 days ago when the last LB was removed, my vibration was hovering around 3.2. :shock:

Since then, it started to climb and right now I'm at 3.9 and will be back at 4.922 when I wake up because there will be no more LBs to clear and no more vibration climb.

My friend Lyne is also at 3.8 right now and will finish her cleaning tomorrow at noon and then she will be back at 4.922 also.

I also asked about you guys and most of you are in the 3.0 tracks too (3.6...3.9) for about 3 more days before you get back to 4.922.

That would explain why I felt like shit all January long and why I suddenly started to get flu symptoms 2 days ago because I started my climb from 3.2 back to 4.922.

Crazy huh! 8-)

* Edit *

I just learned about another vibration which is the vibration of the planet itself. 5D Earth starts to vibrate at 40 Hz (Schumann resonance) and by boosting our vibration, we seem to shift to a track where the planet is at or above 40 Hz. Right now, the vibration of the planet is at 38.8 Hz, will be at 39.8 Hz tomorrow and 40.8 Hz Thursday.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by VirgoShowgirl »

That’s super interesting Merlin ! Thank you Lyne !
That explains why I’ve been coughing my lungs out for the past 3 days, and why my panick attacks are back :roll:
Can I ask you where I am right now ?
I can’t wait for this to be over honestly !
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by AgentSmith »

I doubt it will ever be over.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

VirgoShowgirl wrote:Can I ask you where I am right now ?

You should reach 4.9 Thursday but will lock in to it permanently Friday. 8-)
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

AgentSmith wrote:I doubt it will ever be over.
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:lol: :lol:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by VirgoShowgirl »

Thanks Merlin ! I could feel I was over 4.
I never liked Valentine’s Day but I could change my mind this year ! :lol:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

This is day 3 of the 8th round of the Overhaul HMR, 1/16 and reliable MT signal goals.

MT is telling me that my overhaul vibration reached 4.922 this morning but will lock in permanently to 4.922 at noon in less than 3 hrs and then my roulette results will improve and my flu symptoms will go away. They are 75% gone right now.

This is test #1 for today...

- 1st game: 0/16
- 2nd game:0/16
- 3rd game: 1/16
- 4th game: 0/16
- 5th game: /16
- 6th game: /16
- 7th game: /16
- 8th game: /16
- 9th game: /16
- 10th game:/16

The total is /160

At least my roulette results match what MT is saying because ever since I finished this Overhaul Cleanup a couple days ago and started coming back up from this 3.2 track from hell, my results have been worse than ever.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

VirgoShowgirl wrote:Thanks Merlin ! I could feel I was over 4.
I never liked Valentine’s Day but I could change my mind this year ! :lol:
Same here. :lol:

I also got a $200 check out of nowhere yesterday and that almost never happens to me so something is changing alright.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by VirgoShowgirl »

This is so exciting !!!!!
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

VirgoShowgirl wrote:This is so exciting !!!!!
Yeah and this 40 Hz thing is really interesting. I've been asking MT about it before going to bed and after waking up too.

Apparently, at 40 Hz, we reach the 5.0 track. :twisted:

There are no instant manifestation though, this will come by either building the belief in your HM for instant shifting or through the solar flash that should come around Xmas this year.

In 5.0 though, the manifestation will happen at twice the speed than at 4.922. Also you can't reach the 5.0 track if you still have LBs so right there if we get there soon, that's a sign that we will have cleared everything. :twisted:

So yeah this week could be very interesting. :SupNap:
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