High Vibration HM Request

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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Ok didn't win in the next 2 spins, time for some cleanup...
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Cleared 1 LB on the HM topic, another 1 on the Roulette and 1 on the Money.

Then MT told me to bet #17 and #17 came up. :shock: :o :mrgreen: :SupNap: :SupNap:

This is fun. :SupNap: :SupNap:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Ok didn't win on the next 2 spins either, time for some more cleanup I guess...

Found those same 3 LBs on Money, HM and Roulette and cleared them.

It looks like those will come back over and over until the end and then I will lock in to that 1 win on every spin vibration for good.

This may take a while because it's going to be back in forth between cleaning and playing and cleaning and playing.

I'll let you know when the are all cleared for good.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Sorry for making you wait but MT told me the reason why things slowed down after my previous post and the answer is so crazy that I'm waiting to confirm it before I tell you about it.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Ratzfatz »

Merlin wrote:Sorry for making you wait but MT told me the reason why things slowed down after my previous post and the answer is so crazy that I'm waiting to confirm it before I tell you about it.
Nasty cliffhanger :lol:
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Ratzfatz wrote:
Merlin wrote:Sorry for making you wait but MT told me the reason why things slowed down after my previous post and the answer is so crazy that I'm waiting to confirm it before I tell you about it.
Nasty cliffhanger :lol:
More like happy cliffhanger... if that turns out to be true.

We should know in about 30 min.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

Ok I don't know what to think anymore, I'll continue the tests tomorrow.
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

I decided to tell anyway what MT told me yesterday... it is not yet confirmed because it will take about 2 days to really confirm it even if it's true.

Saturday night, after all this LB clearing when I finally implanted all the PBs to built that belief of winning on every spin, MT told me that I needed to take a break for at least 12 hrs! :shock: I didn't know why wait 12 hrs but I had no choice so I stopped the roulette tests and went to bed.

Then Sunday, results got better but they stalled at one point and I didn't win after that but when I checked for LBs in my SM to clear, I didn't find any LBs to clear. :shock: :?

After some digging, the LBs that stopped my winning progression weren't coming from the SM level but the OverSoul level! Wait...WHAT??? :shock: :shock:

I thought this was a joke but it kept telling me NO so I asked again more questions and that's when I learned WHY I had to wait 12 hrs Saturday night and why my results stalled Sunday.

Apparently, Saturday night, after gathering all the PBs to get the 16/16, my OverSoul started shifting me again within the last big track that ranges from 4.80 to 4.92. I was at 4.83 and my OVerSoul has started to shift me to 4.92. :shock:

As I shifted, I arrived at this 4.92 track and when you arrive to a new track, you might still have to clear LBs there and those were the LBs that made my roulette wins stall Saturday and Sunday. This 12 hr wait Saturday was for my Soul to clear over 70,000+ newly acquired LBs and it needed the night to clear them.

As usual, all this could be one big joke of course but let's wait and see and I will soon confirm all this when I finally lock in to this final 4.92 track somewhere Tuesday night.

From what I've learned in the past, at 4.92 not just the 16/16 is possible but the other 2 steps (objects color change and teleportation of objects and me too) and then the jump to 5.0 or any other track is possible instantly.

Yes it's crazy shit but it could be possible after all these roulette wins I saw in these past few days and clearing that I did too. Maybe I am moving to this 4.92 track. In fact that would make sense because I'm very close from getting this 16/16 so I should be much more closer in vibration to the 4.92 track than the 4.80 track.

Remember when we did a HM request to shift away from the Loser Track (4.5) with over 181,000+ LBs in it to sabotage you and landed on the 4.80 track with around 12,000 LBs in it... well the 4.92 track seems to have only 800 LBs in it slowing down ALL the topics you want to manifest so 1 simple HM request to clear everything should do the job and manifestation should be faster too. :twisted:

Anyway, we'll know more in a couple days...
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by VirgoShowgirl »

Fingers crossed ! Makes sense to me !!
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Re: High Vibration HM Request

Post by Merlin »

VirgoShowgirl wrote:Fingers crossed ! Makes sense to me !!

Btw, I asked if you guys will ever shift instantly to a new track and got a... NO! :?

Apparently, you will all shift to the 5.0 track but only after this crazy 2025 Ascension that the hippies are talking about all the time.

It's because to do what I do, you need BOTH MT to tell you that you have a LB holding you back and know about Emotion Code to clear them 1 by 1 and nobody will seem to reach that level.

Anyway, if MT is right and you will be at the 4.92 track with only 800 LBs, every single NAP or HM request you will do will end up working (Health, Money, Relationships, etc..) so it will be similar to the 5.0 track just without the instant manifestation factor.
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