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What's the point of intuition if you don't listen

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 1:44 pm
by neil61
So for the last couple of weeks I have been getting into a regular meditation routine. I always include a few minutes of chakra cleaning, third eye opening.
Well today when using a cash speed machine my intuition started ringing alarm bells and I clearly had a bad feeling but stupidly I carried on but at least only tried to withdraw £20 instead of the £40 that I was intending to take out. And yes my intuition was right to warn me as the machine paid no money out. I just checked my bank balance and it looks like the money was refunded to my account. But wish I had listened to my intuition in the first place.
This brings up the question would I listen if my intuition told me something more life altering like leaving my safe but rather boring job to take a risk with a different job. :?:

Re: What's the point of intuition if you don't listen

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:10 pm
by Merlin
That's why I don't like meditation and prefer things like MT because once the LBs are cleaned, the answers are black and white or yes and no so no need to wonder what your intuition is trying to tell ya. :lol:


Re: What's the point of intuition if you don't listen

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:45 pm
by Ducked
Merlin, remember I posted this ... f=7&t=2100" onclick=";return false; ?

I have not visited the site since then. Today I came here and first thread is called "What's the point of intuition if you don't listen".

:? :? :? :? :?

man, what the hell. i have no idea about what this is. the synchronicities have gotten weaker since then too.

meh, i guess it's nothing... gotta admit i feel pretty abandoned if there is such thing as a spirit guide or whatever.

Re: What's the point of intuition if you don't listen

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:19 am
by Merlin
Ducked wrote:gotta admit i feel pretty abandoned if there is such thing as a spirit guide or whatever.
Who says you have to expect anything from them? Jut say "fuck them" and move on with your life. Personally, I wouldn't wait on the spirit side to help me out. :roll:


Re: What's the point of intuition if you don't listen

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 5:17 pm
by Ducked
yeah man, i'll have to move on...

Re: What's the point of intuition if you don't listen

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 2:29 am
by neil61
Speaking of "spirit guides" :lol: I was listening to a guided meditation last week, it wasn't a meditation to connect with your guide but my female guide totally unexpectedly appeared towards the end of the meditation, clearly and within touching distance I managed to exchange a few hello type words with her but then unfortunately the guided meditation started to bring me out of the meditation. I have not yet been able to reconnect with her which is typical when we are after some help with cracking the best NAP format. When she shows up again I will try and get some answers. Main problem is that she only seems to appear when I'm least expecting it :?

Re: What's the point of intuition if you don't listen

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 2:43 am
by Merlin
neil61 wrote:but then unfortunately the guided meditation started to bring me out of the meditation. I have not yet been able to reconnect with her
Yes of course, it's always like that. :roll:

There is always something coming up to cut, stop, delay, skew the msg that could help us. The MAIN reason is always the same, we have too many LBs stopping us from getting the answers and THAT is why I stopped relying on dreams, MT, lucid dreams or spirit guides.

It's not them it's me, I think I have a 2 mile thick titanium wall of LBs separating me from their answers so I can't and won't get their help and I don't except anything from them. All I know today is that I have more cleaning to do and if guys too cannot get answers then you are in as deep of shit I am. :lol:

So stop waiting for a spirit savior that will never come guys, do your NAPs and forget Santa Claus or higher level miracles because it won't happen.


Re: What's the point of intuition if you don't listen

Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:20 am
by Binra
Intuition is built in but can be covered over by conscious invalidations of guilt and fear. So if the answer isn't what you want to hear, your mind puts something else in place - and so busy clever deceitful, coercive, thinking replaced feeling -knowing of a receptive alignment.
The prodigal son story is a sketch of what happens when this runaway 'conscious' spin-off runs out of rope. The thinking structure cannot disguise the misery and isolation with any more promises of power or attainment - and so it finally ceases to have more attraction than the core intuitive knowing that is simply part of existence.
When there is a real need to listen beyond one's 'thinking', the mind drops away and lets it in. For many, the mind then restates itself and feeds off of the 'inner' by assuming the intuitive is there for IT to use.
Identity in thinking is the ruse to cover what we do not want to know or fear to know about what is going on below or behind the scenes.
Yet if it isn't suppressed or denied, intuition bleeds through in all sorts of ways - as does the feeling of existence itself - though this is being so replaced with thinking now that the diminishing of consciousness for many is the capacity to be so disconnected as to even doubt their own existence!

Re: What's the point of intuition if you don't listen

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 6:37 pm
by IsabelaMA
I hear you!
It's amazing how much trouble I get into EVERY TIME I ignore my intuition! Especially when it comes to important things.
A friends of mine who is much smarter than me was not mugged a few years ago because she listened to her intuition when she felt something was wrong with two guys who were a few meters ahead of her on the sidewalk. She decided to cross the street to continue walking home and another woman who passed by those guys just seconds after my friend made that change was mugged by them!