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Coconut Oil as Alzheimer's Remedy?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:32 pm
by Merlin
Now THAT is cool stuff...[/youtube]


Re: Coconut Oil as Alzheimer's Remedy?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:05 pm
by wireman
Been using this Coconut oil for some time great tasting but somewhat pricey.My purpose in using was its high" Sat fat properties."
Do not believe all the hype about" the evils" of Sat fat its great for you-at least for me anyway.You know been ruminating on these" right brainers" and from what I have been able to garner used to be most of the population were indeed" right brainers."
My younger Brah,is a master gardener, and filthy rich,he has a rapport w/his flowers veggies,somewhat akin to,Findhorn(Finn Horn pronounciation) from the early 60's , .As a kid he was seeing elves,little people and whatever in between, purely" right brainer" His belief in nature spirits has never abated and he claims a rapport w/them since childhood. More than his share of clairvoyance and luck as well.
He is functioning at the quantum- level- once upon a time our forbears communicated w.the plant, veggie kingdom as right brainers. Most of us have lost this ability- sadly. Ron is connected w/the elemental kingdom using his heart center---,so our group is on track w/this .
wireman Cheers